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Why Do People Come To Computer Audiophile To Display Their Contempt For Audiophiles?

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Just now, mansr said:

Yes, but a diode causes the same distortion to an alternating current regardless of which direction it is inserted.


Not quite. Phase is different by 180°, as is the sign of the amplitude ;) What's more, if you reverse one of the two speaker cables by accident, you should hear no sound coming out your speakers... 



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6 hours ago, Teresa said:


I agree and that is why it is important to occasionally attend live acoustic music events. IMHO that is the goal of better reproduction equipment, getting closer to the real thing. The ear/brain system is the best tool to use to compare the real event to the reproduction of it.

Sorry but that is where your argument runs off the tracks.  The "ear/brain system" is the most fallible tool to use in sighted evaluations of a High Fidelity system. Without a scientific approach you are lost in the human weaknesses of bias and illusion.  It's like believing the magicians tricks are real magic because your eyes saw that airplane disappear off the runway.

But I'm very glad you enjoy the sound of your music.


"The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information?"

Peter Aczel - The Audio Critic

nomqa.webp.aa713f2bb9e304522011cdb2d2ca907d.webp  R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.


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2 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:


One precondition is that one must trust the source of the advice, must value the opinion. This process is not entirely objective. Sometimes it is far from objective and depends in part how you are treated by the person who is offering the advice and'or your perception of how that person treats others.


I understand what you are saying.


But enthusiasts in this hobby seem to be a fickle bunch. Mind you I've never had hands on with Auralic hardware before and doing this from thousands of miles away. I remoted into a members computer across the pond and in 15 minutes was able to determine why their Auralic wasn't being seen by the application (it was a mis-configured network) and also what the steps going forward to resolving it. Then a later thread had the same person ignoring my advice as it related to things networking.


So I was the correct authority to fix something, they and some others couldn't, but when networking advice was sought again...







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3 minutes ago, Sal1950 said:

The "ear/brain system" is the most fallible tool to use in sighted evaluations of a High Fidelity system.

So, what your saying is that it's not the "ear/brain system" that is fallible - it's the "ear/brain/vision" that is fallible?

Pity as that is what I use all the time when I listen to & enjoy my music system. Should I not do that?


What happens when you do your "blind test" & it "proves" that there is no difference between A & B - does your ear/brain/vision system stop being fallible or when you go back to sighted listening of A & B  you have to keep reminding yourself that the pretty, shiny one does not sound better?


Or have you simply replaced one bias in this fallible system with another opposite bias?


Chose your bias!!

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2 minutes ago, plissken said:


I understand what you are saying.


But enthusiasts in this hobby seem to be a fickle bunch. Mind you I've never had hands on with Auralic hardware before and doing this from thousands of miles away. I remoted into a members computer across the pond and in 15 minutes was able to determine why their Auralic wasn't being seen by the application (it was a mis-configured network) and also what the steps going forward to resolving it. Then a later thread had the same person ignoring my advice as it related to things networking.


So I was the correct authority to fix something, they and some others couldn't, but when networking advice was sought again...








I wouldn't argue that knuckle-headed responses don't happen here or that people aren't inconsistent in their willingness to follow advice. I just wouldn't generalize from that about "subjectivists" and their perceived inability to be rational, ie, to follow logic, to engage an argument consistently, to enter into meaningful discourse ---dialogue, discussion, conversation, dialectic, debate, terms which can be filled out and distinguished at least to some extent. But people seem to have very different notions of what these things are, and there are no ground rules that address how to discuss here. So we are not even on the same page regarding what it means to post in a thread, and what good practice is. This is a formula for the chaos that we experience. Sometimes I'm amazed that anything useful comes out of it. It happens almost in spite of itself.

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18 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:


Isn't that tantamount to saying "You are delusional", but with a smirk adding "I'm glad you are enjoying your delusions?" Aren't you also the person that claimed that if someone doesn't care for the sound of a system that tests accurate, that there is something wrong with the listener? I think your statements are hyperbolic and really tend toward inolerance of our human differences in aesthetic perception and judgement.

No, what I said was her approach to evaluation of a systems capability to accurately reproduce music was flawed.

But in the end if you don't care about such things and love the sound of your rig that is all that counts for you.

"The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information?"

Peter Aczel - The Audio Critic

nomqa.webp.aa713f2bb9e304522011cdb2d2ca907d.webp  R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.


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29 minutes ago, mmerrill99 said:

So, what your saying is that it's not the "ear/brain system" that is fallible - it's the "ear/brain/vision" that is fallible?

Pity as that is what I use all the time when I listen to & enjoy my music system. Should I not do that?


What happens when you do your "blind test" & it "proves" that there is no difference between A & B - does your ear/brain/vision system stop being fallible...

Unfortunately, our brain will often continue to allow sight to override what is coming into our ears. We are creatures very oriented towards sight. 

You obviously can listen and enjoy how you like - and should. I think what Sal and some others are reacting to is using sighted listening as some sort of objective, authoritative yardstick. It isn't. Even for our own ears. We should at least acknowledge that. 

It's fine to say, "I like this better and that's what I'm listening to."; That isn't the same as saying, I added this to my system and I KNOW for a fact  that it does x (reduces noise, lifts veils, firms up bass, etc)", because I heard it. 


A better approach would be "it sounds better to me, but I haven't tested it non-sighted, so I could be fooling myself."

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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8 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:

I find sharp edges fatiguing.

Yes, you must be careful you don't cut yourself.

"The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information?"

Peter Aczel - The Audio Critic

nomqa.webp.aa713f2bb9e304522011cdb2d2ca907d.webp  R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.


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12 minutes ago, firedog said:

It's also true that sighted listening changes what we hear - that's well established. 

Nope, the correct phrase is "CAN change what we hear" but so can smell, mood, lighting, worry, tiredness, company - any number of things!


What would you say is the best way to eliminate these influences on what we perceive?


Teresa has found that over longer term listening the variations in each of these other biases may well cancel out - in other words her mood listening one day is likely to be different to her mood on another days listening, her tiredness one day, different to her tiredness another day & so on. Over long term listening, these factors will vary so much that what is the essence of  the sound becomes apparent - the characteristic sound of the device, if you like.


On the other hand, blind A/B testing focuses so much on eliminating just one bias sigthedness/knowledge that it ignores all the other biases/influences in how we perceive. It tends towards a one shot at "proving" what is audible.


See the problem?

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8 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:

OK. So then what's the problem?

That's not a position you want to pass on to others as a rational approach to High Fidelity.

What part of that do you find so difficult to understand?

"The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information?"

Peter Aczel - The Audio Critic

nomqa.webp.aa713f2bb9e304522011cdb2d2ca907d.webp  R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.


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2 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:


OK. So then what's the problem?

The problem is when audiophile only use sighted evaluation and make claims sound improvements brought about things like cables and other items that can't be supported by known mechanisms. 

If you want to say something definitive like, "cable a reduces harshness compared to cable b", then you should be prepared to test it unsighted. 


Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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Just now, Sal1950 said:

That's not a position you want to pass on to others as a rational approach to High Fidelity.

What part of that do you find so difficult to understand?


You don't have to pass it on. You are trying to obstruct that message in fear that someone else will pass it on. How's that worked so far?

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6 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:


You don't have to pass it on. You are trying to obstruct that message in fear that someone else will pass it on. How's that worked so far?

With you and Teresa I'm batting 0 and 2.

But I'm hoping for a better result with others more rational.

"The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information?"

Peter Aczel - The Audio Critic

nomqa.webp.aa713f2bb9e304522011cdb2d2ca907d.webp  R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.


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4 minutes ago, Sal1950 said:

That's not a position you want to pass on to others as a rational approach to High Fidelity.

What part of that do you find so difficult to understand?


Sal, you seem to be playing Big Brother / Minister of Information when it comes to how people should think and what they should believe. I don't know you personally, but you strike me as the type of guy who prefers to live and let live. Something doesn't add up. 


What am I missing?

Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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