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I just tested for bit-perfect playback using my MSB DAC IV and the WAV files that are provided by MSB.


The files did not play back as bit-perfect. There is a noticeable shortbhis after the bit depth and sample rate are announced in the track, and the bit depth display on the DAC changes to something other than the file's actual resolution.


This occurs whether I use my iTunes library, or with files imported from my NAS to the Fidelia library. It will be interesting to see what goldsdad finds....


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Fidelia 1.1.1 test for bit perfect. A very limited test and obviously not scientific.


2 source files in AIFF format: 16/44.1 and 24/192 versions of a 30-second track.


Converted sources to WAVE, ALAC and FLAC formats.

Null tested the conversions against sources to ensure accuracy.


Played each of the 8 files 2 times with Fidelia, recording the intercepted output from Fidelia before audio driver.


Null tested recorded files against source files.


Allowing for the known problem of Fidelia truncating files in a poor implementation of gapless playback, the results were as follows.


16 bit 44.1 kHz ... AIFF, WAVE, ALAC, FLAC ... bit perfect

24 bit 192 kHz .... AIFF, WAVE, ALAC ............. bit perfect


24 bit 192 kHz .... FLAC .................................. repeatable error in least significant bit (-138.5 dBFS) in a few samples.

Decibel was bit perfect with that problematic track.




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Can anyone help here ?


Whatever I try, I get an application error (with the question to report this error), so I can't get Fidelia (1.1.1) to run on my iMac (latest version).


I tried v1.10 as well, but that just doesn't do a thing (it installs fine, but at clicking it nothing happens).


Obviously I'm an Apple n00b, and I'm afraid I first have to ask the question :

Suppose I'm as far as downloading the file (but I have it on an USB pen as well -> maybe it's better to use this situation as a starting off), what steps does it precisely need ?

All seems obvious, but I can't get it done, nor do I find the error anywhere on the Net.


Also, can I be missing something mandatory on that machine ?


Thanks a lot,



Lush^3-e      Lush^2      Blaxius^2.5      Ethernet^3     HDMI^2     XLR^2

XXHighEnd (developer)

Phasure NOS1 24/768 Async USB DAC (manufacturer)

Phasure Mach III Audio PC with Linear PSU (manufacturer)

Orelino & Orelo MKII Speakers (designer/supplier)

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Unfortunately this is off topic but I will use this chance to ask how you embed images in your posts like that, Goldsdad. I am aware of the usage of the command but how do you get the "Click to enlarge" functionality?


Listening Room: ALIX.2D2 (Voyage MPD) --> Arcam rDAC --> Marantz PM-15S2 --> Quadral Wotan Mk V

Drinking Room: ALIX.2D2 --> M2Tech hiFace 2 --> Cambridge Audio Azur 740C --> Rotel RC-06/RB-06 --> B&W XT4

Home head-fi: Grado SR80i, Sennheiser HD 650

On the go head-fi: Sennheiser IE 8

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Hi Peter,


You DL a dmg file, you should double click the dmg file, this open (on your desktop) the Fidelia app icon, then move (copy) this app to your Applications folder inside your HD. Inside this folder double click Fidelia.


I hope this help you,


Kind regards,




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I created a little text service to automate entering the necessary HTML in a comment.


Download the attached ZIP. Extract the enclosed Workflow file. Put that in your "~/Library/Services" folder.


Now you'll have "HTML image centred" in your Services menu (also in right-click context menu) when editable text is selected.


When preparing a forum submission and have attached an image, paste or type the image's filename and extension, not full path, (e.g. Fidelia_install.png) and apply the service to it. Sometimes the service takes a second or so to run. Then you can change the displayed image's size by editing or removing the width attribute of the IMG tag.





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This like when I used to do conjuring. I always liked those magic tricks the most which not only looked good to the audience but had a mad funky secret. Your inclusion of images into posts is exactly that kind of thing. Thanks a lot for sharing the secret!


Listening Room: ALIX.2D2 (Voyage MPD) --> Arcam rDAC --> Marantz PM-15S2 --> Quadral Wotan Mk V

Drinking Room: ALIX.2D2 --> M2Tech hiFace 2 --> Cambridge Audio Azur 740C --> Rotel RC-06/RB-06 --> B&W XT4

Home head-fi: Grado SR80i, Sennheiser HD 650

On the go head-fi: Sennheiser IE 8

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"Suppose I'm as far as downloading the file (but I have it on an USB pen as well -> maybe it's better to use this situation as a starting off), what steps does it precisely need ?"



I installed 1.1.1 last night and all went smoothly. The file you should have download is disk image Fidelia_v6437.dmg. Right-click it, pick Get Info. It should be 14,511,651 bytes. Close the info window.


Installation should be a piece of cake. Double-click the disk image to mount and open it. The window in the following image should pop open. Inside that window, drag and drop the Fidelia icon onto the Applications icon. Eject the disk image (one way is to drag it to Trash icon; just ejects it, doesn't actually trash it).



Click to enlarge




Now Fidelia can be accessed in your Applications folder and the Applications stack in the Dock (the strip of icons along the bottom of the screen).


When Fidelia is running, its Preferences, like all Mac apps, can be accessed in the menu with its name or by pressing command and comma keys.






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And then to think I'm trying to make a screenshot of things to begin with ...


Ok, as far as I can tell the app is just running - after clicking ignore at the error message, the text with that ignore telling me that from that moment on the app may be instable. In the back there's Fidelia saying "starting up ...". But nothing happens, until I click that Ignore, and then it's just the active app as far as I can see.


But for example, the "Fidelia bar" at the top (that bar will have some official name, sorry) only has as active options Hide Fidelia, Hide Others, Quit Fidela. So, even "About Fidelia" is grayed out.


It seems to me it is just running, but I see no way to have it enlarged and do something with it. Dragged an AIF onto it. Opened one with "Open with Fidelia". But nothing happens.


I'm sure I don't know how to deal with this all, and that possibly all is fine.

Maybe you can think of what is the most obvious, so you forget to tell it ?


Thank you very much guys ...

Peter (and I shouldn't be abusing this thread for this)


Lush^3-e      Lush^2      Blaxius^2.5      Ethernet^3     HDMI^2     XLR^2

XXHighEnd (developer)

Phasure NOS1 24/768 Async USB DAC (manufacturer)

Phasure Mach III Audio PC with Linear PSU (manufacturer)

Orelino & Orelo MKII Speakers (designer/supplier)

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"trying to make a screenshot of things to begin with"


If you're reading this on your Mac, copy and paste the following line into the Safari address field and click the reload arrow at the end of the field to open Help at "Shortcuts for taking pictures of the screen".





"the "Fidelia bar" at the top (that bar will have some official name"


That's just called "the menu bar".



If your OS X is a Nederlands setup, that may have something to do with Fidelia not working, but it seems unlikely.



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Thanks a lot. But ... excuse me for my ignorance, but I'm really having a hard time to struggle through all this.


So, iTunes XML file ...

- Which one ?

- Where to find that one ?

- What to do in order to create it (assumed it is not there yet) ?


I find more iTunes related XML files ...

(ehm, assuming I must go "there" via Finder and rightclick on iTunes and "Open Package Contents" (but I feel this is wrong).

Btw, iTunes plays.


Then, "I remembered to make sure the iTunes XML file was chosen in the directory Fidelia goes to" ...

Fidelia goes to ? I guess this may be Mac-turbo-language, but man, I REALLY know nothing here ...

Please remember, if this is about a Fidelia setting - I can't go in there (all is grayed out).


Oh boy, yes, I feel stupid.

Thanks !



PS: If I had hours and hours time for this I guess I could manage. But I run 6 hours short in a day already :-)


Lush^3-e      Lush^2      Blaxius^2.5      Ethernet^3     HDMI^2     XLR^2

XXHighEnd (developer)

Phasure NOS1 24/768 Async USB DAC (manufacturer)

Phasure Mach III Audio PC with Linear PSU (manufacturer)

Orelino & Orelo MKII Speakers (designer/supplier)

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Peter, please do not feel stupid. It's a learning process which I went through myself. Finally found the information in Fidelia's manual/website after too long a time trying to direct Fidelia to the Itunes Music folder over and over without Fidelia playing my files.


Hint: Directing Fidelia to your iTunes Music folder if that is where your database is located (the default location or another location), as you wish, is not enough. You must actually click on the iTunes Music Library.xml file to direct Fidelia. Once you accomplished this, miraculously, Fidelia starts playing. You would think they would highlight this so you (and I) don't have to search for this information which I am describing as follows:


In Finder, "find" your home folder, inside your home folder, "find" Music folder, inside the Music folder "find" iTunes folder, once you open the iTunes folder, you should see the iTunes Music Library.xml file. Now you know that file is there (if it is). Now, go to Fidelia preferences and to the iTunes tab, open, find and check Access iTunes Library, below that you see a box which allows you to change the location. Even if that file is in the default location for Music, click on change which opens Finder, go to the location where you found that file, click on it and complete the "location" change. Now Fidelia knows to look there for that specific .xml file before Fidelia will work.


There's copy acknowledging that if there is more than one .xml file, pick one or the other. And it tells you where to look in case the file is not in the default location. I am trying to find where that copy is describing that "hint" is located. In the meantime, please use the steps I describe. I am hoping that's the difference that makes the difference for you. Hope this works out well.





Peter, I found it:http://www.audiofile-engineering.com/support/manuals/tw/1/html/preferences.html

It's in the manual tab (view online) and then you go to the section on preferences and you will see the correct procedure. Hope this also helps.


Me again


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Fidelia runs fine here regardless of it finding the "iTunes Music Library.xml" file. It only uses that file to list the iTunes library inside Fidelia. It also supports its own library to which you can add playlists and tracks.


I've just removed all trace of Fidelia and its support files, renamed the XML to disguise it, then reinstalled Fidelia.

There was no problem; Fidelia worked as normal, except it didn't list my iTunes library because it couldn't see the XML.


Here's one way of checking that the XML file is in the default location, anyway.


Tell Finder to go to the folder:







The file should be listed:





If you haven't yet contacted Fidelia support, that might be your best bet.




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I agree with goldsdad. All I did was select the option to use my iTunes library and verified that the file path was correct.


On another note, when adding files to the standard Fidelia library, I can only add 508 tracks at a time. This is a negative for me, because with 16000 files it takes a long time to load my entire library. I strictly use the iTunes library option because of this constraint.


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Peter, if you like I can do a screen share with you to get your Fidelia issue resolved. I run it without issue on my Mac's. Just PM me and we can set it up.


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