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AudioLinux and NUC Troubleshooting and Tuning

Message added by austinpop

Summary of useful findings and recommendations


This section will be a living repository of useful info from this thread. It's very similar to a wiki and will be maintained by a small group of thread moderators.


Before you get started please refer to the Audio-Linux website to ensure you have the latest info and the proper versions of the OS. Audio-Linux.com  


**** Updated for AL 1.30 menu 118 or later.


  "First Run" setup for headless.  


Setup your NUC with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the NUC BIOS settings.  From the menu note the IP address of the machine to SSH into.  From a MAC the macOS terminal program supports SSH:



Then it is simpler to cut and paste into the terminal session. After entering the password for the audiolinuxuser you will be presented with the AL headless menu:




Option 8 takes you to the command line for the following basic setup.  You will need to be the Root user for this setup and the su command first:




Fix the time zone:  (this is my timezone - look in directory /usr/share/zoneinfo)


timedatectl set-timezone America/Chicago

Setup and Start NTP daemon (to keep the system time in sync)


*** the config file is now properly filled in.


Now Start the daemon


timedatectl set-ntp true



NOTE: Sometimes the system takes a little while to get synced up.

Set hostname  (this provides a unique name for the machine on your network.  Replace <NAME> with your chosen name)


hostnamectl set-hostname <NAME> 

Once the above items are set up your machine is ready to be configured for say a Roon bridge/endpoint. That is done using the AL menu.  To return to the menu do the following commands.







For most of us, the following basic settings are key.

From the configuration menu:

6. START and enable Roonbridge

15. SET Realtime Priority to extreme

16. ENABLE ramroot (reboot after)


Return to the main menu and reboot the NUC using 


11 Reboot



Roon Server setup is a bit more complex and we will cover it completely a bit later.  The key is where you are booting from and where the Roon database is stored.  In general; say a 32gb OPTANE "SSD".


  • You have to partition the SSD into a boot drive and a storage drive.  
  • The transfer the USB stick install to the boot partition.  
  • Reboot from the boot partition.  
  • Do the basic setup. Timezone and name
  • Transfer the Roon Database to the storage drive
  • Start the Roon Server
  • .....



The machine will reboot and from the display attached to the NUC you can watch it boot up and load into RAM.  Once the AudioLinux menu is showing the endpoint should be available in Roon.    This completes the basic startup sequence.  The system is ready to start testing.    



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6 minutes ago, BigAlMc said:


Thanks Pierro,


So at least my main suspect has been verified.


Is there a way on a windows laptop to set or change this partition size? Perhaps using Rufus or Ethcher etc?


I specifically want to avoid using GParted but could create an Ubuntu boot image as last resort.





No possible on Windows but you can use the ramroot mode suggested before but only if you have enough RAM

AudioLinux --> https://www.audio-linux.com

developer of AudioLinux realtime OS

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1 minute ago, hifi25nl said:


No possible on Windows but you can use the ramroot mode suggested before but only if you have enough RAM

Thanks Pierro,


Will give it a go.




Synergistic Research Powercell UEF SE > Sonore OpticalModule (LPS-1.2 & DXP-1A5DSC) > EtherRegen (SR4T & DXP-1A5DSC) > (Sablon 2020 LAN) Innuos PhoenixNet > Muon Streaming System > Grimm MU1 > (Sablon 2020 AES) > Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC > PS Audio M1200 monoblocks > Focal Sopra No2 speakers

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5 minutes ago, hifi25nl said:

Menu version and audiolinux version are different


Menu 208 will add most of the changes from 2.0 to 2.1/2.1.1


so to be fully at 2.1.1, i need to make a new stick -- correct?

(1) holo audio red (hqp naa) > chord dave > luxman cl-38uc/mq-88uc > kef reference 1
(2) simaudio moon mind 2 > chord qutest > luxman sq-n150 > sennheiser hd600
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Hi Pierro,


Am I missing something with 2.1 AL Headless or is the only way to disable Ramroot to add a keyboard & monitor during boot?


Is there a command I can use instead because I've configured my NUC, like many others have, to use the minimum assets (USB, HDMI, etc) and connecting a monitor and keyboard is a pain in the ass to be frank.


Am I misunderstanding this menu or have you removed the ability to select/unselect RamRoot via Putty?







Synergistic Research Powercell UEF SE > Sonore OpticalModule (LPS-1.2 & DXP-1A5DSC) > EtherRegen (SR4T & DXP-1A5DSC) > (Sablon 2020 LAN) Innuos PhoenixNet > Muon Streaming System > Grimm MU1 > (Sablon 2020 AES) > Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC > PS Audio M1200 monoblocks > Focal Sopra No2 speakers

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Ramroot 2.0 is working in a different way than previous version. The official method is the one recommended.

If you want to disable ramroot when the system is loaded to RAM (after making a backup possibly) you could go to a root console and type

ramroot -D

When finished, save the system with


and reboot.

With this manual method you will have some ramroot messages at the last boot stage, even if ramroot is really disabled.




AudioLinux --> https://www.audio-linux.com

developer of AudioLinux realtime OS

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In case you are interested, here are the commands to turn off Energy Efficient Ethernet on Archlinux. They need to be run from an elevated CLI. They work on both my AMD server and NUC I7 endpoint.


Note: The device name in the examples below, enp5s0f3u4, needs to be substituted with the unique device name used in your build.


Do this by typing: #ip a 


1) Load the ethernet tool: #pacman -S ethtool
2) Show the current state: #ethtool --show-eee enp5s0f3u4

3) Set eee off: #ethtool --set-eee enp5s0f3u4 eee off


If you are in ramroot don't forget to save.



Pareto Audio aka nuckleheadaudio

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I can't install MPD on Audiolinux Headless 2.1.1, anyone with that problem too??

Hackintosh I7 16GB Ram, Roon, HQPlayer, Drobo 8 TB NAS, Raspberry Pi 3 NAA, Gustard X20 ES 9018 Xmos, Audio GD C39 Preamp, The First ONE DIY Amp, Monitor Audio GS20 Speakers, Monitor Audio RSW12 Subwoofer, PI Audio MagikBuss filter.

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18 minutes ago, lmitche said:

In case you are interested, here are the commands to turn off Energy Efficient Ethernet on Archlinux. They need to be run from an elevated CLI. They work on both my AMD server and NUC I7 endpoint.


Note: The device name in the examples below, enp5s0f3u4, needs to be substituted with the unique device name used in your build.


Do this by typing: #ip a 


1) Load the ethernet tool: #pacman -S ethtool
2) Show the current state: #ethtool --show-eee enp5s0f3u4

3) Set eee off: #ethtool --set-eee enp5s0f3u4 eee off


If you are in ramroot don't forget to save.



Unfortunately disabling eee with ethtool will not survive a reboot. It looks like a kernel command line option will do the trick.


Piero, it's probably best to do an expert menu choice for this.  What do you think?



Pareto Audio aka nuckleheadaudio

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3 hours ago, hifi25nl said:


Test in user command line:

yay -Sy mpd --noconfirm


Network must be up...

Thanks, it's installed, but it only appears in enabled audio services but not in running audio services and cantata doen't connect to audiolinux machine via 6600 port

Hackintosh I7 16GB Ram, Roon, HQPlayer, Drobo 8 TB NAS, Raspberry Pi 3 NAA, Gustard X20 ES 9018 Xmos, Audio GD C39 Preamp, The First ONE DIY Amp, Monitor Audio GS20 Speakers, Monitor Audio RSW12 Subwoofer, PI Audio MagikBuss filter.

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Hi Pierro,


What do I need to do to get Ethool installed and working?









Synergistic Research Powercell UEF SE > Sonore OpticalModule (LPS-1.2 & DXP-1A5DSC) > EtherRegen (SR4T & DXP-1A5DSC) > (Sablon 2020 LAN) Innuos PhoenixNet > Muon Streaming System > Grimm MU1 > (Sablon 2020 AES) > Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC > PS Audio M1200 monoblocks > Focal Sopra No2 speakers

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Doesn't seem to be working:









Synergistic Research Powercell UEF SE > Sonore OpticalModule (LPS-1.2 & DXP-1A5DSC) > EtherRegen (SR4T & DXP-1A5DSC) > (Sablon 2020 LAN) Innuos PhoenixNet > Muon Streaming System > Grimm MU1 > (Sablon 2020 AES) > Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC > PS Audio M1200 monoblocks > Focal Sopra No2 speakers

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I'm having a weird issue with the latest version, downloaded today 2.1.1 and updating the menu is fine however updating the system I'm getting errors (see below) so the process ends but when I do an update again it starts again and fails.


There is space on the disk

[root@audiolinux audiolinux]# df -H
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dev             2.1G     0  2.1G   0% /dev
run             2.1G  730k  2.1G   1% /run
/dev/sdb2        15G  2.4G   12G  17% /
tmpfs           2.1G     0  2.1G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           2.1G     0  2.1G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           2.1G     0  2.1G   0% /tmp
/dev/sdb1       511M   50M  462M  10% /boot
tmpfs           402M     0  402M   0% /run/user/1000


So I don't know if it fails because the packages are not available for some temporary problem or something else


@hifi25nl can you please take a look Piero?


libxml2-2.9.9-6-...  1270.8 KiB  9.47 MiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'intel-ucode-20191115-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirrors.evowise.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'intel-ucode-20191115-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.rackspace.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'intel-ucode-20191115-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.rackspace.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: failed to retrieve some files
error: failed retrieving file 'talloc-2.2.0-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from mirrors.evowise.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'talloc-2.2.0-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.rackspace.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'talloc-2.2.0-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.rackspace.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: failed to retrieve some files
 tevent-1:0.9.39-...    48.8 KiB  9.53 MiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%



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You can try to edit with File Editor root the file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and

1) put # in front of Worldwide servers:
#Server = http://mirrors.evowise.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
#Server = http://mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
#Server = https://mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

2) Remove # in front of the servers of your country

3) Update the database
pacman -Syy

If you have still the same errors, wait some hours, since maybe the archlinux servers are not in sync yet.

AudioLinux --> https://www.audio-linux.com

developer of AudioLinux realtime OS

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Hi @hifi25nl,


When I try to update Install Roon in the AL2.1 headless that you sent me it asks for Root password, but then whizzes through the update way to fast and the update seems to fail.


I'm trying to manually force the Roon 1.7 update through before I set up my Roon Server and enable Ramroot  (as the overnight automatic update in Roon failed so I'm trying to fix it).


Any way I can check what version is installed before I proceed? And does the below look like a failure to you?


Many Thanks,







Synergistic Research Powercell UEF SE > Sonore OpticalModule (LPS-1.2 & DXP-1A5DSC) > EtherRegen (SR4T & DXP-1A5DSC) > (Sablon 2020 LAN) Innuos PhoenixNet > Muon Streaming System > Grimm MU1 > (Sablon 2020 AES) > Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC > PS Audio M1200 monoblocks > Focal Sopra No2 speakers

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20 minutes ago, BigAlMc said:

Hi @hifi25nl,


When I try to update Install Roon in the AL2.1 headless that you sent me it asks for Root password, but then whizzes through the update way to fast and the update seems to fail.


I'm trying to manually force the Roon 1.7 update through before I set up my Roon Server and enable Ramroot  (as the overnight automatic update in Roon failed so I'm trying to fix it).


Any way I can check what version is installed before I proceed? And does the below look like a failure to you?


Many Thanks,








Nevermind. It came good. Several reboots and several attempts later it did a proper install.

Synergistic Research Powercell UEF SE > Sonore OpticalModule (LPS-1.2 & DXP-1A5DSC) > EtherRegen (SR4T & DXP-1A5DSC) > (Sablon 2020 LAN) Innuos PhoenixNet > Muon Streaming System > Grimm MU1 > (Sablon 2020 AES) > Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC > PS Audio M1200 monoblocks > Focal Sopra No2 speakers

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On that same update note...if my iPad running the Roon app says there is an Roon update - and I agree to update, will that update the RoonServer on Audiolinux? Or do I have to go to the audiolinux 2 menu and update there?

Qobuz - HQPlayer(d) 5 - M1 Mini - RPI 5 8gb - Nuc i7 - Signature Silver DC - Keces P3 PS - Lush USB - Holo Spring Dac - SRC-DX - Chord Mojo2 - Bottlehead Crack Upgraded w/ GEC or Tung-Sol 6as7/vt231 - Triode Wire Labs AC - HD-650 - GR Research V2 - Dennis Murphy Pioneer BS22 - B&W 602 S2 - Apple Music Spatial 7.1.4

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