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Acceptable Humour from an earlier time.


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15 minutes ago, gmgraves said:

Sort of, I guess. It was to do with a rumor about President Clinton. The rumor was that Clinton was “renting out” the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House in exchange for political contributions. Snopes said that it wasn’t true and was merely right-wing propaganda. It turned out that it was true, but Snopes never acknowledged that they erred or retracted their debunk of the rumor.

But, I ask you to keep in mind that I have paid no attention to Snopes in at least 10 years. For all I know, they have cleaned up their act and are more accurate now, with less bias - but, somehow, I doubt it!

I can't find anything regarding that story on Snopes. It's a long time ago, though, so it may have vanished in some site rebuild. Anyhow, a single mistake (and I'd be surprised if they'd never made one) is not evidence of any bias.


I also fail to see the relevance to this thread. Unless, of course, there was a can of WD-40 on the nightstand when those guests visited. To loosen up their wallets, naturally.

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