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MQA is Vaporware

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2 hours ago, tmtomh said:


@Lee Scoggins, I feel you are being highly disingenuous here. You write that you've ignored the technical points because you are "still researching" and "don't wish to comment until I gain a deeper understanding and look at all sides." But that's not actually true, because your "Why MQA is good business" arguments have been based on an underlying assertion - often implicit, but sometimes explicit - about the technical benefits of MQA.


As @firedog, I, and numerous others have pointed out repeatedly, you're not actually ignoring the technical issues and questions about MQA. Rather, you're ignoring only the technical objections, and you repeat the claimed technical benefits claimed in MQA's PR materials.


The reason this is a problem is that your parroting of MQA's "the tech is just fine, nothing to see here folks" line allows you to equate what's good for MQA's business model with what's good for music consumers concerned about high quality sound. Your comments have made this equation over and over and over, and it's been pointed out to you over and over and over - and still you repeat the same conflation.


I find that behavior, and your apparent refusal to even acknowledge it let alone modify it, troubling. I'm all for free speech, but if you truly "don't wish to comment" until you've researched the technical issues, then how about not commenting in this thread until you've.... researched the technical issues?

Translations: Scoggins is essentially a troll. I used the word disingenuous here to describe his conduct at least a dozen times and it is dead accurate. So thanks for being on board with that.

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3 hours ago, Siltech817 said:


Translation: closed proprietary format requiring $$$ new licensing at every stage, a loss of consumer choice and control, and DRM.

So great motivators on the business side you describe, but horrible turn-offs for consumers considering the zero value proposition the above entails.

With no redeeming sonic value, no technical merits, MQA very much a solution in search of a problem, you have a very curious take on all of this, it can be summed up as anti-consumer and pro record label/business. 

Oh, right... you are still researching the technical aspects.

Here, you elegantly summed up all the valid arguments why MQA should be thrown into the trash heap..a beautiful synopsis of what the most luminary anti MQA voices have been saying since day one...including the late, great Charlie Hansen, and posters mansr, soxr, and many others as well, Andreas Koch, Brian Lucey, the Schiit guys, Benchmark Media, Linn, Byrston, and Soundstage's Doug S. Apologies to anyone I left out.


And amazingly, the pro MQA punching bags still keeping around with their factless and illogical hype to keep getting virtually smashed in the face.



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36 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:


Colorful word choices. Not as colorful as last week's anal rape metaphor (which I personally found offputting), but still another post that seems just a touch histrionic. coupled with a few of your more hyperbolic and vitriolic posts (examples can easily be supplied) , I wonder if you are undermining your credibility a little?


While it is an unfair characterization of CA as a whole, it doesn't take too many heavy-handed posts in a thread to leave some with the impression of a "snake pit". IMO.

Nothing wrong with a snake pit. Serves a very important purpose..it is where the MQA rodents get tossed so they can be be eviscerated. I especially like when the snakes lick their chops in satisfaction and spit out the bones they can't digest. :D

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23 minutes ago, Norton said:


Alternatively, it's a place where snakes can wriggle around and chase their tails without bothering anyone else.  I think you also misunderstand serpentine digestion, they tend to swallow things whole...

Yes, snakes digest their prey whole. But I could not resist, for dramatic effect...throwing in the spitting out the bones scenario..:P.i


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I think it's important to keep reminding people that if you don't stream Tidal, MQA is of no consequence. Even as designers start incorporating "MQA style" filters in their products, as long as they are defeatable, it is all all good.


It will no different than some of those DACs that come equipped with numerous user selectable filters, of which most people end up leaving on the default. I have had DACs with selectable filters and after a week i just could not be bothered.

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3 hours ago, firedog said:

Just saw this quote from Lee at his Hoffman forum thread:




and he wonders why we don't take his "investigative journalism" seriously....

Again the term disingenuous comes to mind...It is about time he ends the charade that he is not somehow part of

the MQA cabal with a vested interest in it succeeding. Whether trolling for consulting work, or just getting closer

to "Bob's" inner circle.


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39 minutes ago, tmtomh said:


Yep! I'm the one he's responding to there, and I replied to his query with the evidence he demanded, linking and quoting both Stereophile and Stuart himself admitting that MQA is lossy. To the best of my knowledge, @Lee Scoggins did not reply directly to that evidence or acknowledge it in any way. (Lee, if I am mistaken about that, please point us to the comment you made at the Hoffman forums where you do acknowledge that MQA is lossy.)

Again, he continues with the same strategy...tone deaf..ignoring facts pointed out on numerous occasions...


right out of the Stereophile playbock..to this day...Jim Austin is Stereophile's Scoggins.

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9 minutes ago, Don Hills said:


You shouldn't have said his name... he just popped up again at SH.

In cases like this it's usually best to let sleeping dogs lie... Nothing annoys such people more than being ignored.

Yes, and his MQA Marketing is no so over the top is borders on absurdity...and his defense of anything or anyone related to MQA is laughable..."Meridian may not be losing money globally...". "Stuart is has written peer reviewed papers", "Audio Origami is so elegant"....go ahead, have a laugh.

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7 minutes ago, esldude said:

Yes a good place to post.  People who might post facts about MQA or real data contrary to the narrative will get banned.  So definitely a safe MQA haven. 

He has gone crazy. He is literally tell one lie after another there now.  Complete fabrications. He must really be at end game.

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1 hour ago, Samuel T Cogley said:


Oh how I miss stereocentral.tv!!!

Scoggie got Daddy Hoffman to ban me. He could not take the heat.


So telling lies, trolling, and fabricating information out of thin air is ok...but challenging that is not.




Maybe it was because I asked Daddy Hoffman if he had been given an MQA demo in a mastering studio....

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1 minute ago, Dr Tone said:

Obviously Lee has ran out of names to drop and can only support one forum now.


His latest posts are trying to straighten out everyone on the downsampling upsampling "myth".  To his knowledge the second unfold is recovering content > 96kHz and there is no downsampling on MQA creation.

MQA is a fantasy, so it is no surprise he relies on magical thinking.


He got his buddy Uncle Steve personally involved in his thread...curious....have not seen that before.

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28 minutes ago, Samuel T Cogley said:


The culture over there is different.  Rest assured that Scoggins was burying Hoffman in PMs regarding that quasi-sponsored MQA thread.  I'm sure he got Hoffman to give you the boot by suggesting you were making Hoffman's forum look unfriendly to vendors.


The reason Hoffman seems to be agnostic about MQA is there's no free gear in it for him.



Yes, but the PS Audio DAC he has on "long term loan" now does MQA, correct?

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