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Euphony OS w/Stylus player setup and issues thread

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2 hours ago, flkin said:

Željko ví, že funkce izolace Lan nefunguje. Řekl jsem mu to někdy zpátky. 

Také jsem navrhl nastavit časovač izolace jako výchozí pro zbytek nepřehraných skladeb v seznamu skladeb namísto celého seznamu skladeb. Naznačil, že má jiné priority, na kterých musí zapracovat - pěkně drsnými slovy, které bych zde neměl opakovat.


Známky stresu... 😂

Také Qobuz byl v poslední době poměrně slabý. Rychlosti předběžného stahování jsou tak pomalé, že to ovlivňuje plynulé přehrávání v offline režimu izolace LAN. Původní myšlenka předběžného stahování dalších 2 skladeb již s Qobuz nefunguje konzistentně. 

Pokud Tidal hostuje stejné album, raději se jich držte. 

... so give up on the tuned version of V3 and start paying for the unfinished V4? Seriously?

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On 7/22/2022 at 9:01 AM, novtom said:


Yes, I have burned USB image using Balena Etcher, but it was corrupted. I had to repair partitions under Linux with command. Then it worked. 

sgdisk -e /dev/sda


Hi @novtom

I have been working last night and this morning to try to get V4 on my computer.


I was finally able to SSH into my server.

I had missed a number on my IP address.

I really don’t know anything about Linux and I feel a bit like a baby with a razor blade.

I am going to attach a screenshot of what I got when I put in the lsblk command. The thumb drive is in the server and I would assume it would show up here, but I do not see it.  It says to do the /dev/sda command I need to either be in root or sudo 

@Helmut I reached out to Zeljko with a ticket and he said there was no way for me to install V4 over remote. He said it cannot be done, there must be some misunderstanding.

Will you please help me ask for the correct service, please?


I wasted a bunch of time with my Mac because I was not able to download the Euphony image file because I had too many things on my hard drive. I deleted a lot of pictures and files and then I was able to download the image and download Etcher. 
but, it said that the thumb drive needs to be formatted for FAT32 and I was not confident that I would do it correctly because now the thumb drive has three partitions.


when I try to look at the thumb drive on my Mac, it does not see it. When hi look at the thumb drive on my ThinkPad it sees three partitions.


it looks like I will have to order the USB monitor adapter.


this is a drag.



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No, this is not what I wrote. The problem was, that you can not, if you changed your computer, from ver.3 to vers.4 direct!
First you have to transfer your license to the new PC and then it can be upgraded!

That you need a monitor to change the startvolume and Bios if nessesary was not the question.

By the way, I am struggling as well. Me new Motherboard died and I had to order a new one, which I got today. But I feer I have to wait till next week to get the nessesary transfer to my new PC☹️

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I had the same problem with a headless GPU server.   I used a simple solution of just removing my Optane drive and reformat it completely (or you can ask any of your friend or even your computer shop to do it).  Once you attach it back and switch on the computer it will automatically read the USB (with version 4) since there is nothing else to boot into.  From there just go to setting and activate the install button.


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On 7/22/2022 at 5:23 PM, Johnseye said:



This wasn't shared with me by Euphony, but since you've done it I will ask for the same.  Thanks for the info!


Please just let us know, so users still in doubt will understand all V3 users are eligible for V4 for the 12 month offer, regardless the hardware. However if you stay with V3 you have to keep it installed on the same hardware because there will be no more driver updates.
I am sure this will work as you intended, good luck.

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29 minutes ago, Helmut said:

I try to get my license transfered to my new board since yesterday


Euphony makes this too complicated. Examples to simplify: 


When changing the Roon Core, you simply log in to the new device. The old device is automatically deactivated. 


The HQPlayer offers a USB license dongle. USB stick to the new machine and that's it. 😉

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2 hours ago, ggetzoff said:

An open letter to Robert Devcic,


Dear Mr. Devcic,


On 19 September, 2019 I purchased a licence from you for Euphony Stylus. At that time, we had a legal binding agreement for this product, established in writing. The other day, you emailed me with an offer to purchase a subscription for a product that I have already purchased. If your organization has developed a new iteration of said product, it does not obviate your support of that product, legally. I do not know how the consumer protection laws work in Croatia, but in the United States, you will be required to support this product: we have an agreement in writing. 


Cleary, you made a business decision to inject a lot of man hours into a new version of Euphony Stylus, and that was your decision, not the consumer. I very much enjoy your product, it is a wonderful product, but there is no legal way forward with your choices and behaviour in this matter. Franky, if this was within the 180-days PayPal protection period, I would seek recourse in that way, but that time has elapsed.


I look forward to hearing how you plan to support this product going forward. Not just for myself, but for all licencees.




Greg G.


I’m having trouble understanding what you’re trying to say.

“…we had a legal binding agreement for this product…”


Sure, you gave him money three years ago, he gave you the product three years ago. Done and done. 

I’m willing to bet the product will work for many more years, provided you don’t change to newer hardware. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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2 hours ago, davide256 said:


I truly detest misinformation.


We all received notice that Euphony version version 3 was end of life, no more support for changes or fixes. Which means legally that anyone can continue to use it

but that over time it will become dis-functional because 3rd party software will change or newer hardware will appear that the software has no support for. This is the way

of all software, I have lost count how many pieces of software  have obsolesced for me. I  had to live with using an Ethernet dongle since January because version 3

did not support my newer NIC hardware and version 4 was still pending a beta test


We may not like the change in pricing model for the new version, but thats a relationship/sales issue.  If you don't like the new business model for version 4, vote with your feet,

leave it, don't annoy the adults here with  posturing about fictitious legal issues


@The Computer Audiophile seeing some bad apples here, you may want to keep an eye on this thread

Completely and totally erroneous statement on your part:  I never received anything from them on what was happening. I only found out by coming to this forum. 

Don’t ever speak for anyone, ever. 

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Discovered a bug with v4 release 20220708 GUI, using win10/ Firefox browser


when I chose to get album cover from the web, if artist is left blank, the session window will lock up, you can't do anything.

If you close and reopen the window all works normally. You must have something in the artist field to avoid this


What should happen is that search completes when artist field is empty, based on album title alone and you can continue normally from there


Believe there is a later release (0720 /possible fix?) but it may be beta only as I don't get notification there is an update when I check, just a cryptic message


Channel: stable.UPDATE_CHECK_STATUS_404


is everyone else seeing the same results with version 4 regardless of release version?




Audio system

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9 hours ago, Helmut said:

Is the support stopped for the weekend?
I try to get my license transfered to my new board since yesterday 13:00☹️

In my desperation I pulled out the USB Stick and brought the downloaded image on an M2 SSD. After starting Euphony it showed, that I am in TRIAL mode for 30 days🤷‍♂️
So the license tranfer can be performed next week, when everything is a little more relaxed 😎 

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