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Lampizator Big 7 has landed

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The cunni tubes are very different then the 101. Not good for me too thin and tool aid back. It's like bad dsd almost very distant

But too each here own. Next the vt52. If that's the tube I am thinking it too was not good but better than the cunninghams

Does it need an adaptor ?? If it does that's the tube. Norman is that the odd voltage one.

If you can by a eml 45 even used pair. They are not like a 300B thick but more full than 101d

Just giving you options not saying your wrong it's all about Taste and what we like.

The tungsol or sylvan is 6A3 are also a good try


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I'm very much interested in your findings. I went with Jupiter Copper/Wax caps on Łukasz's advice, and after they settle, I intend to add Duelund Silver bypass caps and see what happens. I keep hearing great things about CuTF V-Caps.


I have tested quite a few different coupling caps in my AudioNote DAC 4.1X, AN copper Mylar/Oil, CuTF V-caps, Duelund VSF-CU and Cast-CU. V-Cap sounds detailed, organised, balanced, etc, etc, but failed to play MUSIC.... Hope you understand what I mean. AN copper Mylar/Oil DOES make music, but lacks detail and openness. Both Duelunds do make music AND let hear detail and openness, where the CAST has a slight advantage in detail. But to be honest, if I could choose a cap again knowing what I do know now and starting from scratch, I would buy the Duelund VSF, as it's very good and cheaper than CAST.

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Just out of curiosity, don't you have microphonic problems with those BIG DHT tubes as "pre-amp" tubes?????? I once owned a 300B pre-amp and I dumped it because of microphonic issues.... Play music and pause it and you hear the "echoing" (because of microphonic behaviour) through the speakers for few seconds..... Tap the tube with your fingernails and you hear it very clearly through your speakers.... Does this also happen with Big7?

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A friend of mine had minor issue but he pit grounded cages and problem is gone...

I do not experience any micrphonic problem.


As for capacitors, well my experiences are different. For me Duelund sounds dull as bass seems to loose control sometimes, also there is no bite, where v-cap can smack you and is full of energy... Matter of taste I guess.

I also like Jupiters, I think they are most "universal" if I can say so.

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A friend of mine had minor issue but he pit grounded cages and problem is gone...

I do not experience any micrphonic problem.


As for capacitors, well my experiences are different. For me Duelund sounds dull as bass seems to loose control sometimes, also there is no bite, where v-cap can smack you and is full of energy... Matter of taste I guess.

I also like Jupiters, I think they are most "universal" if I can say so.


In my case I believe bass loose control depending on the tube used. For example never with the Western 101D replica, but yes with Cunnighan CX345, U245, RCA50, Shuguang 300B-Z. Plus added distortion on the extreme highs. Mostly with some turbocharged bass on DSD.


I'm on Duelund caps, need to try Jupiters.



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Actually this is all matter of taste and rest of elements in the system in my opinion so if you like Duelund, stay with what you like :-)


I'm into Dynaudio speakers.

Currently I have Dynaudio Focus 220, also Contour S3.4 that for me are too close to 220s to take them seriously and also Dynaudio Confidence 5. The last choice would be perfect if my room was a bit smaller. As they are closed chamber they sound too thin. Thats a shame cause everything else about these is just perfect.

Next in line for me are I guess Confidence C2 but I am on the hunt for Contour 4 speaker that seems to me the ultimate speaker for my current listening conditions. Also I really want a Dynaudio speaker with softdome midrange... Dynaudio, Dynadio, Dynaudio bla bla bla ;-)


My Level 7 has V-Caps sided with Jupiter. Perhaps I should experiment and change the Jupiter for Duelund? ;-)

There are simply too many options to quickly have an idea what to get. For some it is the beauty of Lampizator, for others it is scary and confusing. Experienced listener can build himself a perfect DAC, but task is not that easy for sure.

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Wow, Bruce and his Pals are loving Lampi DSD. From WBF:


Thanks again for bringing in the Mytek and Lampizator for comparison Bruce.

Both good sounding DAC's. I felt the Lampy was more clear, pure, and natural. Seemed most liked the Lampy best.



System pics. What's Best Forum (WBF Forum)


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Yesterday, 06:17 AM#34

Bruce B


O'kay... here's the deal. The Lampi scored big time. It really wasn't even a contest. Everyone that I spoke with gave the Lampi high marks for its natural tone and coherency. Some felt the Mytek was really good at 256fs, but that went out the door when we started the second half with the Lampi.

To top it off..... there is a gentleman that is a member of our club that used to work for a major PCM DAC manufacturer. He said it was the best DSD he's ever heard and that every DSD DAC manufacturer should be following their lead.

I kinda' wanted confirmation of what I've been hearing the past year. I can't believe I've had this almost a year and it still never ceases to amaze me!

The Mytek is a very versatile and commendable DAC and it does a lot of things. It really didn't do anything wrong. On the Shelby Lynn cut, the mic overload was a little more unbearable than on the Lampi, but it just didn't move your soul. Another thing that I heard someone say. This was anecdotal, but a few folks heard the image shift between the DSD128fs and DSD256fs cuts. I think Mytek may be doing something different in 256fs and I'll have to do more testing when I have the time.

But for me.... and I think I can speak for the rest of our club.... The DSD champ last night was the Lampi. Thanks Lukasz. Can't wait to hear the Big 7 !!

Bruce A. Brown

Puget Sound Studios

Stereomojo reviewer

Seattle, WA

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The cunni tubes are very different then the 101. Not good for me too thin and tool aid back. It's like bad dsd almost very distant

But too each here own. Next the vt52. If that's the tube I am thinking it too was not good but better than the cunninghams

Does it need an adaptor ?? If it does that's the tube. Norman is that the odd voltage one.

If you can by a eml 45 even used pair. They are not like a 300B thick but more full than 101d

Just giving you options not saying your wrong it's all about Taste and what we like.

The tungsol or sylvan is 6A3 are also a good try



Are the EML 45s your favorite with the Big 7 Lampizator ?

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Yes they are a one of my favorites . But keep in mind I have many headphones and a few systems. But it's what I reccomend as a good starting point for anyone. Luk seems to Like the 101d for stock as he has said so. They are very nice tubes perhaps more musically accurate based on there specs. I also have a some eml 45 annaiversary globes too. They are a favorite to. Giving the same level of details as the bottle head but more more meat or slower note decay. So system that is a a little Brite on the high end they do well with. The B 7 and ots tube rolling makes this dac very versitle and to me it can work better in many systems. Of this dac can go from as many systems as I have and just picking the right tube it's magical , that's options no other dac has .


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After having a chance to listen to both Level 7 anc Big 7 for a longer time the only difference that comes pretty obvious is the ammount of bass.

It is deeper on Level 7, but from my point of view it is marginal observation that can also come from capacitor difference between Big7 and L7 that I compared.

Just to remid, Big 7 has Jupiters and L7 has V-Cap sieded with Jupiter.


I only realized this difference listening to Erik Truffaz - Bending New Corners album in Hi Res FLAC files.

I was not focusing on bass at all, my wife actually noticed this first.

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After having a chance to listen to both Level 7 anc Big 7 for a longer time the only difference that comes pretty obvious is the ammount of bass.

It is deeper on Level 7, but from my point of view it is marginal observation that can also come from capacitor difference between Big7 and L7 that I compared.

Just to remid, Big 7 has Jupiters and L7 has V-Cap sieded with Jupiter.


I only realized this difference listening to Erik Truffaz - Bending New Corners album in Hi Res FLAC files.

I was not focusing on bass at all, my wife actually noticed this first.


The difference between L7 and B7 even with the same caps (Duelunds) was sigificant when I heard it. Plus more tubes possible on the B7. I have heard the L5, L7, and the B7. B7 is a no-brainer for me.

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The difference between L7 and B7 even with the same caps (Duelunds) was sigificant when I heard it. Plus more tubes possible on the B7. I have heard the L5, L7, and the B7. B7 is a no-brainer for me.


As far as I am aware tube rolling is identical on both, unless you have rectifiers on mind (two on L7 and one on B7).

For me having dedicated psu box and dedicated dac box made L7 more interesting as I am big Naim Audio guy and two box philosopy is what I like.

No matter, it is good to have options so people can choose what they like and what is better for them.

If you ask Łukasz, he will tell you that they both sound thesame...

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Big 7 came with EML 45's. Along with them, I have used Sylvania 6a3's and Psvane Replaca WE 101d's. However, the 101d's are presently hitting the sweet spot in my system/room. On the other hand, each different pair obviously has their sonic pros and cons. Oh, if only a remote button could instantly switch between tube pairs depending upon the music and one's mood.....and while dreaming, why not do the same for caps, power cords, cables....et al...(grin)....


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Oh, if only a remote button could instantly switch between tube pairs depending upon the music and one's mood.....and while dreaming, why not do the same for caps, power cords, cables....et al...(grin)....


Hmm, a tube rolling robot feature? That would be something... :)

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No tube rolling robots in sight, but here's a pre-Easter photo of Lampizator headquarters with 32 Big 7 DACs waiting to be shipped to customers. The Big 7 continues to be a hit.


32 Big 7 DACs Ready for Shipment - April 3 2015.jpg


Easter bunny_ can you please help me ship these 32 Big Seven DACs...

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  • 1 month later...

Just following up on the very first post in the thread, which mentioned on the fly conversion to DSD256 via HQ Player etc.

Have any of you tried offline conversion instead for your Lampis? Big files I guess, but the extra time the algorithms can spend offline might be beneficial. Less CPU load on the music server too when you are playing.

Source: Pink Faun Ultra - Chord DAVE

Amps: VTV Purifi

Speakers: Trenner and Friedel RA

Cables : JCAT reference USB, Tellerium XLR, Kubula-Sosna Elation speaker

Plus CEC TL 5 Cd transport - Blackcat Tron BNC - Chord DAVE

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Just following up on the very first post in the thread, which mentioned on the fly conversion to DSD256 via HQ Player etc.

Have any of you tried offline conversion instead for your Lampis? Big files I guess, but the extra time the algorithms can spend offline might be beneficial. Less CPU load on the music server too when you are playing.

I use HQ Player to upsample all of my audio to DSD128 for my Lampi DSD DAC in real time and I love the results. I have a Dual Server configuration so that the Control PC handles the DSP and the UI while the Audio PC loafs in hibernate mode.


My DAC is out for the DSD256 upgrade and I'll continue with the real-time upsampling when I get it back. My library is huge as it is. It's much to large to contemplate offline upsampling, especially when I'm already getting stellar results.

Roon Server: Core i7-3770S, WS2012 + AO => HQP Server: Core, i7-9700K, HQPlayer OS => NAA: Celeron NUC, HQP NAA => ISO Regen with UltraCap LPS 1.2 => Mapleshade USB Cable => Lampizator L4 DSD-Only Balanced DAC Preamp => Blue Jeans Belden Balanced Cables => Mivera PurePower SE Amp => Magnepan 3.7i

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but the extra time the algorithms can spend offline might be beneficial.


Nothing to do with extra quality here IMO.

Dedicated Line DSD/DXD | Audirvana+ | iFi iDSD Nano | SET Tube Amp | Totem Mites

Surround: VLC | M-Audio FastTrack Pro | Mac Opt | Panasonic SA-HE100 | Logitech Z623

DIY: SET Tube Amp | Low-Noise Linear Regulated Power Supply | USB, Power, Speaker Cables | Speaker Stands | Acoustic Panels

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Big files I guess, but the extra time the algorithms can spend offline might be beneficial.


HQPlayer spends as much time and resources as it needs on doing the conversion... If it takes too much to run in real time, then you'll need to buy a faster computer that can keep up. :)


Of course I make it run as fast as possible, but without trading quality.

Signalyst - Developer of HQPlayer

Pulse & Fidelity - Software Defined Amplifiers

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Excellent - thanks for the responses

I'm running a 2 box Jplay setup so that will work well. I've skimmed some of the software HQplayer thread and seen the mentions of memory cards and ram drives, so there is experimentation to come.

Source: Pink Faun Ultra - Chord DAVE

Amps: VTV Purifi

Speakers: Trenner and Friedel RA

Cables : JCAT reference USB, Tellerium XLR, Kubula-Sosna Elation speaker

Plus CEC TL 5 Cd transport - Blackcat Tron BNC - Chord DAVE

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I use HQ Player to upsample all of my audio to DSD128 for my Lampi DSD DAC in real time and I love the results. I have a Dual Server configuration so that the Control PC handles the DSP and the UI while the Audio PC loafs in hibernate mode.


My DAC is out for the DSD256 upgrade and I'll continue with the real-time upsampling when I get it back. My library is huge as it is. It's much to large to contemplate offline upsampling, especially when I'm already getting stellar results.


K6Davis, we have the same DAC and I'm considering the DSD256 upgrade - for HQP as well. What are the logistics for the upgrade? Repair local in the U.S. or did it go back to Europe? How long will it take? Are they swapping out the guts and replacing them with their new PCBoard?

Analog: Koetsu Rosewood > VPI Aries 3 w/SDS > EAR 834P > EAR 834L: Audiodesk cleaner

Digital Fun: DAS > CAPS v3 w/LPS (JRMC) SOtM USB > Lynx Hilo > EAR 834L

Digital Serious: DAS > CAPS v3 w/LPS (HQPlayer) Ethernet > SMS-100 NAA > Lampi DSD L4 G5 > EAR 834L

Digital Disc: Oppo BDP 95 > EAR 834L

Output: EAR 834L > Xilica XP4080 DSP > Odessey Stratos Mono Extreme > Legacy Aeris

Phones: EAR 834L > Little Dot Mk ii > Senheiser HD 800

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K6Davis, we have the same DAC and I'm considering the DSD256 upgrade - for HQP as well. What are the logistics for the upgrade? Repair local in the U.S. or did it go back to Europe? How long will it take? Are they swapping out the guts and replacing them with their new PCBoard?


Check with Fred at Lampizator North America. As I understand it, the intent is to have the upgrades done in the US vs. sending the DACs back to Poland.

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