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Pi 2 Design Mercury Streamer


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So can someone point me in the direction of recognizing my drive? I followed a procedure...


It worked for me, the SSD disk is now visible in Volumio, I am able to play music files from it. You also need to add an entry to /etc/fstab to be mounted automatically at boot. Please note it is assumed you already created partition on your internal SSD drive. If not then additional steps need to be performed.
Below are the steps I did, maybe they will be useful for someone:
1. Enable ssh in Volumio: go to http://volumio.local/dev/ -> SSH Enable (by default it is disabled and there is no option to enable it in the Volumio webgui settings)
2. Login to ssh (I am using puTTY), user: volumio, password: volumio
3. Identify partition of the SSD drive you want to mount: command 'lsblk'. Mine is nvme0n1p1
4. Make a directory for the mount point, i.e. command 'mkdir /mnt/Samsung'
5. Mount the SSD drive, i.e. command 'mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/Samsung'
6. Make a link, i.e.: 'sudo ln -s /mnt/Samsung /var/lib/mpd/music/Samsung' (I needed to execute as sudo here, because otherwise it didn't allow to make changes in /var/...)
7. Update the database, command ‘mpc update’
8. Update /etc/fstab file to mount drive automatically at boot, command 'sudo nano /etc/fstab' (type volumio for [sudo] password)
9. I have added the following row to the file: /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/Samsung ext4 auto,user,rw 0 0


It all worked. I see my drive mounted in SSH. It has nothing on it. I don't see how to use/access/find it in volimio, or PC. My next step was looking into Samba. Do I need some sort of go between to turn it into a network drive to copy/move music with?

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Oh, and for other, I used another tutorial. The procedure above worked. This one filled in a lot of gaps even though it is generic and not specific to our use... Also because I needed to partition/format... But it goes all the way thru mounting.




For my question, I think I need a go-between program... Or I was silly enough to think windows would just recognize it. I didn't tell explorer to go to it \\volumio.local and add drives which I will try when I get home.

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19 hours ago, Powerman said:

Well I managed to get my drive partitioned, formatted, and mounted. I followed a good procedure, and the one on SBAF... made an entry in etc/fstab... But volumio doesn't see it. Or, there is nothing to list that it does see, because I can't figure out how to copy files to the new drive. It will have to wait to tomorrow.


So far I dig it. I have been waiting for a dedicated streamer. I had a Matrix Audio mini pro3, and a Naim Atom. Got the Pontus, and then a headphone amp. I sold most of it to get a LTA Z40 to drive everything. I was using my friends Blusound till the Mercury came in. My chain now is Mercury>I2S>Pontus>AQ Water XLR>Z40>B&w 707/Focal Utopias. Thing is I can not hear a big difference to the Bluesound straight to the Z40 with RCAs. Go figure.


Again though, the Mercury is looking pretty good right now. I just want a clean stream, and the ability to play straight from a SSD without the computer messing things up. I will have to get used to the Pi platform and see how I can optimize. I like Roon, but it is annoying at times with not seeing my streamers. I have to unplug the network cable on the Bluesound constantly. So far... the Mercury pops up every time. I will try out the other music platforms through to see if another one is better that Volumio/Roon.

Gotta ask, why go to all this trouble if the Bluesound analog out (which one btw?)  sounds as good?

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Wow, 3 hours and I can't make a folder to share (Samba). Figure out what a home directory is. Make a folder. Figure out to add a user. Set a password. Check with ls -1. Add it to samba config. Nothing. Can't connect, doesn't exist, no credentials. Who knows...


Using this...



Which is same as this...



Which helped me figure out to add user. Everything I find everywhere assumes you know some stuff... which I don't. Right now I would go back and delete everything I did tonight... but I do not know how to delete stuff... 🤪


Learning is fun!

At least I am listening to good tunes while I do it. 😊

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I have probably 20 hours in and I can't get stupid windows to see my share to save my life. Way beyond frustrating. I FINALLY got Volunio itself to add the drive, but for some reason it says 800GB is 40, and there is no 40GB drive or partition. I even tried to link to the shares already setup on the SD card to fill the extra space.... nothing. Not even in Volumio. Made a silly error and killed my boot. At least Michael has the good image up for download. It is streaming great though.


And another irritation... now Roon won't see it when starting. But Roon has done that with every device. I am down to unplugging the network cable every time to get roon to see it. Ive never figured that one out either. 😒

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9 hours ago, congofather said:

Yes, I've done that verbatim and posted before. And then another 50 articles. I've tested and confirmed that my Linux stuff is correct. It seems the hang up now is just getting windows to connect. However, I don't get why volumio itself can't see the shares set up on the card to use the rest of the card space.


Which... Should all be expected as an early adopter... Micheal has been working on the manual because a lot has been added. The image file is a download now which helped a lot when I unmounted my drive to do it over before I removed the boot command in /etc/fatab. I assume in the future he will fill in the section for the drive... TBD. I have left a message. I don't want to fill up the thread. Once I get it worked out, I'll just post a link to help other newbies. I would very much appriciate if anyone can help me out back channel.

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So I wasn't even going to mess with it tonight. Can't connect to Roon. Unplug, restart, over and over, nope. Reset modem, nope. Set as reserved IP in modem, nope. Can go to Volunio, can do SSH. I can listen to web radio. Oh, Roon Bridge, start... uninstall/reinstall, nope. Reflash SD card, take Mercury back to factory, nope. Logout... unistall/reinstall Roon... Nope. The only thing that shows is airplay via shareportsync, which I have never enabled. So as it stands, it is back to factory flash, and it does not exist to Roon, with roon bridge running. Sweet.

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Ummm... Holy @#$%&!


I finally got some hi-res files on my drive. One song... Loved it for a couple decades... nothing extraordinary recording wise... yes, I am going to say it... I have NEVER heard it like that! Probably as big of difference as getting my tube amp. Gotta go.....

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8 hours ago, Powerman said:

Ummm... Holy @#$%&!


I finally got some hi-res files on my drive. One song... Loved it for a couple decades... nothing extraordinary recording wise... yes, I am going to say it... I have NEVER heard it like that! Probably as big of difference as getting my tube amp. Gotta go.....


I've got to try installing an m.2 drive.  My whole collection would never fit on it but I'd like to hear what things sound like coming directly from the Mercury itself.

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25 minutes ago, zackthedog said:


I've got to try installing an m.2 drive.  My whole collection would never fit on it but I'd like to hear what things sound like coming directly from the Mercury itself.

Bobfa had 4TB in his... I can't imagine listening to all of it. I'm going to have to see if my good MP3s sound good... Probably not. Definitely noticeable to lossless.


I don't have anything over 192hz at the moment but of course that played @192. I have DSD, but that did not show as DSD on the Pontus. I'll play more.


So... There is just more there there. The one song, so much more echo/reverb... As in kinda a lot, where I've never noticed any. But everything else... I said recently I'm staying up too late and getting up too late. I need to be in bed at 10 for work.... I finally pried my headphones off at 1:00am. I'm hosed today. I have Steely Dan 2 against nature. Not because I particularly like it, but because it is such a good recording to test... 2/3 of the album played before I realized I played the album... I've never listened to the whole thing, just 3 songs. So much air, texture everything sounds so right. I just couldn't stop listening.


I need more hi-res content...

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1 minute ago, oneguy said:

That’s what I’m thinking but want to give it a go. It tried Volumio using the Roon Bridge app in the library but didn’t like that all the songs were playing at 44.1 instead of in their native resolution. 


I don't know what you've tried, but if you want it up and running quick, Ropieee works great and is Roon-ready.  Or maybe you know that.

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7 hours ago, oneguy said:

Has anyone attempted AudioLinux on the Mercury? I received mine today and re-imaged the Micro SD card with AudioLinux and no joy. 


48 minutes ago, zackthedog said:

I don't know what you've tried, but if you want it up and running quick, Ropieee works great and is Roon-ready.  Or maybe you know that.


For Roon Bridge use, Ropiee is super easy, very reliable, and sounds quite good, but Gentooplayer with realtime kernel and all OS and player s/w loaded into RAMdisk (takes time) is the absolute bomb for Roon.  Mercury I2S powered by beta UpTone supply and fed from 'B' side of EtherREGEN > Holo Spring L3 has never sounded better.  I was happy to send @antonellocaroli my "donation" for his Linux package/scripts.


I am running AudioLinux/RoonCore on my @lmitche-built NUC, but since I'm not a Linux tweaker :P and don't know all the ins-and-outs of AudioLinux I will for now assume that GentooPlayer with my tweaks is quite close. Still, I might at some point download the rPi version of AL and give it a go.


The other final test I want to try (now that all my other hardware and GentooPlayer are in place) is to run the Mercury as Squeezelite endpoint (with it RAM-loaded of course) and point Roon to that. Would like to know how that sounds versus RoonBridge.


BTW, I think the fact that Roon added support for the Squeeze protocol (how long ago did they do that?) is terrific--and it has implications for what devices can be built to be compatible with Roon.  I am surprised that RoonLabs did this as it (really for the benefit of all) opens up their ecosystem a bit. B|

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23 minutes ago, Superdad said:

but Gentooplayer with realtime kernel and all OS and player s/w loaded into RAMdisk (takes time) is the absolute bomb for Roon

Absolutely.. Roon Server on Euphony loaded to RAM on a seperate machine which communicates with RoonBridge on Mercury(using realtime kernel and ramdisk) is also very very good.

Which realtime kernel do you prefer :) ? And did you apply different tweaks other than the ones that I shared? If you find some other tweaks, I would be very happy and would like to try them if you share.

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