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A proposal: the Objectivist Audio Review magazine

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9 hours ago, Superdad said:


Well it’s not as if John didn’t go to some lengths to explain the theory and operating principles behind looped shielding technique and why it very effectively blocks entry of low frequency AC leakage that is present around everyone’s cable nests. 

It is funny how the explanations behind many of the effective techniques—in products and tweaks—that @JohnSwensonhas written about get ignored or forgotten, by both critics and adherents.  o.O  


Apologies, Alex, surely you know that was not my intent, nor my point? I was referring to Larry's specific mod to make the return path another conductive cylinder (braid) rather than a single wire. I did not mean to minimize John's contributions.


Anyway, enough said, this whole cable thing is indeed OT for this thread.

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17 minutes ago, beerandmusic said:


I would like to know the "big picture" on why it made a difference.

I keep going back to the point that most people believe that dacs get their bits perfectly, and the only other input to the dac that could affect SQ is "noise"....so presumably the cable lowers noise.  But wait, schiit says no decrapifiers are needed anymore because the DAC is engineered such that noise does not affect his output. 

So which is true?


I think the question you have to ask yourself is this: if the manufacturer says "it isn't needed," and even has measurements to back this up, yet your ears are telling you it improves SQ, what do you do? I am not being sarcastic here. This is where our world views and belief systems get cast in high relief.


Some might say: I believe the measurements, I know there are many ways my ears could be deceived, it could be expectation bias, or other biases, so I'll trust the measurements. Toss the decrapifier, even if it's sounding better.


Others, like me, would say: trust your ears. If the measurements say it shouldn't matter, then what I'm hearing is either below the threshold of the instrument's range, or they're measuring the wrong thing, or they don't (yet) know how to measure it. Hopefully, eventually, they'll figure it out. Meanwhile, the decrapifier stays, and I go back to enjoying the music.



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35 minutes ago, lmitche said:


And if we had 30 people, or 60 people endoring the approach, is it perauasive then?


33 minutes ago, wgscott said:




I think here, in a nutshell, is the divide in CA.


There is one group of folks who do not regard any anecdotal findings credible, no matter the sample size. That's OK. That's their prerogative.


There are another group of people (count Larry and me in them) who are interested in anecdotal findings. We report ours, and try those reported by others. Do we try everything? Of course not. We use our own filters to decide where to invest our time and money. But it is our time, and our money. As it is for so many others who participate in these discussions. They try things and make their own, considered, buying decisions. They are not helpless naïfs, in need of "saving" from the big, bad anecdotalists! 


Both sides can and should coexist, but it's best that we don't invade each other's threads, as I don't think we're going to change each other.

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