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Another major look at MQA by another pro.

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45 minutes ago, mcgillroy said:


I undestand your reserve and it would be helpful if you'd list up the questions you see unanswered or only partially answered. Thx!

Too many to list, and some may not be answerable.  The key goes to issues of credibility and the possibility of error or misinterpretation - on both sides, pro and con.  That key problem is not easily solved, in my view, in spite of claims made in this thread and others.



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6 hours ago, Charles Hansen said:


Hi Fitzcarraldo,


This is one of the problems of the corporate press. You think you know a lot about Bob Stuart and Meridian, because of what the corporate press and Meridian brochures tell you. But what you really know about Meridian and Bob Stuart?


Thanks to the internet you can now access a lot of information on Meridian, including financial statements required by  UK law that are nearly as strict as what public companies in the US must publish. With a bit of detective work you can find out that Meridian has basically lost money in every single year of its existence. They almost went out of business in 1991, but BS is married to the heiress of a US publishing Empire and her family trust bailed them out. After continuing to lose money for many more years BS finally convinced Luxembourg-based luxury group conglomerate Richemont (Cartier, Dunhill, and so forth, worth about $10 billion) to purchase Meridian. The idea was to sell Meridian hi-fi to the super-rich. After a few more years of losing money, Richemont spun off all of their less profitable "luxury-tech" companies into a sub-corporation called Reinet Investments, S.C.A.(still worth about $2 billion on paper).


At this point the story becomes murkier, but it appears that Reinet pumped about $20 million into newly-formed  MQA. The paper deals started with MQA "purchasing" all of the technology from Meridian for around $14 million - apparently the only profitable year for Meridian. I put "purchasing" in quotes as Reinet owns both companies and Bob Stuart sits on the board of both companies, so the distinction is largely clerical.


As far as Bob Stuart, he is known to have misled his customers as noted in this early Stereophile review, "Meridian states in their literature that there are no ICs in the signal path of the modified unit. I traced the Meridian circuit with the Signetics linear data book in hand, and the Signetics 5534 op-amps are definitely in the signal path. And op-amps are quite definitely ICs. I have nothing against 5534s they are about the best op-amps around. I only mention their presence because it would seem to contradict one of Meridian's claims for the MCD."

Plus Meridian doesn't seem to know a lot about analog circuit design as DIY'er and reviewer George Graves was also able to significantly improve the sound of the Meridian MCD by replacing some coupling caps in the signal path: "From the moment that I saw those two tantalum electrolytics in the output, I wondered if they couldn't be the culprit; one Sunday afternoon I could stand the suspense no longer. I carefully bypassed the two tantalum capacitors, and connected the Meridian up to the outboard box containing the two 20µF polypropylene caps I use for my Magnavox. The Meridian's high end just opened up! The strings became sweet and effortless. The top became light and airy The darkness was gone. Curiously, the soundstage became deeper, while maintaining the extraordinary height and width noticed earlier. Now the Meridian lives up to its promise and is the best-sounding player I have ever heard."


To be frank, I am baffled at how the "MQA" paper passed the JAES review board. It is truly an embarrassment that should never habe been allowed to see the light of day in the form it was published.  http://www.aes.org/e-lib/download.cfm/17501.pdf?ID=17501

And the material put out to the general public is far, far worse. It was bad enough on the face of it, but now that mansr and soxr have done a lot of reverse engineering, it reveals complete outright lies in the published MQA material.


A lot of people heard of Bernie Madoff before, too. Do you remember the name of the guy(s?) who exposed him? Don't let fame (or lack thereof) interfere with facts.


Hope this helps,

Charles Hansen

I have no doubt, Charlie, that you have your detractors, too.  I do not believe that Bob Stuart = Bernie Madoff.  Taking that tack destroys the credibility of your tirade against him.

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1 hour ago, Fitzcaraldo215 said:

I have no doubt, Charlie, that you have your detractors, too.  I do not believe that Bob Stuart = Bernie Madoff.  Taking that tack destroys the credibility of your tirade against him.


I guess the difference is Bernie's Ponzi scheme operations used dot-matrix printers and computers from the 80s?

mQa is dead!

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1 hour ago, mansr said:

Maybe you need to look harder.


I'll look harder after you provide facts that disprove my opinion. About artists signing contracts. You said I was naive and wrong but could provide zero facts. 


Your comments here are similar. Little snipes without any substance. 


You'd only be satisfied if I came out against the product. I'd rather provide fertile ground for discussion than stifle it with my opinion. 



37 minutes ago, mcgillroy said:

Chris, is your opinion an informed guess based on the interpolation of the MQA debate so far or based on something else?


My intuition guess in the same direction as your take and if that is indeed is the case we will have a bleak situation to deal with.



My opinion is based on everything you read here and many personal discussions with people on all sides of this issue. 


I'm not saying I like where things are headed, just trying to provide facts and seek information. 

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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The irony of the whole MQA-marketing debacle is that if they just would have sold the whole thing as "DRM you can live with while it gives you high-rez-streaming" they'd probably saved themselves a lot of trouble.


But getting on the stand, claiming "Shannon-Nyquist is wrong" and "btw. we are fixing temporal-blur (in the air)" and "no this DRM is not DRM" really was asking for having half the internet breathing down their neck.


That won't go away anymore and even though MQA might just be forced through by the major-labels this episode will have interesting mid- and long-term effects for the audio-industry and audio-press. The latter lost a lot of reputation, the former will have to come to terms with rent-seeking licensing schemes and probably begin to compete on that. MQA may only be the beginning and I am just waiting for somebody to merge this idea with the block chain.



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39 minutes ago, mcgillroy said:

MQA may only be the beginning and I am just waiting for somebody to merge this idea with the block chain.




Block chain?  You mean as a way to distribute strong crypto protected files that contain music?

Hey MQA, if it is not all $voodoo$, show us the math!

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9 hours ago, mcgillroy said:

The irony of the whole MQA-marketing debacle is that if they just would have sold the whole thing as "DRM you can live with while it gives you high-rez-streaming" they'd probably saved themselves a lot of trouble.


That. And open-sourcing (at least the unfolding part of) the decoder, so that by now just about every software-based player (PC, Mac, RPi/Cubox/..., LMS, phone apps, ...) could do something with the embedded data and send it through DSP. Less people antagonised. Less landfill.


Like I said two years ago, with such a scenario they would have had a chance. But of course they would also have had to find less obvious ways for making much money out of it. I suppose.

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Just now, Ralf11 said:

typos are not equal to personal attack, chucko


you have really made me avoid ayre products too

You really are trying to back out of this by saying lasagna was a typo for lavorgna?

Not buying it. It's a insult that ML has probably been hearing since he was 5 years old and has been used at this forum before.

At least have the "internet anonymous"  courage to either stand behind your words or apologize.

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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Hate to go there but factoring Hansen's viewpoint and the facts as we know them, I see a lot of parallels in other areas the world is dealing with right now in terms of privacy and security vulnerabilities. Do we really need another piece of proprietary software that tracks and 'validates' for DRM purposes via who knows what means? Software that isn't even the most effective for its purpose and basically unnecessary as a lossy format?


No matter which way you turn there's something about the MQA narrative that doesn't add up. Even the Tidal association is suspect given Tidal's money troubles and four (FOUR) CEOs. It will probably be bought outright by a Telecom soon. Do the math.

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