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The "Official" Aurender Discussion Thread

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2 hours ago, Anonamemouse said:



Wellicht moet ik Engels met een Vlaams accent typen?

Typical comment from a Dutch person to a Belgian :(  JC.


I do not understand why you need to be this rude. Look, when you have the funds to buy an Aurender then I assume 250€ for an extra SSD in the new Aurender will not be a problem. Furthermore, when you want to sell your previous unit it’s better with some existing storage anyway. The Aurender clone feature exists for a reason and works just fine. But it seems for some reason people want to make their issues more difficult than they actual are.

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Oh my, an international incident!


That made me go to Google translate:


"Wellicht moet ik Engels met een Vlaams accent typen" means "I may have to type in english with a Flemish accent".


Is this the part where The Netherlands invades Belgium?

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31 minutes ago, DancingSea said:

This reminds me of the archetypical story of a man driving his family somewhere, and even though they're assuredly lost, refusing to ask for directions, insisting that he knows where they are.


Aurender has amazing tech support.  Simply ask them if it's possible to remove the existing hard drive, and install it on the new Aurender.  And if so, how to do it.  You'll know the whole scoop in less than 24 hours.  Eric Shim himself is likely to respond.


Or, yes, one can continue to drive aimlessly around in the woods ;)

Aurender customer support seems to be busy right at this moment. Sent an email three days ago and haven't heard from them. I left a phone call and got a message about them being at a show or something. But I assume they will become responsive again.

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So I did pick up an Aurender N100! (from The Music Room) It is wonderful with my two DACs, both custom modified, an iFi iDSD and a Gustard x20pro. 


I just bought a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC (Mk 1) for $1799 (also from The Music Room). It will be here late next week. I'm told this is an incredible deal. It will be interesting to see what effect the Aurender has on it. I'll probably compare using the USB out from a Windows 10 NUC and an iFi Zen Stream.


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4 minutes ago, mike1127 said:

So I did pick up an Aurender N100! (from The Music Room) It is wonderful with my two DACs, both custom modified, an iFi iDSD and a Gustard x20pro. 


I just bought a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC (Mk 1) for $1799 (also from The Music Room). It will be here late next week. I'm told this is an incredible deal. It will be interesting to see what effect the Aurender has on it. I'll probably compare using the USB out from a Windows 10 NUC and an iFi Zen Stream.



Wow, you aren't messing around!  Yes, the DirectStream is excellent and $1799 is an amazing deal for the $6000 DAC.


I assume Aurender is busy with Axpona.

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43 minutes ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

Eric is in room 634 at Axpona. 


Will be interesting to see how/if Aurender highlights Roon integration at the show.  I speculate the Aurender Roon update was timed for Axpona exposure.

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4 hours ago, mike1127 said:

So I did pick up an Aurender N100! (from The Music Room) It is wonderful with my two DACs, both custom modified, an iFi iDSD and a Gustard x20pro. 


I just bought a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC (Mk 1) for $1799 (also from The Music Room). It will be here late next week. I'm told this is an incredible deal. It will be interesting to see what effect the Aurender has on it. I'll probably compare using the USB out from a Windows 10 NUC and an iFi Zen Stream.


I’ll be interested in hearing your reaction. I have a PS Audio BHK pre-amp, and I doubt I’ll ever feel a need to upgrade. 

Aurender N200 music server, Bryston BDA-3 DAC, PS Audio BHK Signature preamp, Bryston 4B3 power amp, and Diapason Adamantes III monitor speakers. Power cords from AudioQuest and Shunyata; interconnects from Silnote Audio.

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1 hour ago, NTWrong said:

I’ll be interested in hearing your reaction. I have a PS Audio BHK pre-amp, and I doubt I’ll ever feel a need to upgrade. 


Having owned a DirectStream I can say it's very very revealing which has its pros and cons, depending upon the recording.

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23 hours ago, HifiVoice said:


Somebody is trying to help you, why react like this? 


I'm genuinely curious why "I may have to type english with a Flemish accent" is so offensive?   Is there some cultural backstory to this of which I'm unaware, like the great accent wars of 1684?  Are Flemish people particularly sensitive to comments about their accent?


I can imagine an entire Monty Python skit about typing with a Flemish (or any other) accent!

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For anyone wondering: It is not possible to move an SSD from a N100SC to an N200. The  N200 will not recognize it at all.

Probably because the N200 is Intel based and the N100SC is AMD based.


So I am now uploading close to 3 Tb from my NAS to my new N200. I did one single album first  to make sure it worked and to check how it sounded. I know I said before that it's mainly the DAC that makes the sound (and I am still behind that), but moving from an N100SC to an N200 definitely IS a considerable step up in detail, air, clarity, spaciousness.


BTW, the first album was Sting - Brand New Day, in DSF.

If you really want to hear an excellent recording, find that.

An annoying noise annoys an oyster

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10 minutes ago, Samuel said:

 Selling my Aurender N30SA for a very good deal, change my system to an active speaker so it is an over kill for my system.

Send me a PM with the details. Price, color, etc. Also your location. 

Audio Note AN-E SPx AlNiCo, Audio Note P4 Tonmeister 300B Balanced Monos, Bricasti Audio M21 DAC,  Aurender N30SA, Esoteric UX3-Pi, Audio Note Sogon, SPx and WyWires cabling, Environmental Potentials EP-2050 Whole House AC Filter, Torus TOT Mini Isolation Transformer, Dedicated Audio AC Circuit

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@Anonamemouse Hello-Sorry this message didn't reach you in time. You can move any Aurender SSD/HDD from one unit to another. Placing the drive in an N200, go to Conductor settings/storage and library information and select "refresh drives", this should scan and build your library on the new unit. Depending on the drive size, this may take some time. If this does not work, send in a remote support email and our support staff can mount the old drive in the new Aurender for you remotely.

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2 hours ago, AurenderAmerica said:

@Anonamemouse Hello-Sorry this message didn't reach you in time. You can move any Aurender SSD/HDD from one unit to another. Placing the drive in an N200, go to Conductor settings/storage and library information and select "refresh drives", this should scan and build your library on the new unit. Depending on the drive size, this may take some time. If this does not work, send in a remote support email and our support staff can mount the old drive in the new Aurender for you remotely.

Gosh darn... I actually did try that, but nothing happened. I also sent an email, but: no reply. Probably because of Axpona. 


Oh well... I did some work on my music collection in the past months (album covers, meta tags, weeding out doubles etcetera), and I was positive that I'd remember what I still needed to remove or upload. (Yeah, right)

I probably got most, but now I definitely got everything so it's not all bad.


When I go from a 4Tb to an 8Tb SSD I'll call in the tech dept again. Although adding another 4Tb is probably cheaper... 

An annoying noise annoys an oyster

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17 hours ago, Anonamemouse said:

now I definitely got everything so it's not all bad.

Glad you got it sorted to your satisfaction. Managing thousands of audio files is a right PITA, but it goes with the territory of the hobby.

Aurender N200 music server, Bryston BDA-3 DAC, PS Audio BHK Signature preamp, Bryston 4B3 power amp, and Diapason Adamantes III monitor speakers. Power cords from AudioQuest and Shunyata; interconnects from Silnote Audio.

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Hi, I have an option to move from w20 to N20 with the new Roon capability added and support for higher resolution formats; would appreciate if any who compared both share their opinions if:

1. Moving from w20 to N20 - would it be a significant upgrade SQ wise?

2. n20 with Roon - is that a game changer - again SQ wise; I know the user experience of Roon is top notch but am more keen on the SQ



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