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MQA The Truth lies Somewhere in the Middle

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10 hours ago, Brinkman Ship said:

it is shill nest...most threads get deep sixed when the facts are pointed out...one thread seems to survive..about MQA CD..good number shill plants there. Oh Scoggins “article” thread too because he is protected there.


9 hours ago, hvbias said:



If you want to know the extent of what goes on at the SH forums. Warning it can be very vulgar (people can be quite bitter ?), I don't read it unless I posted in a thread that was nuked (ie the MQA thread) to see what happened.


hvbias, thanks for the stereocentral link! Ever since the original forums went down with a server flame-out last year, I'd been hoping they'd resurface. Looking forward to checking out the new version.


That said, the Hoffman forums and Hoffman himself have their issues as an online presence, but Scoggins is in no way protected there. He got his hat handed to him but good in the long MQA thread. Yes, the Gorts nuked the thread, temporarily, and they pruned some of the more vitriolic attacks and back-and forth. But they in no way, shape, or form, protected Scoggins as an industry figure, nor did they abet any shilling or pro-MQA PR. It's silly, paranoid - and most importantly, just unnecessary - to try to claim that they did.

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2 hours ago, Ralf11 said:

I am surprised that a continuous video did not capture 90% of this.  What do you mean by that, Derek Hughes?


I also did not see the white cane...

Hardly any of the comments from the audience were caught on the mic. As an example, Lee Scoggins talked about DRM quite a bit, none of it comes thru on the video. I hear you on the white cane and as Chris said let's move on on that. 

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3 hours ago, crenca said:


On the one hand, you have a very strong table-banging opinion, which happens to coincide with those who have $investment$ in MQA 


On the other hand, you admit you don't have the skills/knowledge to have an opinion one way or another.


I guess INTEL does not mean what it used to mean.  Don't worry, your a meme worthy representation of so much of what is wrong with Audiophiledom - lots of opinion, no actual knowledge.


Also, I saw where your table banging frightened your blind friend.  No wonder you are disgusted with yourself...

Thanks, you are certainly piling it on. 

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4 minutes ago, kumakuma said:

I think it's called Constructive Confrontation. ?

Very apt, and funny! :)

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"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - William Bruce Cameron


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1 hour ago, tmtomh said:



hvbias, thanks for the stereocentral link! Ever since the original forums went down with a server flame-out last year, I'd been hoping they'd resurface. Looking forward to checking out the new version.


That said, the Hoffman forums and Hoffman himself have their issues as an online presence, but Scoggins is in no way protected there. He got his hat handed to him but good in the long MQA thread. Yes, the Gorts nuked the thread, temporarily, and they pruned some of the more vitriolic attacks and back-and forth. But they in no way, shape, or form, protected Scoggins as an industry figure, nor did they abet any shilling or pro-MQA PR. It's silly, paranoid - and most importantly, just unnecessary - to try to claim that they did.


The Rocky Mountain MQA thread has not resurfaced there, nor was it merged with the MQA CDs thread. I read all of that thread up until someone likened MQA to Instagram filters (I thought that was an apt and hilarious analogy) and there was nothing offensive posted up to that point, this thread has been way more harsh.


You should have quoted me in a separate post instead of including mine with the other, I don't know who Scoggins is and if he is or isn't protected there.


I think it should be obvious to anyone that has spent some time in the audio hardware section there (and why I no longer do outside of cursory glances at titles that catch my eye on the first page) that certain companies and insiders are afforded protection at a hindrance to the consumer.

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19 minutes ago, hvbias said:


The Rocky Mountain MQA thread has not resurfaced there, nor was it merged with the MQA CDs thread. I read all of that thread up until someone likened MQA to Instagram filters (I thought that was an apt and hilarious analogy) and there was nothing offensive posted up to that point, this thread has been way more harsh.


You should have quoted me in a separate post instead of including mine with the other, I don't know who Scoggins is and if he is or isn't protected there.


I think it should be obvious to anyone that has spent some time in the audio hardware section there (and why I no longer do outside of cursory glances at titles that catch my eye on the first page) that certain companies and insiders are afforded protection at a hindrance to the consumer.


@hvbias, thanks for your reply. I quoted you and Brinkman together so I wouldn't be posting two separate comments in a row myself. But I see your point - sorry about that, won't happen again (and I wojuldn't want to be quoted in the same boat as Brinkman either ? ). 


I'm on the Hoffman forums a lot, but I don't spend much time in the hardware section, and I do know that Hoffman does a lot of shilling there, getting "loaned" lots of super-expensive equipment that he then posts glowing, and completely unscientific, raves about. My main point in quoting you was to say Thanks for the Stereocentral link. 

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Just now, tmtomh said:

@The Computer Audiophile, I'm sorry you had to deal with the tag-team bullying of the MQA execs and other industry folks who ganged up on you (I'm not lumping @Derek Hughes in with that group - a person can honestly participate in something like that without meaning to be uncivil, and I take Derek on his word at that).


Chris, for what it's worth, anyone in your position would feel badly in the immediate aftermath of that experience. In a normal, proper situation, even vigorous disagreement and high drama during Q&A are based on a foundation of civility and mutual respect - a baseline, implicit agreement among the parties that everyone involved is a legitimate player in the field and has at least some area of experience and authority from which they can speak.


Unfortunately in this case, those guys did not afford you that baseline level of civility and respect. They attacked your credibility and your right to even be a presenter, and they acted out this disrespect not only in the content of their attacks, but more fundamentally in the very pattern of their behavior, by interrupting and derailing instead of sitting through the presentation and then going after you. 


We're all adults and we can and should take our lumps. And audiophilia is not necessarily known for politeness. But in my view this went beyond that - you were basically abused, and it was a traumatic experience. Very low on the trauma scale in the scheme of things of course - but even being in a totally minor fender-bender with no injuries can still leave one a bit shaken and questioning what they could have done differently even if they were not at fault.


So I hope the bad feeling already is starting to pass and that you're feeling more centered again - and I hope you are not being too hard on yourself. You might indeed have room for tweaking or improvement in your presentation or approach, but that is not why they attaked you like they did - nothing in your presentation justified or actually provoked their action. They and they alone are responsible for that.


Sorry but that is not a correct characterization of the actual event.  Perhaps we could have had fewer interruptions but the discussion was served well by addressing the points as the slides were presented.  And the MQA guys and Derek and I were generally civil.


My biggest empathy for Chris is that I am sad he missed the discussion after he left.  It was full of good information from Mike and Ken.  And best of all, the ending tone was very positive.  


So Chris can feel really good about the fact that many in the audience left understanding both sides of the MQA question.  I just wish he had seen it for himself.


And Chris, sorry if I did anything that led to you to leave so early.


Chris is a good guy.  Mike is a good guy.  Ken is a good guy.  


My guess is that most of the more thoughtful members here would have more respect for what Stuart is trying to do if they sat down for a polite discussion with either Ken or Mike.

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