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Amir at ASR claims Uptone won't sell the ISO regen to him...

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20 minutes ago, firedog said:

I never made any negative comment about JA or his measurements. Again, as Alex has said he would be willing to send an ISO Regen to JA for review and meansuement, I'm not sure how any of this has anything to do with me having an agenda. 


I have my opinions. What "agenda" do you think I have?


Amir came to the same result as JA but Amir is somehow a problem child for it and JA is not. That's the definition of having an agenda Jabbr. 


Amir has never name called but he is respectfully vocal. There's a difference. 


My bottom line is that Alex said he would blind evaluate his own product and then disappeared. This is egregious compared to anything Amir has said. Alex's reputation is mud to me currently. 

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6 minutes ago, plissken said:

Here is an eye pattern w/o any added gizmo. Image from Tektronix.


Figure 5


So my question is: What device is being shown in the eye patterns supplied by Alex?


What would the eye pattern test look like with a good USB hub?


Where are the analog output measurements showing a DAC incapable of keeping it together?


As long as Mask Compliance and Mask Margin are not in the keep-out area you are good to go with either eye pattern. 


The regen essentially is a good USB hub ;)


I wouldn't expect it to help in every situation and for every DAC. As I've said (repeatedly), I view this issue primarily as the responsibility of the DAC. I know that most DACs use a module such as he Amanero (or others) that might go for $50-100 retail and in many cases might use the clocks that come on these modules as their DAC master. So in many cases this "USB isolation" etc may be suboptimal for audio.


I entirely agree that there should be proper measurements showing an improvement at the analog output of the DAC. I've proposed some measurements (not BTW what JA or Amir have published).


In a perfect world you are correct. We should be good to go but we aren't and, for example, nowadays with a $20 Crystek having the specs it has there is no reason to have a less than cheap DAC than meets less than these specs... but we aren't in a perfect world and there is opportunity for improvement in the electronics ... and note that e.g the DSC1 we have a great idea of what each of the parts that go into a DAC is.


Regarding above post, I am sure that JA has an agenda. I don't know Amir enough to say. Do you think I have an agenda? (if you do you'd be surprised). In any case lots of folks have agendas ... let's try to be objective and rational.


Custom room treatments for headphone users.

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14 hours ago, Sal1950 said:

Are you really so scared that some bit of poor engineering will be revealed by Amir's measurements that you have to refuse a sale? LOL. Is your faith in the ISO so weak that you have attempt to hide it? Or do you just insist on a belief in your magic dust?  Although Amir would never let any personal animosity to bias his results, I'd think you'd want a reviewer to look into things without throwing him personal insults before hand.

A very sad and lame approach from a supposed engineer Alex

Got to agree.  If a manufacturer has confidence in their product, what better way than have a third party with the necessary instruments "check it out".   Results are just that, results.

The Truth Is Out There

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6 minutes ago, plissken said:


If Alex doesn't trust his ears (he backed out of it like a scalded pig) why should I? And yes Alex is asking people to trust his ears before he or someone else says "I'm not asking you to trust my ears, I'm asking you to trust yours". If you weren't asking people to trust your ears you wouldn't be developing this product for sale. 

It is Amir's behavior that Alex doesn't trust.


At least Alex has the courage and conviction to bring a new product to market.  He did something.  Amir is just a pundit with a bias, all talk and no skin in the game.

Pareto Audio aka nuckleheadaudio

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17 minutes ago, mav52 said:

Got to agree.  If a manufacturer has confidence in their product, what better way than have a third party with the necessary instruments "check it out".   Results are just that, results.

Alex specifically stated he is willing to have third parties evaluate his product and named some of them. 

He said he isn't willing to sell his product to Amir as he feels Amir made out of line (my phrasing) comments about Alex on his forum.  He also said he doesn't care if a third party sends Amir an IsoRegen.

So your point seems moot. 


"Results are results". The question remains, how were they arrived at and what do they mean, if anything. The answer to that question isn't always clear 

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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5 hours ago, mansr said:

It doesn't matter if Amir is the biggest jerk to ever walk the face of the earth. By refusing to sell him a device, Alex still looks like he is hiding something. I can see three possible reasons for this refusal:

  1. Alex knows it's a scam and is afraid he'll be found out.
  2. Alex has no confidence in his product and is afraid it will be shown useless.
  3. Alex is a petty, vindictive dick.

I'd also like to point out that the approved reviewers who'd be permitted to measure the device are known for never publishing a negative review. Even when the measured performance is questionable, they find some way to praise the product.


inferiority complex?


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12 hours ago, esldude said:

Sorry, you can't listen to that signal.  People can only listen to the analog output of a DAC.  Do you have any measurements that show any improvement in the analog output of a DAC with the Regen vs without?


Due to the large difference in sound between the two test units found by me and the other blind tester, I think there is some difference occurring at the analog output.  Whether this difference (which both the other tester and I heard as a substantial positive one) is in fact in the direction of greater accuracy and occurs in the way John Swenson, the designer, believes it does, may have to wait until John is able to set up the tests he wants to do.  Or perhaps someone else will be able to trace effects all the way through from digital output of the ISO Regen to analog output of the DAC.

One never knows, do one? - Fats Waller

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Einstein

Computer, Audirvana -> optical Ethernet to Fitlet3 -> Fibbr Alpha Optical USB -> iFi NEO iDSD DAC -> Apollon Audio 1ET400A Mini (Purifi based) -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.

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4 minutes ago, jabbr said:

Very nice approach ... in fact ... basically using a digital phase comparator assumed to be on an FPGA in order to create a phase error measurement system.


I would be careful with this.

The FPGA shows how much jitter ?



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