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MQA is Vaporware

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Or just equipment that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. It is nice they review uber-expensive equipment, but the majority of people can't afford it. It is nice to hear about Wilson, etc. but equipment that costs more than my house and 2 cars is a little ridiculous.


I understand some people CAN afford it, great, but I cannot.

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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1 hour ago, FredericV said:

I think he means blurring. If those working for MQA don't know the difference between blur and deblur ....


The deblurring of individual stems is BS since virtually every MQA track has been batch encoded, with a few cherry picked exceptions getting the "white glove" treatment.

Furthermore if they could actually do that per channel in the studio, where are the DAW plugins? I don't see any revelant google results for MQA VST plugins. They don't even have a product page on MQA gear, plugins or software for the studio.

Yes, what nonsense in that insert...   Do they/he really believe that the word salad is convincing?



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1. Psychology - louder sounds better, or so people say.

2. Once lossy, a file will ALWAYS be lossy.

3. The patent is very clear, DRM can be added to a file at any time.

4. This is inferior technology compared FLAC and other lossless codecs.



Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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7 hours ago, bambadoo said:

i actually think he understands some of it but is in perfect denial. Not sure why but it is a common phenomenon.  He founded the group and has put "his whole" soul in advertising for "the (low)tech that shall not be mentioned"

The old saying, 'A little knowledge is dangerous when spouted by an arrogant person'.


It is arrogance to think the m-Q-anon followers think they know what is best for us. I will keep my FLAC and DSD files, the mqa files they should be flushed down the toilet.



Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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39 minutes ago, Allan F said:


Should the files be folded before flushing?

You mean unfolded? Nah, they will flush just fine.

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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Just now, bambadoo said:

Of course not. There are no objective positive information regarding it.

Much "positive" subjective though. 


No, just a massive negative information.

Current:  Daphile on an AMD A10-9500 with 16 GB RAM


Pre-amp - Rotel RC-1590

Amplification - Benchmark AHB2 amplifier

Speakers - Revel M126Be with 2 REL 7/ti subwoofers

Cables - Tara Labs RSC Reference and Blue Jean Cable Balanced Interconnects

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