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MQA is Vaporware

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4 hours ago, KeenObserver said:

Once people have a collection of MQA music, you know that someone will come out with a newfangled scheme that will offer "re-blurring".


The crazy thing is,  I can actually see this happening.  And even crazier, there will be people saying that they compared re-blurred music to 24/192 and they preferred the re-blurred music.  And the craziest thing of all,  these people will be telling you that you have get a re-blurring system so that you can compare for yourself!


MQA has opened a Pandora's box of utter lunacy.

Boycott Warner

Boycott Tidal

Boycott Roon

Boycott Lenbrook

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56 minutes ago, firedog said:

You really are going to start this discussion with him AGAIN?

Drop it. No one wins this argument or convinces anyone of anything. 


 I am not going to drop it. Several members here have posted extremely nasty comments about my hearing abilities.

 I did listen later on to the X and Y files that were sent to  me without me asking for them.

I posted my results way back in #16768


I forwarded his X and Y  links to another couple of members who will be readily able to verify with Audio Editing S/W that I made the correct choice !

I stand by the comments I made about the differences too.


 24/192 is NOT a waste of time, neither is DSD. They are both audibly superior to 16/44.1 for those with half decent hearing and good equipment.

I guess that this rules out those who can't even hear differences between USB cables that meet the applicable standards ?



Perhaps FredericV's X sample went through the MQA Sausage  Encoder ? :D


It sounded dull and boring, and a little compressed compared with his Y sample ,
which is way more open sounding with the appearance of improved dynamics.
The Y sample also sounds a little softer right from the start as well.

Yes, he made them both as 24/96 files so there could be no cheating.






How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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51 minutes ago, firedog said:

That would show some basic consideration for other threads and other members. But I get that none of that matters much to you - "the cause" is more important. 


On this occasion the video posted by FredericV stated that 24/192 was a waste of time and Chris backed up this video as being essential viewing .

 I simply disagreed with that statement in the video.

 I was sent a pair of  24/96 files for comparison, and accurately reported hearing clear differences in favour of the high res version,

 just as I have previously reported about the degradation with MQA vs. the original hi res file..


 People like yourself would love to keep the status quo and support the E.Es of this forum , right or wrong.

IOW, silence those that you do not agree with.


 BTW, it's Rt66indierock thread to request this, not yours


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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58 minutes ago, sandyk said:

 I was sent a pair of  24/96 files for comparison, and accurately reported hearing clear differences in favour of the high res version,

 just as I have previously reported about the degradation with MQA vs. the original hi res file..

As you send the files to others to check the spectrum, there's no way for us to know you did not have prior knowledge about the spectrum of each one.

You should do this test in a controlled way, e.g. foobar abx:



Designer of the 432 EVO music server and Linux specialist

Discoverer of the independent open source sox based mqa playback method with optional one cycle postringing.

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39 minutes ago, FredericV said:

As you send the files to others to check the spectrum, there's no way for us to know you did not have prior knowledge about the spectrum of each one.

You should do this test in a controlled way, e.g. foobar abx:



Excuses, excuses.

 No, I did NOT ask them to check the spectrum, only listen to the files for themselves to confirm my reports.

 In any event, none of the members contacted have yet to report back, other than Fas42 who chose incorrectly, mainly due to the time in the USA .


Stephen can verify that I sent this to him

"Want to confirm or dispute what I just posted ?

 You are a recording Engineer aren't you ? :P

The links are


http://xxxxxxxxxx.be/hushhush/y.wav "


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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1 hour ago, sandyk said:


On this occasion the video posted by FredericV stated that 24/192 was a waste of time and Chris backed up this video as being essential viewing .

 I simply disagreed with that statement in the video.

 I was sent a pair of  24/96 files for comparison, and accurately reported hearing clear differences in favour of the high res version,

 just as I have previously reported about the degradation with MQA vs. the original hi res file..


 People like yourself would love to keep the status quo and support the E.Es of this forum , right or wrong.

IOW, silence those that you do not agree with.


 BTW, it's Rt66indierock thread to request this, not yours


Alex make an economic case for hi-res. 

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1 minute ago, Rt66indierock said:


Alex make an economic case for hi-res. 


 I am unable to make an economic case for 24/192, other than people who prefer 24/192 and DSD are normally prepared to pay a little more for it provided that it is genuine Hi Res as is the material from Barry Diament and Blue Coast Records etc.

Note also, that I have also previously reported not being happy with the samples of MQA where the original hi res version was clearly superior.

 Surely people should be able to purchase the highest quality material available without it being dumbed down by greedy interests and the Record companies .

I  personally don't have a problem with an anti copy scheme as long as it doesn't degrade SQ as did watermarks on DVD-A etc.




How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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31 minutes ago, sandyk said:

In any event, none of the members contacted have yet to report back


 None of the members contacted have reported back other than Fas42........


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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Off topic:  when people have strong opinons and butt heads -- after a while, it is best just to cool off and accept that there are sometimes extreme disagreements.

I still see some skeptics about my own projects make inaccurate claims -- but I try NEVER let it become personal -- *I have had erroneous opinons too often in my life/career also.*   My method is to present facts, but if in the end, there isn't consensus agreement, then I try to pull back on my arguments without losing my integrity or forcing others to lose their own integrity.

One comment:  part of integrity is to accept the situation where one's mind can be changed!!



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4 minutes ago, Paul R said:


So, selective personal attacks are really encouraged here? Nasty attitudes, so long as they are on the “right” side are a more power to you thing?


Ridicule of people Instead of ideas  a powerful weapon in the arsenal? 


You do realize that you make the Journalists you really are upset with look like Angels,  and is the exact kind of behavior that MQA ex3cs seem to revel in? May come to a choice between two evils here. 





Consider me follower of Hugo Black. “I read no law abridging to mean no law abridging”  I take it to most settings except for bad language.


I tolerate your attacks on me which I find humorous. 


And as asked you earlier go really look at what was happening with MQA in 2014. There is a lesson there if you have the research skills. If you don’t then I have an information advantage over you I intend to keep.

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5 minutes ago, jabbr said:


By that logic, there’s no economic case for anything “audiophile” then.


Folks like Cookie Marenco and Barry Diament & AcousticSounds / Analogue Productions would beg to differ. I purchase music in as close to the native recording format or in as high resolution as I can (module different masterings). 


Better to start out with a great recording than to expect a magic power supply to transform a crappy, low res and/or lossy recording.


We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

mQa is dead!

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