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Article: MQA: A Review of controversies, concerns, and cautions

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1 hour ago, miguelito said:

I read this review on the magazine. All I can say is "Bravo!" for the restoration of this recording. I will also say that's there's nothing that standard PCM could not do here - I much rather get the full-res restored version than the MQA version.


Sadly, all I can find is an AAC version of the MQA release on iTunes! So not only is it 16/48, it is 16/48 already compressed! 


Take away that Bravo!!!


Correct, it's an old 16/50 digital recording which sounds like has been remastered/restored to 16/48 (presumably 24-bit or 32-bit processing applied). I guess there must be some kind of MQA-CD 16/44.1.


I'm still curious about what they did to the DR with the new Toneff/Dogrobosz Fairytales! If that has been altered significantly, we wouldn't be able to compare the original CD with this MQA version "apples to apples" and would reflect more than just pitch correction and "deblurring".


Archimago's Musings: A "more objective" take for the Rational Audiophile.

Beyond mere fidelity, into immersion and realism.

:nomqa: R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.



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7 minutes ago, adamdea said:

What sort of AA filter did the pcm 1630 have?


Check this page out:



I see a bunch of minimum phase steep filters. Not sure if this applies through the whole Sony production chain back in the day...



Archimago's Musings: A "more objective" take for the Rational Audiophile.

Beyond mere fidelity, into immersion and realism.

:nomqa: R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.



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6 minutes ago, Archimago said:


Check this page out:



I see a bunch of minimum phase steep filters. Not sure if this applies through the whole Sony production chain back in the day...


Thanks Arch

Confusingly the 1630 manual refers to sone sort of linear phase compensation in the a/d.


Don't quite grasp how that works, or what it would not show up in figure 11 of the gamma electronics

You are not a sound quality measurement device

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47 minutes ago, adamdea said:

Thanks Arch

Confusingly the 1630 manual refers to sone sort of linear phase compensation in the a/d.


Don't quite grasp how that works, or what it would not show up in figure 11 of the gamma electronics


Yeah, I wondering if others have experience with these old Sony devices...


Just to put this into context also, we're talk mid-80's technology and that PCM R-DAT link was from 1987 :-). I don't know about you guys, but that was more than half a lifetime ago for me. Whether MQA improves time domain performance on these old digital recordings or not could be somewhat interesting for those of us interested in remastered "dad rock" and the first generation of classical albums, I guess...


But man, if we're honestly talking "high resolution", none of these recordings - digital or analogue - from that era were high-res anyway by today's standards!


Archimago's Musings: A "more objective" take for the Rational Audiophile.

Beyond mere fidelity, into immersion and realism.

:nomqa: R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.



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51 minutes ago, sullis02 said:

Speaking of  'time domain performance' correction--  remember Plangent processing?  It "basically uses recovery of the bias tone off analog recordings to "realign" the audio to the state it was in while being tracked or mixed."   So I'd guess the time domain aberrations being corrected with PP (tape wow/flutter) are likely orders of magnitude worse than the ADC-based (non?)issues MQA is aiming at...but then again I don't really know what MQA is aiming at!  



Very cool!

NUC10i7 + Roon ROCK > dCS Rossini APEX DAC + dCS Rossini Master Clock 

SME 20/3 + SME V + Dynavector XV-1s or ANUK IO Gold > vdH The Grail or Kondo KSL-SFz + ANK L3 Phono 

Audio Note Kondo Ongaku > Avantgarde Duo Mezzo

Signal cables: Kondo Silver, Crystal Cable phono

Power cables: Kondo, Shunyata, van den Hul

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1 hour ago, Archimago said:

But man, if we're honestly talking "high resolution", none of these recordings - digital or analogue - from that era were high-res anyway by today's standards!

I don't think you can say this for analog! There are some truly amazing sounding analog tapes from the 50's, 60's...

NUC10i7 + Roon ROCK > dCS Rossini APEX DAC + dCS Rossini Master Clock 

SME 20/3 + SME V + Dynavector XV-1s or ANUK IO Gold > vdH The Grail or Kondo KSL-SFz + ANK L3 Phono 

Audio Note Kondo Ongaku > Avantgarde Duo Mezzo

Signal cables: Kondo Silver, Crystal Cable phono

Power cables: Kondo, Shunyata, van den Hul

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8 minutes ago, miguelito said:

I don't think you can say this for analog! There are some truly amazing sounding analog tapes from the 50's, 60's...


Yes, they sound great... And I suppose some of the material can benefit from high samplerate like 96kHz to capture all the content. Not sure they would need >16-bit resolution.


In any event... Another big debate apart from MQA :).


Archimago's Musings: A "more objective" take for the Rational Audiophile.

Beyond mere fidelity, into immersion and realism.

:nomqa: R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.



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9 hours ago, miguelito said:

Why can't I put step 'b' in step '3'? Are you saying that the lossy MQA compression is inextricable from 'b'? Why would that be? And if there's some processing done in 'c' that is part of 'b', why couldn't I still put it in '3'?


Looking at Archimago's & Mansr's research, I believe this is exactly what they do in the renderer in combination with dithering and upsampling.

Why would they need 32 filters, where every file has one pre-defined applied filter out of those 32 available filters?
The coordinates of those filters were also dumped and reverse engineered.


Designer of the 432 EVO music server and Linux specialist

Discoverer of the independent open source sox based mqa playback method with optional one cycle postringing.

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3 hours ago, sullis02 said:

Speaking of  'time domain performance' correction--  remember Plangent processing?  It "basically uses recovery of the bias tone off analog recordings to "realign" the audio to the state it was in while being tracked or mixed."   So I'd guess the time domain aberrations being corrected with PP (tape wow/flutter) are likely orders of magnitude worse than the ADC-based (non?)issues MQA is aiming at...but then again I don't really know what MQA is aiming at!  






For years I've been wishing there'd be a computer audio editor plugin for the Plangent Process.

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3 hours ago, Archimago said:

it's actually fair to dismiss claims that MQA does anything of value as a "deblur" technique.

I am fairly convinced at this point that “deblurring” refers to the use of very slow rolloff filters on rendering. Until proven otherwise...

NUC10i7 + Roon ROCK > dCS Rossini APEX DAC + dCS Rossini Master Clock 

SME 20/3 + SME V + Dynavector XV-1s or ANUK IO Gold > vdH The Grail or Kondo KSL-SFz + ANK L3 Phono 

Audio Note Kondo Ongaku > Avantgarde Duo Mezzo

Signal cables: Kondo Silver, Crystal Cable phono

Power cables: Kondo, Shunyata, van den Hul

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2 hours ago, tmtomh said:


For years I've been wishing there'd be a computer audio editor plugin for the Plangent Process.

Surely this is done in software, no? The wideband reading head retrieving the music and discerning the modulation out of that, and then applying these corrections in software?


I imagine you’d need to have a special filter to get the actual music from the readout given the signal is probably tilted towards the high frequencies more than normal.

NUC10i7 + Roon ROCK > dCS Rossini APEX DAC + dCS Rossini Master Clock 

SME 20/3 + SME V + Dynavector XV-1s or ANUK IO Gold > vdH The Grail or Kondo KSL-SFz + ANK L3 Phono 

Audio Note Kondo Ongaku > Avantgarde Duo Mezzo

Signal cables: Kondo Silver, Crystal Cable phono

Power cables: Kondo, Shunyata, van den Hul

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On 3/14/2018 at 8:41 AM, Doug Schneider said:


IMO, MQA wouldn't have had any traction anywhere had a couple (or few) print and online magazines so enthusiastically promoted it at the beginning. IT types dismissed it, recording engineers had no clue what it was, but a few hi-fi reviewers went so over the top with their praise without even knowing what it really was, it managed to gets some wind in its sails. If the latter hadn't happened, we wouldn't be talking about it today. I firmly belive that. With that in mind, the magazine that did go so over the top wasn't yours -- in fact, it's not even discussed her. Charley Hansen -- the most vocal anti-MQAer there was -- wouldn't even discuss them because, in his words, "they are a lost cause." To many, ComputerAudiophile.com was lumped in that camp. What helped shake that was Chris's insistence not to pull down the "MQA is Vaporware" thread, which, for the longest time, gave the hi-fi world the most in-depth look at another side to a story that most of the print and online press was pretending wasn't there. I know that some wanted to see it gone, but it's there. I just looked -- that thread was started January 2, 2017. Not as long a go as I think it should've started -- January 2, 2016 would have been more like it -- but it's been well over a year now, so credit for that. In the last week, we now have Archimago's article, which is having an enormous impact. 


That initial time for MQA promotion began about 3 years ago. You cite recent and current examples of taking a more critical approach. But do you think the first 2.5 years of coverage helped contribute to what Jon Iverson just wrote in your magazine: "I just hope it's not too late"?


I know you'll make up some excuse why you won't answer, but I'm sure others will.





The thought process for “MQA is Vaporware” started in June of 2016 after T.H.E. Show Irvine California. The vibe around MQA just felt wrong and the promotion was a bad combination of Golf Channel ads, OS/2’s rollout and the pitches I get from wealth managers.  It took a while to analyze the issues and what was real and what was just marketing without any substance behind it.  Sorry I couldn’t do it quicker.

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2 hours ago, miguelito said:

I am fairly convinced at this point that “deblurring” refers to the use of very slow rolloff filters on rendering. Until proven otherwise...


Like this?


"This “slow roll-off” filter reduces the time smear by a factor of ~20x compared to conventional digital filters. The net result is a much more musically natural sound, as the ear-brain is very sensitive to time-related distortions. This filter provides an outstanding compromise between frequency response and transient response, and for ten years was the mainstay of Ayre’s digital audio filters."





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53 minutes ago, tmtomh said:

Our old friend Lee Scoggins is at it again over at the Hoffman forums, including some passive-aggressive character assassination of both @Archimago and @The Computer Audiophile:



I didn't think his commentary was that "passive". But he blew the effort the instant he uttered "almost all of the musical information". I'm no techie by any stretch, just an interested lurker, but 15-to-17-bit horseshoes and hand grenades are not what hi-rez is supposed to be about, is it. 

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11 hours ago, adamdea said:

Thanks Arch

Confusingly the 1630 manual refers to sone sort of linear phase compensation in the a/d.



Not linear phase. Presumably an additional all-pass network that reduces the non-linear phase component in its response somewhat. I'll see if I can find that old group delay plot.



Edit: got it.


Look in this document at Figure 3 and the text below it.





(Apparently with thanks to Peter Baxandall...)

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29 minutes ago, Fokus said:


All Sonys at that time used encapsulated multi-pole (presumably elliptic) analogue minimum phase filters. ...


Just to complicate things, there was also an aftermarket filter set for the Sonys that was quite popular. The brand name escapes me at the moment...

"People hear what they see." - Doris Day

The forum would be a much better place if everyone were less convinced of how right they were.

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