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We've got war in Europe..

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Express what you feel or think with music, guys.

My thoughts and heart are with all people of Ukraine now and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I really hope that this time, the psycho sociopath barbarian who started the war, will be hit hard and that actually this is the beginning of his end..





Reuters - Russia invades Ukraine in Europe's 'darkest hours' since WWII



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6 minutes ago, DuckToller said:

I wonder what caused the inability of allies & enemies for successful diplomacy before the war???



IMO Putin wanted to invade Ukraine very much and only strong pressure from democratic West would have worked. It didn't happen, just like it didn't happen after Crimea events a couple of years ago. At the same time the West seems to slowly understand what kind of a guy and what kind of regime this us, unfortunately a bit too late. The consequences of what's happening right now will be really severe and Europe IMO will not be the same anymore. At least the dividing line is clear for everyone now with China's support for Putin's action (will they get his support in case of Taiwan some day, I really hope that won't happen..). IMO only strong political isolation and economic pressure from united democratic world may work with the two allies and that's easier said than done especially in case of China due to its increasing power..


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Red Hot Chili Pepper's "Can't Stop" - Wladimir Klitschko entrance song.



Former heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, said he plans to take up arms to defend against Russia's invasion. His brother Wladimir, 45, enlisted in Ukraine's reserve army in Kyiv earlier this month as the country braced for an attack.


Hall of Fame boxers Vitali, Wladimir Klitschko plan to fight for Ukraine



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17 minutes ago, AudioDoctor said:

I ordered up a supply of tubes, just incase I am unable to get more in the near future.

I was actually thinking about the potential problems with tubes this afternoon (taking into consideration the seriousness of the situation in Ukraine, it clearly shows how f.....ed up audiophiles tend to be!) which BTW doesn't concern me personally.

I hope there will be many tubes coming from shot down Russian Migs, maybe even the prices will go down.. 9_9

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1 hour ago, opus101 said:


Its undeniable that the captain lied.




I got to the point when he says "Americans lied both on the official level and the media level(...) - about shelling coming from LDNR - the former regions of Ukraine" and adds "it's not that the Russian media don't lie, they also sometimes lie". Next he talks about the lack of freedom of the press in the USA!



I wouldn't want to offend you but that's probably the biggest portion of bull's excrements in someone's 4min talk that I've ever heard. Do you really want to compare the freedom of the press in the US and in the USSR...errr.. I mean Russian Federation.?! 


Congrats on your choice of source of information, comrade! You've really made my day!!!


And of course good luck with your 'New New World Order' whatever it is.. 



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5 minutes ago, sphinxsix said:

I wouldn't want to offend you but that's probably the biggest portion of bull's excrements in someone's 4min talk that I've ever heard.



That's fine buddy, I don't have personal emotional investment in what Martyanov says. I just felt there was need here for some balance.

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7 hours ago, opus101 said:


That's fine buddy, I don't have personal emotional investment in what Martyanov says. I just felt there was need here for some balance.

China also is supporting this line of propaganda as it matches their intentions to reclaim territory in Asia Pacific. So surprised you would repeat this bullshit here.

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11 hours ago, sphinxsix said:

IMO Putin wanted to invade Ukraine very much and only strong pressure from democratic West would have worked. It didn't happen, just like it didn't happen after Crimea events a couple of years ago. At the same time the West seems to slowly understand what kind of a guy and what kind of regime this us, unfortunately a bit too late. The consequences of what's happening right now will be really severe and Europe IMO will not be the same anymore. At least the dividing line is clear for everyone now with China's support for Putin's action (will they get his support in case of Taiwan some day, I really hope that won't happen..). IMO only strong political isolation and economic pressure from united democratic world may work with the two allies and that's easier said than done especially in case of China due to its increasing power..

Actually I wrote just a rhetorical question  ...

As much as I loathe war and warfare strategies, being one by court approved pacifist since November 1986 (the only way of quitting military service for social service in Germany in that period), I have learned by experiencing the world and studying during the 3 and a half decades since then.

- Peace is an oucome of negotiation of interests that respects and integrates the interest of the opposite blocks as well.
- Military power can't be counted/discounted by democratic votes
- misjudiging the balance between military blocks will lead to war, temporarily and regionally constrained at first ...

I heard a 2016 youtube lecture from J.J. Mearsheimer (USA/University of Chicago) today, about the Ukraine conflict, and even I do not "like" his analysis and his ideas about "offensive realism" on an emotional level, I may need to realize that his analysis seem to have some very valid points integrated. Unfortunately his warnings weren't taken into account by the western block, and now we have that "bad surprise" people like him have severyly warned about for years.
I dispise warheads and authoritarian leadership, however, if you can't fight them, you are bound to negotiations in order to avoid fighting.



I am aware that Mearsheimer offers some very uncomfortable scientific analyses for many interest groups, which make me a bit wary about about him, however he seem to have strong points about the Ukrainian crisis, that why he is meantioned here.

just my 2cents
edit: attached the aformentioned video to the post

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