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Neil Young’s Lonely Quest to Save Music — New York Times

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2 hours ago, left channel said:
"When you hear real music, you get lost in it, he added, 'because it sounds like God.' Spotify doesn’t sound like God. No one thinks that. It sounds like a rotating electric fan that someone bought at a hardware store."

Well put Uncle Neil. 

Whatever anyone may  think about the methods of his efforts, I am very glad there is at least one musical artist out there who cares about the sound quality that carries his art. 

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5 hours ago, firedog said:

All of that damage was done by  Napster, et. al. before iTunes came along. The public didn't want' to pay $10 or more for a CD when they actually only wanted one or at most a few songs on the CD. Illegal downloading of 128k mp3's supplied the public with what it wanted. Albums? Before the late 60's, the music market had been a singles market. This was true for all forms of popular music, including Jazz, as until the LP, 78's ruled. Even when the LP arrived it took about 15 years for it to become as important as singles in the marketplace. So, since the 90's the pendulum just swung back to what had been before - from the 20's thru the 60's. And people got used to 128k mp3's on portable audio and on laptop/computer speaker audio as the standard for music listening.

Apple just figured out how to monetize what already existed on the black market. 

Well said, and very accurately so. But what Apple did expanded the scale massively, literally hundreds of millions of times. It made it legitimate, and so it was embraced by the general public. Napster was on the verge of being shutdown, to a significant degree, by record labels and the legal process and internet providers under pressure to do so. . 


Apple can also be blamed for staying with the garbage quality 128kb mp3's, and robbing the unknowing of nearly half the fidelity of a cd when they sold them music.They could have at least upgraded to 384k and been able to sleep at night!



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38 minutes ago, wgscott said:

256 kbps ACC, but don't let mere facts interfere with a good rant.

Not when they started. That was an upgrade.

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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7 hours ago, firedog said:

Not when they started. That was an upgrade.

Thank you for pointing this out. There are many confused people who seem unable to understand this. Apple started iTunes in 2003. It was literally not until 2015 that they began offering it in 256kps. Granted, thats only 4 years of intentionally choosing to offer a pathetic version of the music they sold. And twelve more where they offer only slightly less pathetic versions. 


"Music encoded as 256kbps AAC files first came to the iTunes Store in 2007 with the launch of Apple's iTunes Plus. "



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6 hours ago, wgscott said:


Only when exerting mind-control over Fidel Castro's crocodiles.





6 hours ago, wgscott said:

That reminds me...  Did the Nazis use lossy compression when they live-streamed their attack on Pearl Harbor?

Yes, that's why all those WWII films are in black and white.....
It's too bad the technology didn't exist, or we could have video of the airports during the American Independence War, as a certain President alluded to...


Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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10 hours ago, firedog said:



Yes, that's why all those WWII films are in black and white.....
It's too bad the technology didn't exist, or we could have video of the airports during the American Independence War, as a certain President alluded to...



That was Ralf11 you were quoting, not me.  (How did that happen/).

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11 hours ago, TubeLover said:

Thank you for pointing this out. There are many confused people who seem unable to understand this. Apple started iTunes in 2003. It was literally not until 2015 that they began offering it in 256kps. Granted, thats only 4 years of intentionally choosing to offer a pathetic version of the music they sold. And twelve more where they offer only slightly less pathetic versions. 


"Music encoded as 256kbps AAC files first came to the iTunes Store in 2007 with the launch of Apple's iTunes Plus. "




More fake news.


Here is one of the first things I purchased on iTunes, in 2009:


Screen Shot 2019-08-22 at 9.27.40 AM.png


(I also since found a few from 2007.)



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