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MQA is Vaporware

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4 hours ago, mansr said:

Are you sure about that?



Err. yep. Everything is relative, but put a SACD up for sale and it won't be up for long. There is a lot of interest in SACD. 


I know you and a couple others are rather dismissive of the audiophile market, but that is the market that drives the sales for high resolution audio and other esoteric formats. 






Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat DAC.

Robert A. Heinlein

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2 hours ago, Paul R said:

Err. yep. Everything is relative, but put a SACD up for sale and it won't be up for long. There is a lot of interest in SACD.


That's good to know. I have a few SACDs that are less then stellar. Someday, I will try to unload them.


It's still all about the mastering. The only good thing I can say about SACD's is that there are some folk putting music on SACDs and doing their best to make a good remaster, e.g. Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab.  But then there are a lot of SACDs that shouldn't exist.


Also, sales of new SACDs are less than 100,000 in the US. Hardly significant to the major labels. Each year, there are fewer and fewer SACD players being manufactured and sold.  In fact, even CD players are becoming more scarce. The optical disk is going the way of the DoDo.


mQa is dead!

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On 8/1/2019 at 12:47 PM, GUTB said:


Yes. I ended up with the Liberty specifically for that support. I had to buy a linear power supply but thanks to AliExpress that's inexpensive. As far as the CD player is concerned it's just a standard 16/44 stream.


My CD chain:

MHZS CD88J --Supra TOSLink-->Mytek Liberty + linear PSU. All plugged into a 500VA balanced isolation transformer.

Thanks for the report, I don't doubt your findings, most CDs sound crap. How would you say the SQ compares to vinyl? 

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30 minutes ago, Rexp said:

Thanks for the report, I don't doubt your findings, most CDs sound crap. How would you say the SQ compares to vinyl? 


I haven't tested any MQA-CDs against vinyl yet. However my vinyl in general is significantly superior to my digital. The setup pictured here (the CDP is put ontop of the amp temporarily for testing) shows my vinyl setup as well. The area where vinyl outshines the digital is dynamic performance which either directly or in conjunction with other factors leads to a more convincing sound, ie, more real-life. My digital has significantly better bass definition and overall better soundstage but they don't overcome the superiority of the vinyl overall. 


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7 hours ago, Paul R said:


Lots of people care about SACD, and even more about its file based descendant, DSD. 




Lots is a relative term. I would say any number over 3 counts as "lots".

Outside of Japan it is dead other than the classical market -   non classical SACDs are pretty much not made anymore, other than  a few specialist curated remasters that sell in very small amounts. As a "commercial" format - I call that dead. 

And the only market for them in most of the world is classical- which in the US is something like 1% of the market, and much of that isn't SACD.


I'm not sure that even in the audiophile market SACD is a significant player at this point. It's even a fringe issue in the audiophile world. DSD downloads have a bit more significance, but they are also a tiny market. 


SACD? Lots? Are you sure?


Hanging out at audiophile sites gives a warped perspective. 

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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7 minutes ago, firedog said:

Discussing with GUTB is the forum equivalent of entering a black hole. You will never get anywhere with him. Once he has an idea in his head,  no amount of logic or facts will dislodge it. 


Agreed, it happened before and it is happening again.🤣


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1 hour ago, GUTB said:


I haven't tested any MQA-CDs against vinyl yet. However my vinyl in general is significantly superior to my digital. The setup pictured here (the CDP is put ontop of the amp temporarily for testing) shows my vinyl setup as well. The area where vinyl outshines the digital is dynamic performance which either directly or in conjunction with other factors leads to a more convincing sound, ie, more real-life. My digital has significantly better bass definition and overall better soundstage but they don't overcome the superiority of the vinyl overall. 



I was wondering whether I have something wrong with my eyes, it seems that the planks on the shelf are warped, the lower shelf is more severe.  Does it affect the tracking of the cartridge of your turntable.  You must be a genius to manage to adjust the cartridge in such circumstances to make it work properly.


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3 hours ago, MetalNuts said:


I was wondering whether I have something wrong with my eyes, it seems that the planks on the shelf are warped, the lower shelf is more severe.  Does it affect the tracking of the cartridge of your turntable.  You must be a genius to manage to adjust the cartridge in such circumstances to make it work properly.

You need to see an eye doctor then. The fronts are curved...


Win10 i9 9900KS/GTX1060 HQPlayer4>Win10 NAA

DSD>Pavel's DSC2.6>Bent Audio TAP>

Parasound JC1>"Naked" Quad ESL63/Tannoy PS350B subs<100Hz

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6 hours ago, firedog said:

Lots is a relative term. I would say any number over 3 counts as "lots".

Outside of Japan it is dead other than the classical market -   non classical SACDs are pretty much not made anymore, other than  a few specialist curated remasters that sell in very small amounts. As a "commercial" format - I call that dead. 

And the only market for them in most of the world is classical- which in the US is something like 1% of the market, and much of that isn't SACD.


I'm not sure that even in the audiophile market SACD is a significant player at this point. It's even a fringe issue in the audiophile world. DSD downloads have a bit more significance, but they are also a tiny market. 


SACD? Lots? Are you sure?


Hanging out at audiophile sites gives a warped perspective. 


I did include people interested in DSD, but yes, “lots” is a perfectly good usage there.  


Y’all argue that the audiophile market is to small to be meaningful, but I will point out again, the audiophile world supports a huge number of niche and boutique products, and moves enough money to support pretty big fairs. 


There are lots of people interested in SACD, and more interested in its direct descendant, DSD

Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat DAC.

Robert A. Heinlein

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Hi Guys - Here’s something for your reading pleasure this morning. There’s a link in this Financial Times article about MQA, to this thread!


The article may not be viewable in all countries. Some people are saying it behind a pay wall. It’s was available for me here in the US without paying. 





Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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