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one would hope beer was making a joke


beer - scientists do not designate races in extant humans because the genetic variation among individuals is much higher than among any 'races'


the above has been known for several decades and was originally based on electrophoretic analyses, later confirmed by direct genetic analyses once we started ripping apart DNA


a race is a subs-species (aka, variety to botanists) - unless you just use it as some 'means whatever I say it means' Lewis Carroll sort of wooly speech)

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Just now, The Computer Audiophile said:

You're joking with that link right?


To be honest, it was just the first link in my google search and still haven't looked at it, but i do believe that "most" people with above average intelligence will look to couple with people with above average intelligence, and that there will be percentages that will show what I am thinking, even if i can't put into words easily (grin).....will ponder some more and respond back in more detail....

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Although it's not my area of expertise, I believe research on IQ differences between ethnic groups is pretty extensive and conclusive about the mere existence of such a difference. If I recall correctly, IQ ability is still believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It gets complex when you look at average spreads so generalities should be avoided.

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6 minutes ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

P.S. Any site that has a serious post titled "#PrayForTrump: How to Combat Black Magick Rituals Intended to Harm Trump and His Supporters" surely must be classified a scientific journal that only publishes true information about IQ and race :~)


P.S. Replace Trump's name with anyone and my thoughts are the same.




that's hilarious...haha...no i didn't even read the link i shared...it just "seemed" to be providing statistics...i am sure we can find a link that shows IQ statistics we would both accept....i love statistics.


PS- I don't think praying for trump is a bad idea...i am sure there is a lot of that going on....

I just want the idiot to publicly apologize and come clean on all things for the sake of our country.

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1 minute ago, beerandmusic said:


To be honest, it was just the first link in my google search and still haven't looked at it, but i do believe that "most" people with above average intelligence will look to couple with people with above average intelligence, and that there will be percentages that will show what I am thinking, even if i can't put into words easily (grin).....will ponder some more and respond back in more detail....


thinking can help reduce flack from your posts or links


yes, there is positive assortative mating for IQ - that says noting about race or ethnicity


GUTB is incorrect in his post 

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how about this one?




are there not larger percentages of some ethnicity in some geographical locations more than others?


I have never read or studied any of this...this just seems to be common sense to me.  I am not racist in any way, have had multiracial relationships myself and my family and usually have better relationships with other races than my own...I don't think the percentages are loud, but common sense tells me they exist.


Why any of this even matters is beyond me though.

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1 minute ago, Ralf11 said:


thinking can help reduce flack from your posts or links


yes, there is positive assortative mating for IQ - that says noting about race or ethnicity


GUTB is incorrect in his post 


The Totality of Available
Evidence Shows the Race IQ Gap
Still Remains
J. Philippe Rushton1 and Arthur R. Jensen2
The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, and 2
The University of California at Berkeley


In a previous study (Rushton & Jensen, 2005), we examined 10
categories of technical research and concluded that the mean
Black-White IQ difference in the United States is about 80%
We reviewed evidence that (a) the distribution of IQ
scores around the world shows averages of 106 for East Asians,
100 for Whites, 85 for U.S. Blacks, and 70 for sub-Saharan
(b) race differences are most pronounced on the more
g-loaded subtests (g being the general factor of mental ability);
(c) race differences are most pronounced on the subtests whose
scores show the most heritability
; and (d) racial differences in
brain size parallel the IQ differences.
We also reviewed corroborating
studies of (e) racial admixture, (f) trans-racial
adoption, (g) regression to different racial means, (h) 60 related
life-history traits, (i) human origins, and (j) the inadequacy of
environmental explanations of the racial IQ difference
. (In Africa,
the 30-point difference is likely only 50% heritable because
environmental factors such as malnutrition and disease
have so much more impact than they do elsewhere in the world;
Lynn, 2006.)

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40 minutes ago, mansr said:

There is, however, a difference in IQ between racists and other people.


I was about to say there is actually no such thing as IQ, but I might like your formulation better.


Regarding IQ: This is supposed to be a "general factor" of intelligence that makes you good at all cognitive tasks.


Consider for a minute a corresponding general factor of physical prowess - we'll call it "athleticism." OK, who had/has more athleticism - Mary Lou Retton, the Russian wrestler Karelin, Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt, or Michael Jordan?  Do you see how the concept is so vague and amorphous as to be useless?


Now consider human intellectual capabilities.  Might they be even more various than physical ones?  (Think of Stephen Hawking.)  Yes they might.  So any notion of a general factor of cognitive prowess can easily be seen to be so vague and amorphous it is useless.


What, then, do IQ tests measure?  Please read the linked article by a statistician: http://bactra.org/weblog/523.html


For the 99% of you who won't bother, here's a summary: The statistical analysis used with IQ tests is designed to, and will always, find a "common factor" between a series of tests.  The tests could be the Olympic decathlon and the Pillsbury Bake-off, and this statistical method would find a common athletic/baking factor or aptitude.


So when you take a series of tests and the statistical analysis is done, it will *always* determine that some portion of your scores on the individual parts of the test is due to a common factor rather than just your aptitude on the individual tests.  It is sheer mathematics, a mathematical artifact, not a measure of something useful about human cognitive abilities.


Also: Variation *within* any large group of people is always greater than average variation *between* groups.  The difference in height between the tallest and shortest women is far greater than the average difference in height between men and women.  So it is with our many varied cognitive abilities and the genetics of skin color (as @Ralf11 says, in an evolutionary and population genetics sense, there are no such things as "races"): Variations within the group of those with similar skin coloration will always be vastly greater than the (nonexistent) average difference between those of different skin tones.


Put all these together, and it's easy to see that what you get when people talk about IQ and race says nothing about IQ and race, which don't exist anyway; but says everything about the people talking or writing about the subject.

One never knows, do one? - Fats Waller

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Einstein

Computer, Audirvana -> optical Ethernet to Fitlet3 -> Fibbr Alpha Optical USB -> iFi NEO iDSD DAC -> Apollon Audio 1ET400A Mini (Purifi based) -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.

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33 minutes ago, Ralf11 said:

one would hope beer was making a joke


beer - scientists do not designate races in extant humans because the genetic variation among individuals is much higher than among any 'races'


I don't doubt that, but to pretend there aren't some differences in iq by race would be ignorant.  Also, no US authority could probably provide statistics because it would be discriminatory to conduct such a poll, which is why they are done geographically.

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Even if the average IQ of race A is higher than the average IQ of race B, there will be lots of people in race B who are smarter than lots of people in race A. 


As for IQ and being an audiophile, it's an expensive hobby and bright people have more money.


This has reached the point where it has nothing to do with $3k systems.  Next time you are pondering spending big bucks on the next upgrade remember most people are listening to compressed music played by their phone on cheap ear buds.

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1 minute ago, mansr said:

Fortunate people have more money. Intelligence is but a minor factor.


No such thing as intelligence.  Talent at various things richly remunerated by our society, sure.

One never knows, do one? - Fats Waller

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Einstein

Computer, Audirvana -> optical Ethernet to Fitlet3 -> Fibbr Alpha Optical USB -> iFi NEO iDSD DAC -> Apollon Audio 1ET400A Mini (Purifi based) -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.

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32 minutes ago, Jud said:


Regarding IQ: This is supposed to be a "general factor" of intelligence that makes you good at all cognitive tasks.




Intelligence is ones ability to learn, not how much they know....one can have a very high iq, and still be a poor lazy stupid fool, like me. (laughing, but true...and enjoying myself....at least i think i have done it right...as long as i am content, that's what matters...the hardest part was losing the pride.).

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5 minutes ago, beerandmusic said:


Intelligence is ones ability to learn, not how much they know....one can have a very high iq, and still be a poor lazy stupid fool, like me. (laughing, but true...and enjoying myself....at least i think i have done it right...as long as i am content, that's what matters).


Yes, the "general factor" has been called by various names, including "aptitude," i.e., the ability to learn.  However, since this "general factor" is nothing but a statistical artifact, the correct term for it is "BS."

One never knows, do one? - Fats Waller

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. - Einstein

Computer, Audirvana -> optical Ethernet to Fitlet3 -> Fibbr Alpha Optical USB -> iFi NEO iDSD DAC -> Apollon Audio 1ET400A Mini (Purifi based) -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.

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4 minutes ago, Jud said:


Yes, the "general factor" has been called by various names, including "aptitude," i.e., the ability to learn.  However, since this "general factor" is nothing but a statistical artifact, the correct term for it is "BS."


kind of like subjectivity to what is best in audio.


I would call the test itself BS as well (grin).


Test or no test, everyone has their gifts, it's what they do with their gifts.


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IQ is a very general concept - that's for sure


- the Stanford-Binet test is the metric but relies on English language skills


beer  - does it make ANY sense to you to call out differences on a category that does not exist (race)

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