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1 hour ago, AnotherSpin said:

While living and travelling in India I was buying CDs by the Dagar family, widely popular vocalists in the ancient vocal Dhrupad genre. There is a beautiful album by the younger generation of the family on Qobuz. What a joy!




There is not much information, which is undoubtedly the special charm of Oriental culture, it seems that in this recording the uncle and nephew, Nasir Zahiruddin and Faiyaz Wasifuddin, are singing.

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On 5/16/2023 at 11:27 AM, Iving said:

- even if some might regard the Album as "novelty".





"Saint-Saëns was a prodigy polymath from whom music flowed effortlessly. Symphonies, concertos, chamber works, opera – there was seemingly nothing he couldn’t turn his hand to. 1886 witnessed the single greatest success of his career, as his epic Third ‘Organ’ Symphony thundered its way around the globe.


That same year he composed a ‘grand zoological fantasy’ in 14 movements, scored for two pianos, string quartet, double bass, flute, clarinet, glockenspiel, xylophone, and glass harmonica/celesta, which sprang from the opposite end of the musical spectrum: The Carnival of the Animals.


Saint-Saëns was so worried about the harm this plaisanterie might do to his reputation as a serious composer, that after two private performances he placed it under lock and key where it remained until after his death."




 "A last word of praise must go to the blissfully surreal artwork, as French as anything in the music."  -- Gramophone review


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