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MQA is Vaporware

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54 minutes ago, wgscott said:

Yeah, I just tried to install a copy of Adoobie Photoshop that I legally purchased 12 years ago, and this happened.




Even planned obsolescence is more efficient in software.

One never knows, do one? - Fats Waller

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Einstein

Computer, Audirvana -> optical Ethernet to Fitlet3 -> Fibbr Alpha Optical USB -> iFi NEO iDSD DAC -> Apollon Audio 1ET400A Mini (Purifi based) -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.

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12 hours ago, botrytis said:

I have an original copy of a video game (2000), for a company that is still around. The game is still played and still supported by the company. I bought a copy that was not stolen as I bought it at a retail shop, I still cannot use it and they won't support it since it has the license key setup that was smaller than the newer versions of the game. I can't install the game, play it, etc. i basically had to throw it away.


It can happen at any time. The company can just cut you off on their whim.


I've had a similar experience with an EA video game purchased in the 80's. The good thing is I've never purchased a video game since.

mQa is dead!

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I think he was off that list about 2 years ago.

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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3 hours ago, mansr said:

It seems reasonable to assume that others have been given similar offers and that some have accepted.


That some have accepted is speculation until proven otherwise, but that some of the more critical coverage is on the site run by a guy who refused might say something... 😉

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35 minutes ago, Thuaveta said:


That some have accepted is speculation until proven otherwise, but that some of the more critical coverage is on the site run by a guy who refused might say something... 😉


Ask the reviewers how much they actually reviewed and own now. That is a 'quid quo pro'.

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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Image result for a funny meme a price you can't refuse

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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32 minutes ago, ARQuint said:

You don’t consider that a “quid pro quo” arrangement, I hope!


Assuming he did so at a price substantially lower than he could've gotten from ex-dem at a dealership, I'd consider it to be a valid question (sorry, @The Computer Audiophile), as I'd hope someone with your track record as a reviewer would, but then again, I also tend to think people working for a publication that purports the type of gravitas Stereophile does should be held to much higher standards than someone who runs a publication they treat with the contempt they treat CA / AS.

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There was a time when the "old guard" audiophile print publications held sway over the audiophile business.  Their reviews and lists were life and death to some manufacturers.  They could pick and choose which letters to the editor they published.

With the advent of the internet this influence waned.


And now the claws come out.

Boycott Warner

Boycott Tidal

Boycott Roon

Boycott Lenbrook

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