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Maybe spending stupid amounts of money on power cords isn't entirely harmless

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You sir, are purposely twisting what I said into something very different and not at all what I wrote.


I said " Well, It is clear that you a few others can not in any way hold reasonable discourse when the subject includes Israel or Jewish people. "


It is your own insanity and ego that in any way translates that in any way refer to all Jewish people. I seriously misdoubt you represent all Jewish people, or even a sizable number of them.


Not that I ever expect I will see one, but you owe me a big time apology.



First of all "reasonable discourse" is difficult to have when one person makes biased and stereotypical generalizations lacking facts which I rather not rehash. Even in your most recent comments which I am responding to you invoke biased slurs and stereotypes by claiming Jews aren't capable of reasonable discourse. You have made your opinions quite clear in your comments regarding Jews and Israel. Fine. Stand by it and move on. Jud gave you a small lesson in relatively recent history as have I in prior past posts and has FD in his posts but you continue to hold onto your biased stereotypical perceptions. You are more than entitled as am I to call you out on it for what it is. As I said to wg if one were to replace Jew with Black, Hispanic or Muslim in your comments the left on this thread would go apeshit.


Jud is a nice guy. He responded with facts and engaged you. I chose to call out your comments for what they are.


You stand by your comments as I do with mine.


I did not call you a Nazi or suggest any such thing. It was your groupies who inferred and stated that I did which you ran with to justify that every time someone questions Israeli policy etc etc.; claiming to be the victim.


I debate facts and in this case as your comments are anything but I see no reason to continue the discourse.

Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat DAC.

Robert A. Heinlein

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Only about 30 - 35% of the electorate WILL vote for him, while 55% or better will vote for HC. That's pretty clear from all the polls made so far. I'm not worried that Trump will be the next POTUS, but I am worried that Hillary Clinton WILL be!


At least she will have an ex President for backup, who other than being caught with his pants down, and let's face it, he wasn't the only President or high profile Senator to be found out, has valuable hands on experience in this area.


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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You sir, are purposely twisting what I said into something very different and not at all what I wrote.


I said " Well, It is clear that you a few others can not in any way hold reasonable discourse when the subject includes Israel or Jewish people. "


It is your own insanity and ego that in any way translates that in any way refer to all Jewish people. I seriously misdoubt you represent all Jewish people, or even a sizable number of them.


Not that I ever expect I will see one, but you owe me a big time apology.


Are you that pathological??


"I will simply assume it is the tenet of your religion and move on" statement I referred to as your slur and stereotypical bias which YOU wrote which followed what you are quoting. What you are quoting isn't the issue I raise. It's the absurd generalization that followed.


You are so jaded you can't even recognize your own slurs.


I guess you just can't help yourself.

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Start another thread and post recipes! (Anything spicy I love.)


Since this thread is so eclectic...


Let's start with some soto ayam and martabak with sambal. Portion of beef rendang to blow your socks off, nasi goreng with fried egg of course, sate ayam with spicy peanut sauce.

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I'm about as deep inside as it gets. I'm a full professor at a major medical school, a VP at our parent university, certified by two American surgical boards, Director of our Center for Healthcare Entrepreneurship, formerly Associate Chief Medical Officer (for 15 years) at our Leapfrog A rated / US News & World Report Honor Roll medical center, a member of the editorial review board for all 6 of the top publications in my specialty and a former editor, plus 3 decades as an academic surgeon. I have 2 doctoral degrees and an MBA. I'm also our 6 Sigma Master Black Belt.


I just read this post and had to respond. Nothing is 100% effective with no risk of adverse outcomes, so all healthcare is based on probabilities: the probability of illlness or injury, the probability that a diagnosis is correct, the probability that the chosen treatment will be effective, etc. The probabilities of a correct diagnosis, well chosen and effective treatment, and the best possible outcomes are well documented and published for most patients with most problems receiving essentially any intervention (or none) within our healthcare system. There is no scientific, statistical, or ethical basis for advocating unproven therapies except for patients whose documented probability of cure or control of their disease is close to zero. Those with a short median survival after diagnosis (e.g. 6 months) and a lack of therapies shown to prolong or improve the quality of their remaining life have a low probability of benefit from any intervention except palliation - so they have little more to lose, even from quackery. But even if I had a disease with only a 20% 5 year survival and acceptable life quality after conventional treatment, but a 5% 5 year survival and/or a high likelihood of incapacitation or other such disability without such treatment, I'd choose conventional therapy in our system over unproven alternatives here or elsewhere in a heartbeat. To advocate alternatives in the belief that our healthcare system is "one of the worst places to be when you are sick" is grossly misguided.


There are no adequately powered, well controlled clinical trials available today that document these probabilities for any alternative therapies, as far as I can determine. I've looked many times, because I felt obligated to know enough to advise my own patients who asked about such care (and many more asked than I ever dreamed would do so). I studied laetrile, herbal therapies etc as thoroughly as possible based on the scant scientific information available. And I spent hours discussing such treatments with those of my patients who chose them after discussing alternatives with me. And I got to do so because almost all of them returned after progressing despite their alternative interventions. Most of this group had head and neck cancers, so we're talking serious disease, not colds and sprains. My colleagues in other specialties have found the same situation for their patients.


The probability of the best possible outcome for most patients with most problems is higher in our system than elsewhere. Yes, it costs too much money and access to care could be easier. If you look at the Commonwealth Fund's most recent report of the top 11 developed nations' healthcare systems, you'll find that we're in the top 3 for effectiveness (as we are in most such studies over the years). We fall down badly on cost, efficiency, equity, and healthy lives - and these are the parameters that make us last in this ranking. But as far as the likelihood of getting the most effective care, we're undisputedly excellent. Why do we do so badly on healthy lives? Could it be our own faults? Could it have anything at all to do with noncompliant diets, sedentary lifestyles, and supersizing? Oh, I forgot - no one ever told the American public that they'd be fat and diabetic from overeating and get heart disease from riding when they could walk.



Well crap. I thought you were a penniless, but literate, bluesman. I always admire your comments. Just goes to show that on the internet no one knows who is a doc.....

In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake ~ Sayre's Law

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Most of the political entities surrounding Israel either have explicitly in their foundational documents statements that Israel has no legitimacy and its destruction is their goal, or large segments of their people believe this deeply due to continuous propaganda from state- or terrorist organization-run media.


Absolutely, but this is not really a unique situation in history. Especially in the middle east, and especially when any territory at all is contested for religious reasons.
Really? What other nations have been targeted for annihilation by their neighbours for their entire existence?


Even though the term genocide did not come into existence until 1948 or thereabouts, there are plenty of historical events that could be classified as genocide. Armenians, Russians, Rwanda, Cambodia (different discussion is we are talking Khmer Rouge) and on and on. It's a problem indeed, but not one unique to Israel, though of course it is highly applicable.
Of course, The Holocaust and the slaughter of 6.000,000 Jews was just another incidence of the common practice of genocide. Nothing particularly unusual or unique at all.


I get your point, but I also have to point out that anyone with half a brain would realize by now that Israel is *not* going to go away, and any attempt to make it do so will not only likely fail, but wind up with the aggressor in a much worse position than he stated from. Kuwait is a solid example of that.
Instead of looking at things through your myopic perspective, you might want to consider that these people with "half a brain" have been trying for years to develop nuclear weapons with which to destroy Israel.


Your superficial and largely ignorant view of the history of the middle east, in general, and the roots of the Arab Israeli conflict, in particular, is cause for dismay. As are your simplistic views regarding "solutions" to a very difficult and potentially extremely dangerous situation.


Whether you intended your comment: "I can only assume that it is a tenet of your religion" to be a slur on all Jews or not, the reality is that it can only be interpreted one way. It is extremely rare that I agree with Priaptor on anything, but he was right this time.

"Relax, it's only hi-fi. There's never been a hi-fi emergency." - Roy Hall

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - William Bruce Cameron


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Just goes to show that on the internet no one knows who is a doc.....

Thanks for the kind words! If it makes you feel better, academic surgeons at inner city trauma centers earn far less than the national average - but I'm fortunately far from penniless. I actually made a ton of money (relatively speaking) playing the guitar in high school, college & medical school, so I never had debt. And now that I'm retired from practice & about to retire completely, playing the guitar will buy our wine & music. I'll be the house guitar player at a local restaurant & music room starting after Labor Day (or whenever construction is done - the restaurant is already open & has 5 stars on Yelp).


I've always had to keep my day gig secret from the pros with whom I work. One national act I've toured with for 25 years tried to hit me up for drugs within minutes of being told by a friend who was there with my wife & kids that I was a doc. When I'm in the band, I stay in the same cheap hotels & eat in the same dives. Many of the blues & jazz artists I work with are nicer & more interesting people than many of my medical colleagues. I also drove a pickup or Suburban for 35 years.

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I'll be the house guitar player at a local restaurant & music room starting after Labor Day (or whenever construction is done - the restaurant is already open & has 5 stars on Yelp).
Can you share, either by reply or PM, where this restaurant is located. I, and I'm sure a number of other members of this forum, would love to drop in and hear you play if in the area.

"Relax, it's only hi-fi. There's never been a hi-fi emergency." - Roy Hall

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - William Bruce Cameron


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At least she will have an ex President for backup, who other than being caught with his pants down, and let's face it, he wasn't the only President or high profile Senator to be found out, has valuable hands on experience in this area.


While that's true, She's not trustworthy. Now, if she wins and is just a "figurehead" while Bill is the "real" POTUS. that would probably be all right. But from what I know of her, that won't happen. She probably has a bigger pair than Bill does. I hope Justice indicts her before the election, and hopefully before the Democratic Convention so that they have to pick someone else (like Bernie).


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While that's true, She's not trustworthy. Now, if she wins and is just a "figurehead" while Bill is the "real" POTUS. that would probably be all right. But from what I know of her, that won't happen. She probably has a bigger pair than Bill does. I hope Justice indicts her before the election, and hopefully before the Democratic Convention so that they have to pick someone else (like Bernie).
IMO, George, she certainly would not be a mere "figurehead", you can rest assured of that. OTOH, Bill Clinton would be far more than a "First Gentleman" at the White House and I expect that she would no doubt seek his views on all major issues. Despite his 'unfortunate' sexual escapade, he was still an extremely popular and effective President. Outside of the U.S., and perhaps Russia, the idea of a Donald Trump presidency is viewed with absolute horror and dismay.


While Bernie Sanders represents a refreshing alternative, I do not believe that a proudly admitted socialist can be elected as POTUS.

"Relax, it's only hi-fi. There's never been a hi-fi emergency." - Roy Hall

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - William Bruce Cameron


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While that's true, She's not trustworthy. Now, if she wins and is just a "figurehead" while Bill is the "real" POTUS. that would probably be all right. But from what I know of her, that won't happen. She probably has a bigger pair than Bill does. I hope Justice indicts her before the election, and hopefully before the Democratic Convention so that they have to pick someone else (like Bernie).



Dream on George !

The supporters on both sides, whether Republican or Democrat, have been brainwashed by their own propaganda machines.

In times like these they should try to work together on key issues.

U.S. politics appears to be very dirty, with character assassination the norm.

Unfortunately, this is now also happening in other western countries too, but not quite as bad in most yet.


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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IMO, George, she certainly would not be a mere "figurehead", you can rest assured of that. OTOH, Bill Clinton would be far more than a "First Gentleman" at the White House and I expect that she would no doubt seek his views on all major issues. Despite his 'unfortunate' sexual escapade, he was still an extremely popular and effective President. Outside of the U.S., and perhaps Russia, the idea of a Donald Trump presidency is viewed with absolute horror and dismay.


While Bernie Sanders represents a refreshing alternative, I do not believe that a proudly admitted socialist can be elected as POTUS.


I believe that you have nailed it there Allan.

From what I have read in news items from many different countries, they are shaking in their boots at the prospect of a loose cannon like Trump becoming President.


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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Jesse Ventura was the only person who actually believed he would be elected as Governor of Minnesota ... until it happened.


Tomorrow Trump will outline his plans for his first 100 days in office, then he will color it in.

That I ask questions? I am more concerned about being stupid than looking like I might be.

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From what I have read in news items from many different countries, they are shaking in their boots at the prospect of a loose cannon like Trump becoming President.


That doesn't sound bad. Why make life easy for them? You are superpower and cowboy for god sake, act like one, grow a pair. Other nations need to fear you and respect you, certainly not make love no war attitude. This is fact of life. HC is not Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, and may always lives under the shadow of Bill Clinton's popularity. If you put her up, Russia will brush her off like nobody like they treat Obama.

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Just checking in again for audio content.


Bluesman has contributed at least something peripherally about audio. Otherwise, carry on gentlemen.


Perhaps I could start a poll, yes, as if I haven't done that to death already. One where I record a song with plain cord and with an audiophile cord. I do have a couple I use on my Soundlabs actually. Then see if you can tell the difference.


I have in mind either this song:


Or this one:


Or maybe:

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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About the power cord controversy, I think Nordost has every right to use legal mean to protect their reputation if they think they are unfairly treated and what Waldrep posted is libelous. Waldrep just has to suck it up and undeterred, should continue to attend Nordost demo if he wants to find out the prove to nail them. In nowadays society, mostly perception is reality, so Nordost doesn't want to go through seesaws to-and-fro with Waldrep to clear thing out. It may not effective and waste their time to sell more cords to cover the R&D in shortest time.


And I believe Nordost already figure out we audiophiles will try to crucifix them in forums. But the bright side is this may bring more skeptics to attend their demo. And they have no issue with it.


This is similar with Singapore politics, which critics like to accuse the founding father Lee Kuan Yew like to use court to sue their opponents to bankrupt them, to silent the critics. But he said he had no issue if people claim all governments are corrupt, but he would have issue if you claim Singapore PAP government is corrupt, then he will take you to court and ask you to prove it. To me this is fair game.

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About the power cord controversy, I think Nordost has every right to use legal mean to protect their reputation if they think they are unfairly treated and what Waldrep posted is libelous. Waldrep just has to suck it up and undeterred, should continue to attend Nordost demo if he wants to find out the prove to nail them. In nowadays society, mostly perception is reality, so Nordost doesn't want to go through seesaws to-and-fro with Waldrep to clear thing out. It may not effective and waste their time to sell more cords to cover the R&D in shortest time.


And I believe Nordost already figure out we audiophiles will try to crucifix them in forums. But the bright side is this may bring more skeptics to attend their demo. And they have no issue with it.


This is similar with Singapore politics, which critics like to accuse the founding father Lee Kuan Yew like to use court to sue their opponents to bankrupt them, to silent the critics. But he said he had no issue if people claim all governments are corrupt, but he would have issue if you claim Singapore PAP government is corrupt, then he will take you to court and ask you to prove it. To me this is fair game.


Kudos for addressing the topic of this thread and immediately tying it into the national politics of yet another country not yet mentioned in the thread.


Well done.

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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That doesn't sound bad. Why make life easy for them? You are superpower and cowboy for god sake, act like one, grow a pair. Other nations need to fear you and respect you, certainly not make love no war attitude. This is fact of life. HC is not Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, and may always lives under the shadow of Bill Clinton's popularity. If you put her up, Russia will brush her off like nobody like they treat Obama.


:face palm:

No electron left behind.

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Kudos for addressing the topic of this thread and immediately tying it into the national politics of yet another country not yet mentioned in the thread.


Well done.


Haha, I can sense the sarcasm. No offense taken. But I am not good with words and English language. So Singapore is the nearest scenario I can give to proof the point why Nordost is right to ask Waldrep to issue apology and retract his statement by legal mean. By all means, I am sorry I am one of the guy that bring the thread out of topic. And I am sincerely ok to stick with audio in this thread. Unless someone is so wrong in world views that I can't let it go. :P

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That doesn't sound bad. Why make life easy for them? You are superpower and cowboy for god sake, act like one, grow a pair. Other nations need to fear you and respect you, certainly not make love no war attitude. This is fact of life. HC is not Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, and may always lives under the shadow of Bill Clinton's popularity. If you put her up, Russia will brush her off like nobody like they treat Obama.
Right. Let's refresh the Cold War. Putin has got it coming to him. Things have been too peaceful since the demise of the Soviet Union, except for the minor distraction of international terrorism.

"Relax, it's only hi-fi. There's never been a hi-fi emergency." - Roy Hall

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - William Bruce Cameron


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At least she will have an ex President for backup, who other than being caught with his pants down, and let's face it, he wasn't the only President or high profile Senator to be found out, has valuable hands on experience in this area.

Ah yes, the man who didn't inhale was brought down by the woman who didn't swallow.

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

- Einstein

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Right. Let's refresh the Cold War. Putin has got it coming to him. Things have been too peaceful since the demise of the Soviet Union, except for the minor distraction of international terrorism.


Nah, you are too pessimism. If you want to take on a guy like Putin, you must give him someone that carry weights and he can see eye-to-eye. Don't you have watched House of Cards? :P

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Haha, I can sense the sarcasm. No offense taken. But I am not good with words and English language. So Singapore is the nearest scenario I can give to proof the point why Nordost is right to ask Waldrep to issue apology and retract his statement by legal mean. By all means, I am sorry I am one of the guy that bring the thread out of topic. And I am sincerely ok to stick with audio in this thread. Unless someone is so wrong in world views that I can't let it go. :P


No, no, you have me wrong. I often post sarcastically. This one was not one of those times. I was impressed with how you went right from Nordost to the politics of your country seamlessly. I was sincere in my praise. Your English, your thought process is smooth as silk and very good.

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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