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Objective proof the UpTone Regen ISO can improve a DAC's output(*)

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Question to people who are posting in this thread back and forth with others:


What goal are you pursuing with your continued posts in this thread?


Are you trying to prove something?

Persuade someone?

Defend a way of life?

Wear out your keyboard?



Really though, it's a honest question. I certainly understand saying one's piece, giving an opinion, and having a thought provoking conversation with others who think differently. However, I just suspect that there are some unknown (to me) motives on all sides, for people to keep going at it. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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25 minutes ago, Sal1950 said:

"son, I don't care how many of your buddies told you putting premium fuel in your car will make it faster. I can show you the dyno runs to prove it won't make a bit of improvement. but if you chose to ignore even that, have at it."


Am I dreaming to think conversations here could go so well and nicely stated?

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4 minutes ago, plissken said:


Because if I suggest I get two DAC's use Stereo Mix to drive both at the same time, one with a boutique USB cables, ISOR, LPS supply, and the other DAC driven directly, captured 24/192 into a 4 channel ADC, recorded with Reaper and then I post the files named A/B and anyone can either listen to them or view FFT / Spectrographically and then tell me which is which.


Well that for some reason kills the conversation :-)


I believe people are interested in all kind of different things. That's something not many people seem interested in. No biggie. 


I love how @Sal1950 ended his example with, "if you chose to ignore, have at it." If only both sides of these arguments could leave it at that. Life would be so pleasant and people just might look into their arguments even more. 


Jamming something down throats never works. For anyone, objective or subjective.

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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Just now, Sal1950 said:

You've see the reactions to the numbers of time esldude put up stuff like that.

Most of the believers just refuse to participate in any "golden ears" listening test.

The ones that do always fail and then fall back to the usual circular arguments of how the test was somehow invalid.


It's clear such tests are uninteresting to people. Big deal. No need to read more into it. 

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Very different from anti-vaxxers. This is audio. A fun hobby for enjoyment. Not getting vaccinated killed a few kids here in MN this year. 


Presenting data is always cool with me. Where things go off the rails on both sides is the words surrounding the data. We all know similar data can be used to tell more than one story. 


Plus, the fact that people are so invested in their agendas is not good. Agendas on all sides. Say your piece about trusting your ears and only your ears and be done. Say your piece about measurements A and B being the final word, and be done. If someone wants to believe either side who cares?



In a sense we are arguing over chocolate and vanilla. Nobody gets hurt selecting either one and we all have free will to select or not select either one. 


If you have the money to increase your enjoyment of this hobby by paying $10,000 for cups that hang on the wall, I couldn't care less. If you go in and on about it, I also couldn't care less. We are all adults capable of reading and making up our own minds. 


I'll also say, for others reading this, that you've been very helpful to me via PM.



Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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37 minutes ago, Sal1950 said:

Come up Chris, seriously. When folks run around making claims in any endeavor they are expected to be able to back those claims up.

When they are then offered the opportunity to do so, and show the whole world they are right, and refuse to even participate, there's no reason to think hard at why, or attempt read things into it. The actions speaks for themselves.


Nah. Most people here have nothing to gain by taking part. Manufacturers do for sure, but hobbyists? No way. Audio is fun. 


Most people have no interest in showing the whole world they are right. 

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@Superdad said: "The majority of the people in this thread deny that USB cables, computer source variation, or USB signal integrity and clocking can make an audible difference"


however, those same people will rail against MQA leaky filters, even though they may not be audible. They haven't bothered to listen for audibility. It's only used when it supports their point of view. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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6 minutes ago, Sal1950 said:

Even among Amir's detractors, you don't think anybody believes the plainly invented vomit you puke up, do you?

Another one of your rants that prove you have even less education than common sense.

Yet another lame adventure DA


Facts are facts Sal. 


His history was only brought up because someone suggested he did great things at MS. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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4 hours ago, plissken said:

I've followed all the comments Chris. What info would I be missing?


I still haven't seen, in this particular instance, anything he's done that anyone can tear down. Alex actually agreed and posited a $40 medical grade SMPS with 1/10th the leakage. 

I should have been clearer. You certainly didn't miss anything, but everyone who doesn't keep up on all the comments misses quite a few corrections or info that makes the title/headline incorrect. 

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