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How DOES the grounding boxes work?

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2 minutes ago, esldude said:

Not a bad idea.  To the OP.  Do you have a tuner?  Connect a wire from the antenna connection of the tuner to the jack on the Entreq.  See how well it works. 


If the hinted at principles of operation are in effect, the Entreq will ground and absorb any signals the tuner needs. 


Unfortunately I do not own a tuner. I'll guess I could check if any friends of mine own one though. If not Is it possible to measure it using a simple multimeter?

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1 hour ago, 4est said:


This says a lot about you as well, if you think curiosity is not a part of scientific studies. Of course what does a layman as me know, you are the prof.


not only do you not know much, you are misquoting me - is it intentional??

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The first system of mine that produced the SQ that has been the goal ever since, 30 years ago, suffered a major flaw - the quality only lasted a short period of time, it slowly faded away, to be replaced by conventional stereo playback quality. But I could reset it by, literally, resetting the system - that is, turning everything off, waiting for the supplies to discharge, and switching on again - exactly as if it were a Windows machine :P !


Never solved that, but in hindsight it was a static buildup issue, most likely. So, my interest would be whether someone here who uses a grounding box regime would be able to see the same thing in action - that is, note how the sound is impacted by having the boxes in place, versus not connected; then, with the boxes not connected, try resetting the rig as I used to do, and see whether there is some audible quality difference corresponding to having the boxes hooked up.

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4 minutes ago, Jud said:


From what you have written, it seems to me you have the idea that there would be current flowing to the Entreq box.  But current can’t just flow *to* a box in the air, it must flow *through* it.  The ground in that case would be the *return path* for the current in a *circuit*.  A single wire to a box connected to nothing else provides no return path, thus no circuit, thus no current flowing to/through the box.


I think you may have misread my post (I'm assuming you're referring to the post I gave a possible idea on how the box may work?).I actually question whether instead of current flowing to the Entreq as most of us seem to have been assuming, it's actually current flowing from the Entreq to the ground of the attached device, with the contents of the box somehow providing the current source in conjunction with the noise signal (taking into consideration that those noise measurements are valid). This current flowing to Entreq would have to be the situation if people believe noise is the cause (noise somehow being picked up by the Entreq acting as an antenna and being fed back to the device through the ground), so my idea doesn't seem so far fetched to me.


1 hour ago, lasker98 said:
  1 hour ago, plissken said:

You are now replying to me and you have reached beyond your technical limits.


As for rudeness, I guess we have a different definition of rudeness.

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I've talked about about getting convincing sound here quite a bit - going from that quality to standard stereo sound, and back again has always been in the area where these grounding boxes appear to do their "magic". So, if I had a system where I could reliably switch between conventional stereo, and convincing playback, just by having such a box not connected versus linked in, then that would be all the "data" I would need - why it's having the positve effect for that particular system may take much, much longer to understand ... ^_^.

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7 hours ago, plissken said:

I think the hardest thing for Cornan to potentially have to come to grips with is that the grounding box may be adding noise to the system and it may be his preference. I know when I first showed him the measurements of the box that his reaction was visceral and very object to it.


This is almost certainly not the case. However it may be working in the electrical sphere, the benefit of such approaches is that the audible "noise level" is reduced - that is, more of the detail within the recording can be heard, what's heard is more 'pleasant', and the volume can be increased with "less cringing".


Very, very few systems are capable of revealing the full detail that's been captured in most recordings - I suspect the naysayers here would have setups that would be guilty of this, and so are unlikely to hear the benefits of fine tuning their systems in this fashion.

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1 hour ago, esldude said:

Not a bad idea.  To the OP.  Do you have a tuner?  Connect a wire from the antenna connection of the tuner to the jack on the Entreq.  See how well it works. 


If the hinted at principles of operation are in effect, the Entreq will ground and absorb any signals the tuner needs. 


That's funny. I was thinking of connect it to a 50 Ohm BNC and see if you can get a terrestrial broadcast.

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24 minutes ago, lasker98 said:


As for rudeness, I guess we have a different definition of rudeness.


I'm just pointing out a fact. You're being a jerk in a really snotty reply to me and at the same time exposing your lack of technical understanding.


The Entreq has nothing to do with ground. It's an Antenna.

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5 minutes ago, fas42 said:

This is almost certainly not the case. However it may be working in the electrical sphere, the benefit of such approaches is that the audible "noise level" is reduced - that is, more of the detail within the recording can be heard, what's heard is more 'pleasant', and the volume can be increased with "less cringing".


This would be an example of a magical explanation, the electrical sphere perhaps being infused with magic? I take it that this would be an acceptable answer? There is nothing wrong with magic. I find it very entertaining and audio is also entertainment!

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6 hours ago, Cornan said:


This would be fine if I asked about how physics works. In this thread I would like to hear thoughts and plausible ideas how grounding boxes might work. If you are 100% sure that they do not work I just see no point why you want to post anything at all.  


Ummm, there is no such thing as perfectly connecting to earth, the vast body of soil and mineral underfoot - if I were to insert a massive structure of excellently conducting material deep into the the subsoil where I lived, with an expertly designed connecting web of of cables, capable of having minimal impedance at every frequency of interest, then, I might get close ...


The usual practice of hooking any old bit of wire to a metal terminal in the home is an extremely limp imitation of doing this, by any measure.

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11 minutes ago, jabbr said:


This would be an example of a magical explanation, the electrical sphere perhaps being infused with magic? I take it that this would be an acceptable answer? There is nothing wrong with magic. I find it very entertaining and audio is also entertainment!


I'm referring to the electrical sphere of interest, that is, any and everything that by any means can cause an electrical perturbation - you know, jump on an electrical cable, and one will be able to see electrical activity, if you use an appropriate measuring instrument. This is the arena where some of the audible problems are possibly being addressed.

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