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MQA The Truth lies Somewhere in the Middle

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8 minutes ago, Allan F said:


I would expect that those companies made a business decision that the cost of including MQA compatibility exceeded the potential financial loss of potential sales. A perfectly reasonable approach. However, individual manufacturers should be allowed to make such decisions based on their particular situations and view of the market and not be the subject of proslytizing boycotts for doing so.

Nope, it can't be a one way street. They have EVERY RIGHT to include MQA in their products, pay the fees, and hand over the blueprint of their designs to Bob Stuart. And many of us here have EVERY RIGHT to never buy their products again.


There is no way to spin it. My dollars, my choice who to spend it with, just as it is their choice who to take on as business partners.

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4 hours ago, Sonicularity said:

Archimago should have sat next to Chris in a Daft Punk outfit to remain anonymous.


LOL. Maybe next year at the new date and venue... That would be really cool. ?


Would be surprised if anyone cares about MQA by then though.


Curious for the people at RMAF, was there much interest in the MQA Live event. Obviously they're looking for niches to claw back some revenue like the patently ridiculous MQA-CD and now this "MQA Live". I see Audio Bacon put up a video of the event in the Revel/Levinson room.


Archimago's Musings: A "more objective" take for the Rational Audiophile.

Beyond mere fidelity, into immersion and realism.

:nomqa: R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.



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20 minutes ago, Derek Hughes said:

Several of you have made comments about me from watching the video, that's OK. What is not OK is the comment about "the guy sleeping" next to me. Edwin is blind. 


Are you the chap with the British accent, telling Chris that because people "in the room" (i.e. the trade publication writers and MQA principles) told you that MQA is not DRM it must be so?


Hey MQA, if it is not all $voodoo$, show us the math!

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24 minutes ago, Derek Hughes said:

Several of you have made comments about me from watching the video, that's OK. What is not OK is the comment about "the guy sleeping" next to me. Edwin is blind. 


A fact I was about to correct Ralf on.  Those distracted from normal patterns of observation could certainly have missed his walking stick and a few other signs.  I don't believe malice was intended.  

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1 hour ago, Brinkman Ship said:

Not all Tidal subs will. Some have been bamboozled by MQA. And Tidal integration is pretty ubiquitous on most audiophile streamers.


I wouldn’t just breeze over this so easily...it was, in my case and likely echoed by a very large number of people, Chris and his efforts that brought ROON and Tidal to me.   I have no metric to tell me how many this may entail but suspect the number is significant.  

If Tidal were to hear from subscribers, say 10 percent of their total, that they have elected to leave and join Quboz but want to advise them that Tidal’s involvement with MQA had some influence on this choice it may wake Someone up.

I intend to move to Quboz for their catalogue.

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23 minutes ago, Archimago said:


LOL. Maybe next year at the new date and venue... That would be really cool. ?


Would be surprised if anyone cares about MQA by then though.


Curious for the people at RMAF, was there much interest in the MQA Live event. Obviously they're looking for niches to claw back some revenue like the patently ridiculous MQA-CD and now this "MQA Live". I see Audio Bacon put up a video of the event in the Revel/Levinson room.


There wasn’t any buzz about the live sessions I heard. And I’ll report some stuff contradicting Austinpop’s comments about people still wanting MQA DACs when I get back to the valley of the sun.

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29 minutes ago, Archimago said:

Curious for the people at RMAF, was there much interest in the MQA Live event. Obviously they're looking for niches to claw back some revenue like the patently ridiculous MQA-CD and now this "MQA Live". I see Audio Bacon put up a video of the event in the Revel/Levinson room.


Hardly any buzz from my perception. I saw the signs they had put up, but don't know how well attended it was.

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1 hour ago, Brinkman Ship said:

[Manf.s must] hand over the blueprint of their designs to Bob Stuart.



If so, this is a huge deal.


Worse than the diversion of engineering resources for MQA compatibility.


There is no way around that, Allan

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I was not able to attend RMAF this year.  So I am saddened that the only RMAF thread here on CA has been completely taken over by arguments about MQA. I am hoping that someone will start a new RMAF-coverage thread so I can stop wasting time wading through page after page of this bickering (although most of you seem to be agreeing with one another, the beat goes on...).

It;s funny, but for a format/tech that has such strong opposition, it certainly sucks up a LOT of air around here.  What is it they say?: "No such thing as bad publicity." :o


Guess we'll cancel our plans to introduce an MQA linear power supply.  How about an MQA USB regurgitator/refolder? :P

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1 hour ago, Indydan said:

Wow! Those MQA shills acted like thugs! What a disgrace!


Is that good ole Lee Scoggins at around the 33 minute mark? Either way, freeze the video at 33:34. That guy just made the cover of

"Just swallowed a turd face" magazine.    







was this guy demonstrating MQA's time domain combined with non-periodic sounds?


Designer of the 432 EVO music server and Linux specialist

Discoverer of the independent open source sox based mqa playback method with optional one cycle postringing.

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5 minutes ago, Superdad said:

I was not able to attend RMAF this year.  So I am saddened that the only RMAF thread here on CA has been completely taken over by arguments about MQA. I am hoping that someone will start a new RMAF-coverage thread so I can stop wasting time wading through page after page of this bickering (although most of you seem to be agreeing with one another, the beat goes on...).

It;s funny, but for a format/tech that has such strong opposition, it certainly sucks up a LOT of air around here.  What is it they say?: "No such thing as bad publicity." :o


Guess we'll cancel our plans to introduce an MQA linear power supply.  How about an MQA USB regurgitator/refolder? :P


I’m working on my show report now and it will not have any MQA discussion. But it will be mainly about speakers. I found the sound quality to be lackluster in most cases and bad enough in some rooms that I won’t comment on anything in them.

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15 minutes ago, Superdad said:

I was not able to attend RMAF this year.  So I am saddened that the only RMAF thread here on CA has been completely taken over by arguments about MQA. I am hoping that someone will start a new RMAF-coverage thread so I can stop wasting time wading through page after page of this bickering (although most of you seem to be agreeing with one another, the beat goes on...).

It;s funny, but for a format/tech that has such strong opposition, it certainly sucks up a LOT of air around here.  What is it they say?: "No such thing as bad publicity." :o


Guess we'll cancel our plans to introduce an MQA linear power supply.  How about an MQA USB regurgitator/refolder? :P

Honestly, just too bad. The founder of this site was rudely attacked and had his credibility called into question by top executives of MQA, a company marketing a "product" based on lies, you should be concerned..this site has allowed you promote and defend your business, at virtually no cost. Having someone attacked while running a seminar is unprecedented, and unacceptable.


There are numerous RMAF reports on countless sites with endless pics of speakers, amps, DACs, and cables, and old grizzled men with big bellies. Sorry to be harsh.


Now an MQA linear power supply..would it "deblur" the electrons??

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32 minutes ago, FredericV said:

MQA time domain for dummies: the non-periodic sound test ;)


I prefer the term aperiodic, personally.  Or is non-periodic one of those moving MQA terms, like blur, which only means what you think it means if you agree with them on MQA "solving" it? :D




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