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MQA Off-Topic Spinoff


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9 hours ago, FredericV said:


No, just another ad-hominem attack.


  • 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"
  • 2.
    relating to or associated with a particular person.
    I would say your reply is guilty of this.   Yet I mentioned no one.  So ... ?
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3 hours ago, Abtr said:


Hi Brian. My apologies if I offended you. The dynamic range of your masterings says nothing about your capability to detect euphonics and harmonic distortion in MQA. I see you use tube amps..
Regarding some of your work, Lucinda williams: Sweet old world has DR11, which is fine, but that was 1992. Ray Lamontagne: Supernova has DR6 in 2014, and Cage The Elephant: Tell me I'm pretty, has DR5! (2015). These last two albums are unlistenable to me. They shout at me, it hurts my ears. Quite the opposite of what you call: "enhancing the connection between artist and audience."


So you say that you as mastering engineer are not responsible for excessive compression and that this is done in the mixing stage. Does this mean you have to work with material that is already severely dynamically compressed? That must be horrible. I don't think I could do it and probably would refuse the job. Luckily I only have to keep my boss happy and as a programmer I fully control how to make software user friendly. :)


User friendly software = easier to use = encouraging laziness right?  lol


I am never offended by a stranger, especially an insulting audiophile.  Yes the mixes are compressed and no you couldn't do anything I do.  I serve music and artists and production teams, it's not a Kingdom of Power.


Neil Young has replied to my post that you dismissed, in the positive, and yes that is him.  Maybe he can persuade you to show respect.


P.S.  DR=nothing to me.   


I'm sure your system sounds great FOR YOU and is set up to be favorable FOR YOUR STYLES of production.   That is not a standard for all, however. There is no perfection only connection.  If you are not connecting with modern music that is not the fault of one party, it's just a bad marriage, move on.


P.S.  Lucinda was just released, I did her last two records.   They are as dynamic as modern pop music gets.   Sweet Old World was rerecorded from scratch.  Maybe you will  like that one.  Or try Chet Faker - 'Built on Glass' it has some loud bits yet a ton of range for modern music. 


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Just now, The Computer Audiophile said:

I haven’t seen anyone say “DR [is] a main priority in mastering.” Your putting words in people’s mouths, projecting. 


You'd probably have many fans here if you’d take everyone seriously and as individuals, without projecting some weird audiophile stereotype on us. 


We all understand the company paying the bills has the final say with respect to the sound of a record. If they didn’t they’d move on to the next engineer. 


We like dynamic range. That’s not a bad thing. We own many versions of the same recordings, all with different DR values. For the most part, those with higher DR sound better. We love music. Better sounding recordings help us love music even more. We feel closer to the artist. When Miles Davis, Jack Johnson, or Eddie Vedder sound like they are in our rooms, it’s an amazing experience. 




Someone was spouting DR numbers as if that was a common thing ere, and I didn't see a lot of countering him.  So I did.  Stop measuring.  It's just dumb.


Modern music is DISTORTED and NOT DYNAMIC.  Sorry, had to yell.   Seems so obvious.


Having said that, it can sound great.  My records sound great.  Defined as the best positive compromise of all parties in the process.


If you need more dynamics, listen to older records. 


I don't smash like a Vlado Meller and some others, and my loud records move air which is key to emotion, not DR.    I am happy with that middle ground.

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4 hours ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

I’m 41. Your ageism is pretty sad. I have a preference for real sounding instruments. That’s got nothing to do with age. 


I’ve had the new Taylor Swift on repeat for days. I love it. Gaga’s Joanne record is amazing, can’t stop listening. Big fan of Nicki Minaj and Kendrick Lamar. Earlier today I was listening to Billie Holliday and reading as much as I could about her life. Being at Capitol Studios a few weeks ago was an amazing experience because Nat King Cole is one of my all time favorites. 


Pigeon holing me only shows your ignorance Brian. 


Look brother, you started this with your dynamic range elitism, now you listen to modern music that's at -5? 


I won't reply to you further.  You are talking in circles just to win an argument.




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5 hours ago, mansr said:

Stop it already. This bickering is distracting from the real conversation. Brian delivers what his clients desire, as should any professional. If you happen to not share those tastes, then don't listen to that music. Now get back to exterminating MQA.

Thank you


33 minutes ago, mansr said:

MQA will turn on the blue LED of reassurance. That's all you need. And all you need to know.


41 minutes ago, synn said:



Not sure what the latest promo material for MQA says, but will it magically make up for the dynamic compression implemented at the mastering stage?


49 minutes ago, PeterSt said:


I understand this fully. And with the notice that it was my complaint (a couple of pages back) that Crime of The Century has a too high DR, I could tell Chris @The Computer Audiophile that it is exactly that one where drums (kick drum ahead) sound like paper. Odd eh ...


But @Brian Lucey, the sort of mistake you may make here (it would be a thinking mistake) is that where higher dynamics will overdrive the (bass) driver and only imply distortion instead of pushed air, this is a fault in the loudspeaker of concern; It is not fast enough.

Now of course you could try to tell us that 99% of even audiophiles don't use fast enough drivers, but that would be a bit of BS IMHO because with a solution like yours we don't even have the opportunity to fix it.

Your solution implies woolly bass, if that would be an English term for the opposite of taut.


I'd agree that for many a "slow down" solution could work out for the better, but once you start referring to the smash board top 100 ...

No. And never.





 I'm not making a thinking mistake.  I master for all playback, some great, most bad.  No "wolly bass"   Fail.

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2 hours ago, Abtr said:

Yes, that would ultimately have the same effect as DR compression, but it might in this case damage your hearing. :)


It's not the same effect.   Turning up a dynamic record is never the same as a more limited or compressed record.


The sound of density is modern by definition, and that can't be had with Aja on Stun.


No. no. never.

31 minutes ago, Abtr said:

As @Brian Lucey suggested, extreme DR compression may be the result of fear. Possibly the fear of the artist to be ignored, but more likely the fear of the production team to be exposed as incompetent. Extreme DR compression effectively masks most mixing/mastering errors..


This is the most arrogant, ignorant and ridiculous thing you have said so far.


Please post any commercial release, or home made release, and point out even one "mixing error" ... as far as the "mastering errors" as I have said the mastering is always approved by the team.


I don't care for a lot of people's work, as would be expected, but that is taste, not "errors".  Feel free to post even one example of a mastering error.


Your taste is you, you are not the King. 



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1 hour ago, Abtr said:


The drums on the (DR16) MFSL release of Crime Of The Century (Supertramp) sound too thin. They sound fine in the 'normal' (DR13) releases.. 


Sounds too thin TO YOU.   Not an error,  just your taste.

1 hour ago, kumakuma said:


Wouldn't clipping in the final release be considered an error?

In the 80s clipping was an error.  And the straight transfers form tape sound bad as a result.


Clipping as a form of limiting, has been done on purpose for decades.  I do it daily.   Not an error.


The concept of "error" implies a rule or standards and this is art.   There are no standards and no rules.


Sorry if that's too much chaos for you but the music you love is made by artists so ... there is value in stretching your worldview if you are attracted to their work.  From Mozart, to Hendrix to clipping, it's all about playing with the rules.


There are no errors in a release if you don't like the music or production.  The notion is absurd.


An error is only something like a bad edit, or an audible pop that was missed, or a sound that some call offensive that was NOT chosen for the artistic effect.   


Would you like to tune all the vocals to eliminate the errors?  Perfection has NO place in music production.   None.

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1 hour ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

People are posting comments from a good place and a place of curiosity and their limited knowledge. Often we learn about other industries from what we can read online. 


You have a golden opportunity to shed light on your industry with people who actually care about what you do and will support you. Please consider giving people the benefit of the doubt by not calling them arrogant, ignorant, and ridiculous. They honestly are posting from a good place. 


Letting people know how it really works, or the real story could be incredibly valuable for everyone. 


Trying to avoid you yet as this is your sandbox here are my personal forum rules:


1. When someone posts with respect or curiosity, they get respect and kindness plus information.

2. When someone posts with insults, lack of respect, stupidity, hubris, or judgment about music being fucked simply because it has not their taste in DR ... or when they have NO IDEA into the process and start to pontificate like they are anything more than an expensive stereo buyer ... they get a reply in kind.


Please don't blame the messenger if your board has some people with more ego than information and more attitude than tact.



I like audiophiles, you care, you listen ... yet you all create only with the playback.  You have no expertise in the production side.  Leave the rest to us and ask politely to get a polite reply.

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23 minutes ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

I agree about perfection. I don’t like it. However, I wish auto tune as a way to “perfect” vocals was used less. It’s a cool effect when used like T-Pain. 

Remember when you were going to





Sorry, needed to yell that one as you promised last time to do so.  Please take Auto Tune complaints to the other areas of your forum.


P.S.  He can really sing well, it was a musical choice, an effect.

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5 minutes ago, Abtr said:


You implied that the drums on the DR16 MFSL release of Crime Of The Century are correct (not an error). So, again, why do all the DR13 and DR9 versions exist? 



Never implied anything about anything being "correct"


Your worldview is about rules and standards and that is not this world.


The other releases blur the lines, that is not to say they are not correct.




Remastering as I have said is usually about label money, not artistic intent.   Re-releases have VARYING degrees of approval by the artist, from 0 to 100%

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2 hours ago, kumakuma said:


Reading your posts brings a question to mind.


Did you become this arrogant and abrasive as a result of working in the music industry or were you drawn to the industry because it's a good fit for your personality?


What exactly is arrogant and abrasive in my post you referenced?



1. Audiophiles create nothing, except a playback system. And yet some act like experts in the music creation process.

2. Your signature quote is quite full of yourself.   There are millions of musics, each one unique and potentially valuable.  It's not a good and bad polarity.  Your personal LIKE or DISLIKE is narcissism and opinion not fact.    An artist like Duke can say that as a quip, you cannot as a signature, as you are no one in music except a consumer. 

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