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MQA is Vaporware

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12 minutes ago, kumakuma said:


Good example.


I suspect that Brahan Seer (BS) may actually be Bob Stuart (BS) in disguise...


He certainly seems a bit more intelligent than the other shills we've had come along.


A shill is a shil, smart or not.

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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1 minute ago, Brahan Seer said:

Agree to disagree. It's still too harsh.


No. When the audio press out and out lies, what do people expect audiophiles to do? I expect them to vote with their wallets, like other consumers.

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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12 minutes ago, kumakuma said:


Good example.


I suspect that Brahan Seer (BS) may actually be Bob Stuart (BS) in disguise...


He certainly seems a bit more intelligent than the other shills we've had come along.

Darn, you got me*. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!

* Not.

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42 minutes ago, Brahan Seer said:

But, who here boycotts these brands for being/trying to be successful?


Absolutely nobody boycotts any brand for being/trying to be successful. People boycott because the function of the business or what the business promotes, goes against their interests. 


Gay rights supporters have traditionally boycotted Chick-fil-A. Not because the company is successful, rather because of its support for causes that go against their interests. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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5 minutes ago, The Computer Audiophile said:


Absolutely nobody boycotts any brand for being/trying to be successful. People boycott because the function of the business or what the business promotes, goes against their interests. 


Gay rights supporters have traditionally boycotted Chick-fil-A. Not because the company is successful, rather because of its support for causes that go against their interests. 

Fair(ish) point. I remain unconvinced that MQA's operations merit the level of vitriol levelled at it here on this thread.   

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3 hours ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

Purposely being obtuse?

Me being obtuse? Never. I was being sly, stating the obvious without being obvious. My spidey sense always tingles when we get low count posters filling up this thread with pro MQA stuff. The fact that he is from the UK is a bonus.

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1 hour ago, Brahan Seer said:

And there is partaking in/enabling the spreading of unsavoury chat about a brand

What about the over-savory waxing poetic bullshit about a brand that's exactly what was practiced here and elsewhere ad nauseam by the now infamous LS, and various other likely paid influencers including HB, and PV on behalf of MQA? 


Then there is the the trade press, and their orgasmic reaction to all things MQA, literally a birthing of new worlds by their take. Shall we agree there is sufficient need to counter balance against that too, or are you more in agreement that there is a revolution in digital audio called MQA that is the real "story"?


Causal observer here to provide balance, or spirited BS artist furthering that cause?


Boycott HDtracks

Boycott Lenbrook

Boycott Warner Music Group

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3 hours ago, Brahan Seer said:

Fair(ish) point. I remain unconvinced that MQA's operations merit the level of vitriol levelled at it here on this thread.   


It's a long thread, I wonder if you've read very much of it, and if so what exact vitriol you refer to?


Fair assessment by means of testing and measurement, as well as an acknowledgment of the systemic threats MQA represents to both consumers, and the music production industry on various levels should this scheme survive do not constitute "vitriol".


Boycott HDtracks

Boycott Lenbrook

Boycott Warner Music Group

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On 9/6/2022 at 10:02 PM, The Computer Audiophile said:

I just happened to check this out a few minutes ago and couldn't believe how bad it is. This is Tracy Chapman Talkin' Bout A Revolution. 


I first played the mQa version, the only version available from Tidal, then the CD version that's available from all other streaming services and the actual CD. Rather than Talkin' Bout A Revolution, it should be called Talkin' Bout Juicing the Volume!


I just hit record with my iPhone, sitting in my listening chair. Nothing special. The attached audio goes along with this image. The first music is the mQa, followed by CD.

So... those other services, were they more like Tidal or more like the CD?


4 hours ago, skraggy said:

However, this is not exclusive to Tidal: I just compared my own CD, Tidal and Qobuz and both streaming versions sound the same to me, but they are undeniably much louder than the CD. I don't have any measuring gear other than my phone, but I'd say Qobuz and Tidal are approx. 7-8 dB louder.

Yes, exactly:

DR,  Sample peak,          RMS,    Loudness,     LRA
 9,   -0.05 dBFS,  -13.84 dBFS,  -10.8 LUFS,  6.6 LU - qobuz/01-01-Tracy_Chapman-Talkin_Bout_a_Revolution-LLS.flac
14,   -0.80 dBFS,  -20.00 dBFS,  -16.9 LUFS, 10.3 LU - cd/01. Talkin’ Bout a Revolution.flac

but shush 🤫, I'm sure it's still mqa's fault 🙂.

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3 hours ago, KeenObserver said:

To reap the huge profits MQA would need to be the sole method for distributing music.


I'd be very interested to hear the opinion of people like Chris and others who are closer to the industry, but I just don't see that happen.


None of the big players like Spotify will ever give up a share of their earnings to MQA if they don't think it would actually increase their profits.


The record companies maybe would like to force MQA on the streaming sites, but what's their leverage? I can't imagine a scenario where they would give up the money from Spotify or Apple to push MQA.


And most of the users never don't give a damn which format their streaming service uses.

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15 hours ago, Brahan Seer said:

Essentially, down to its commercial success BrewDog has removed some choice. It no doubt takes positions in supermarkets that would otherwise be filled by other brands. But that's the nature of a free market, non? What are your examples of MQA removing other formats and removing choice? (Again, genuine, non-loaded question.)


Long thread, so I just scanned, and someone else may have answered this previously.  Currently, MQA is the only "hi-res" format available for at least many titles (all?) on Tidal, one of the few streaming services to offer what is supposed to be CD or greater resolution and allow purchase of what are supposed to be CD or greater resolution downloads.  (I know of 3 others, but 2 of these specialize in classical.) Thus in what is already a very small niche market, one of only two companies to offer streaming and purchase of CD or greater resolution music other than classical is restricting at least some, possibly all, of its product to the MQA format.


I believe that answers your question.

One never knows, do one? - Fats Waller

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Einstein

Computer, Audirvana -> optical Ethernet to Fitlet3 -> Fibbr Alpha Optical USB -> iFi NEO iDSD DAC -> Apollon Audio 1ET400A Mini (Purifi based) -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.

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