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MQA is Vaporware

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9 hours ago, manisandher said:


Uh, no. We established a while ago that YOU were the joker here.


I did an analysis of MQA a while ago (and posted my results here). The MQA decoder does something really weird in the audio band (let alone the massive imaging due to the MQA renderer's soft anti-imaging filters).


My advice to anyone looking into MQA - steer well clear.




That's the spectrum analysis that everyone refers to - so I have some questions for the originator.


1) What was the analyser equipment/ make model that you used to make the spectrum analysis graphs - because that's not mentioned.

2) What was the range/ make models of equipment that you performed the tests on. 

3) How many tests were conducted and on how many different pieces of equipment.

4) What were the parameters of the tests.

5) How were the tests conducted.

6) Did you make checks that the source material was representative of the best quality available for each format.


These are examples of the kind of information I would have expected to have been provided in a professionally written test report that expects to be taken as credible.






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1 hour ago, Fx Studio said:

a professionally written test report


Have you provided any professionally written test reports that back your fantastic claims of MQA's time smear correction capability (hint: thats a yes/no question)?

If yes, exactly whose tests were you reporting on?


Related to the above, how many professionally written test reports have MQA ever provided that back up or illustrate their various marketing claims, including the above mentioned correction of so-called time smear?


Besides MQA themselves, how many professionally written test reports backing the claim of time smear correction have been produced by 3rd parties? Cite examples please.


Boycott HDtracks

Boycott Lenbrook

Boycott Warner Music Group

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5 minutes ago, MikeyFresh said:


Have you provided any professionally written test reports that back your fantastic claims of MQA's time smear correction capability (hint: thats a yes/no question)?

If yes, exactly whose tests were you reporting on?


Related to the above, how many professionally written test reports have MQA ever provided that back up or illustrate their various marketing claims, including the above mentioned correction of so-called time smear?


Besides MQA themselves, how many professionally written test reports backing the claim of time smear correction have been produced by 3rd parties? Cite examples please.


Its not me who is disputing the manufacturers claims - YOU are.


There claims cross-match mine and many others experiences.


MQA has clearly spent millions on R&D, and no doubt has all the equipment and experienced engineers required to test there own products, as well as to support implementation by third party manufacturers.


Therefore, as the accusers its up to you to back those claims up - which collectively you seemed to have failed to do.



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1 hour ago, Jud said:

Since we know that all 17 filters are very short filters that hardly suppress ultrasonics at all, we know that they can't correct "time smearing" (Gibbs effect), which in digital audio occurs in the ultrasonic range.



Again you are making sweeping statements with no real evidence to back it up.


The fact that you say "time Smearing correction" can't work when it can be heard audibly to work, collaborating what the manufacturer has stated, shows that there must be more going on here than you are able to understand or measure for.

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