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MQA is Vaporware

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Isn't that illegal?

I am trying to make most of my CDs go away soon...


But I fear it will take a looong time. I load up a few at a time and trade them in for other used ones at ye old local CD trading place.


Win10 i9 9900KS/GTX1060 HQPlayer4>Win10 NAA

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I was taking "load up" to mean rip. Obviously I was mistaken.

Trading physical CDs for each other, buying them, or selling them used is perfectly legal. Ripping then selling is questionable in the US and AIUI illegal in the U.K. Selling rips is illegal in the US.


Win10 i9 9900KS/GTX1060 HQPlayer4>Win10 NAA

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If this is the CG that used to post here, he is worth listening to!

I read some posts of his and it would be a good conversation to have.


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  • 2 months later...
13 hours ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

I look at this like any other job. If you want to invent Post-It Notes on your own, go for it. Otherwise go work for 3M who will pay you peanuts compared to the value of the invention. 



Magneplanar !


Win10 i9 9900KS/GTX1060 HQPlayer4>Win10 NAA

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Just now, botrytis said:




What did ARC have to do with 3M?


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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Jud said:


Subtle? :)


With all of this talk of DRM, somebody had to say it. Remind us it is a repackaging a pig with new lipstick while proclaiming it to be this new great thing. Amazing what working a frenzy over time can do.


Win10 i9 9900KS/GTX1060 HQPlayer4>Win10 NAA

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, PeterV said:

What is even smarter than I thought  is the way MQA is able to use all these discussions regarding their technology totally in their advantage. This amount of free publicity by nay- and yes- sayers is priceless. If MQA would be an inferior format like MP3, no audiophile listener or criticaster would care to discuss it. Now, the fuzz and buzz is a strong marketing tool :-) just count the amount of times the 3 letters are being mentioned every day.. just listen and you will understand that it's all about about the MUSIC


"just count the amount of times the 3 letters are being mentioned every day.. just listen and you will understand that it's all about about the MUSIC"  Money


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  • 2 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, Samuel T Cogley said:


I might agree with you if he wasn't treating the forum like Twitter.  Most of his "content" is quick-hit posts.  He's being thoroughly disingenuous.  He never elaborates on any of his posts.  He has no desire to make a case, he's just spamming.  Honest advocacy is, of course, a good thing.  But this has all the earmarks of a guerilla marketing campaign.  I don't care if he claims to like helping starving children.  It's not the thing he's advocating for, it's how he's doing it.  I see that Chris likes your post.  Perhaps this is the MQA "balance" he was hoping for?  O.o

I find this to be a double standard from what you have stated in the Civility thread. He has not broken the terms of service for this site despite the obnoxious posts. Fair is fair whether I agree or not...


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7 hours ago, Samuel T Cogley said:


How so?  Can you elaborate?


As I see it, the issue is not incivility.  Now perhaps you're suggesting that some on the forum are taking some pleasure in seeing others on the forum unhappy about something.  I suppose this is not completely unexpected.


If this is the basis of the "double standard" you're alluding to, by all means step up and own it.


If WD is merely a troll sent here to torment a certain faction of forum members, then bravo!  I didn't see that coming.


But to me, it's indistinguishable from an intentional, deliberate, guerilla marketing campaign.

Step up and own it? Can you even hear yourself I have to wonder... WTF


In the Civility thread you made it seem as if it was alright to say whatever however you wanted to in order to "defend" what you see is the truth. I do not agree with the stance. Here you are expressing that WD is pushing an agenda and should be banned for his deliberate campaign. I see very little difference even though I am completely against MQA. And so, if you have the "right" (that you almost treat as a duty or cause), why should it be different for WD just because he supports something that you(and I) entirely reject? In both cases it smells of zealotry to me. You both think you are correct and the ends justify the means. Honestly, he has been more polite about it, not that you care.


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35 minutes ago, Nikhil said:


Shunyata is Sanskrit.  Very clever name IMO if one understands the nuance of the term.



Care to elaborate on that nuance? I am curious, not baiting you. TYIA


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
28 minutes ago, knickerhawk said:


Yes, I'm well aware of that line of argument. I now how it goes...trojan horse and all that...but so far it's only given me more choices. 

More choices? The other day upon his death I was trying to listen to Tom Petty and the Redbook files wouldn't play. I was stuck with MQA versions. I just tried again, and his first album is still that way on Tidal. I fear this is the beginning...


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31 minutes ago, mansr said:


It was the only example I could think of at the moment. Despite ones musical preferences, he is a major artist and it was a wake up call for me in that MQA might just replace RB. It will be a shame as Tidal integrates well into my set up with HQPlayer.


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1 minute ago, mansr said:

Do I really have to explain the joke?

Of course not. I probably just read too far into it. All of this MQA conspiracy stuff has me on edge! LOL I have to wonder if this isn't happening to other mainstream artists there. I listen to mostly less popular stuff.


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6 minutes ago, rickca said:

Once you get more experience with better cables, you will change your tune about the impact they can have on sound.

You pulled exactly the same stuff here on CA with @Shadders, and you brought it up, not him.

Regardless, can we please not dilute this with cable discussions. They really have nothing to do with MQA and it is just a diversion.


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15 minutes ago, Lee Scoggins said:


Please stop taking things out of context. This was in response to Agitator claiming that he cannot hear differences between cables.


And it is also established that higher resolving systems do highlight differences from equipment changes as well as format differences, all else being equal.

What context? You have failed to present anything of substance to the questions you have been asked. One doesn't need a "resolving" system to understand that there has yet to be a compelling reason why MQA is required to perform the simple filters used by it. It is not "authenticated", it is not hi res, it is not elegant, it is not smaller than FLAK and AFAIK, it is not even new. How about you provide something tangible to prevent us from simply feeling you are a spokesperson?


Win10 i9 9900KS/GTX1060 HQPlayer4>Win10 NAA

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