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My Essential Classical Albums.

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Some time ago @AnotherSpin asked if Beethoven isn't enough for me. I promised to answer this question here. Well.. he is and he isn't. When I started this thread I was pretty sure I will still listen to every genre that I like. And I do. OTOH 85% of my musical explorations and new discoveries are connected with classical music. I admit I didn't expect that. My classical library has exceeded 1000 albums and I'm afraid that if someone issued an essential classical music 'box' like this (this term doesn't make sense in case of music files does it) he couldn't count on a huge commercial success x-D  The genre to me at that moment seems to be a bottomless well filled with gold :) So much for AnotherSpin's question. Thanks for asking :)


Been checking out Dvorak late symphonies recently - mainly performed by Kubelik/BPO, 9th - by Solti (I liked both) and just the fragments of the 7th by Ivan Fischer (sounded good to me and SQ seemed to be very good). What would be your recommendations in this regard, guys? 

Thanks in advance!



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On 9/29/2019 at 12:56 AM, Bob Stern said:

Dvorak's cello concerto


On 9/29/2019 at 12:56 AM, Bob Stern said:

A classic I love is Du Pre & Celibidache 1967, which is unusually soft and tender.

I checked out this concerto earlier - Du Pre with Barrenboim, A.Weilerstein/Belohlavek and Tetzlaff/Storgards, will check out this one too.


On 9/29/2019 at 12:56 AM, Bob Stern said:

His most famous chamber pieces are the "American" string quartet, op 96, and the "Dumky" piano trio, op 90.

Any performances of these pieces recommendations ?


Thanks guys!

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3 hours ago, Bob Stern said:

It's pretty confusing that these guys named themselves the Busch Trio.

Well,  you could argue that 67 years after Adolf Busch's death the risk of confusion should be somewhat under control. 


They chose this name because Mathieu van Bellen actually plays the Guadagnini that previously belonged to Busch. 

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Thanks guys! I will need some time to check out your recommendations.

On 10/1/2019 at 11:05 AM, Musicophile said:

I'm not such a big fan of Dvorak's symphonic oeuvre

I'm not that surprised - while listening to his symphonies I had a reflection that his melodic 'sense' is IMO in some ways similar to Tchaikovsky's whom as far as I remember you don't like that much (not mentioning the fact that in Dvořák's case we also have some problems with his name's spelling :)) . I just got to know that  the two actually knew and admired each other. 

BTW both aren't in my personal top five of composers. If I was asked to which single composer I listen to most often that would probably be Bach..





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I don’t dislike Dvorak, it’s just that there is more exciting stuff out there. 

Two more Dvorak works I actually like:




Brahms was a bit jealous of this work by the way. And to be fair, his double concerto is no match. 

Weilerstein is an excellent alternative, with a local orchestra. 

Not very well known but worth discovering:



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And while we’re on the solo concertos, the violin and piano concertos are much less know than the cello “hit”. 

Mutter has done a good version of the violin concerto that’s worth checking out. 


i have yet to find a version of the piano concerto that blows me away. 

I typically go back to Schiff with Dohnanyi, mainly because it was my first recording of this work. 


And I forgot another excellent version of the Cello concerto:


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16 minutes ago, AnotherSpin said:


Did you hear Richter/Kleiber recording? I had it on LP long time ago, and it was quite impressive, if I remember it well.

Nope, didn’t even know it existed. That’s a pretty impressive combo so I’ll need to check it out. 

Qobuz has it nicely enough. 



The only other version I go to occasionally is Aimard/Harnoncourt. 


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11 hours ago, AnotherSpin said:


This is my problem with Dvorak, I listened to cello concerto and New World symphony too many times in the past.


It's nice "beginners'" music. 😁


I currently much prefer the 8th.

"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira de Pascoaes


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