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Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies | Professional Musician Scientist


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Then why in this instance is their no main stream references to the work or work similar, sorry its all over the quack cancer cure websites but no mention in mainstream.

I don't mind quackery in audio, hair care products, magnetic rings etc. but cancer... And there are a lot of quack cures and ideas regarding cancer... Whilst it may be feasible why is it not being taken seriously by mainstream cancer research, the holy grail these days is a cure for cancer in all its evil little forms.

Sorry but I have a thing about crank cures for cancer, there are so many and so many twisted facts.

If they did develop it to work it would be wonderful, anythings better than chemo.

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I disagree with your enthusiasm for this so called cure... 

Just point to one respected source that references this information, I have searched and not found one, yet.

There is a thesis from 1979 by Gordon RT (Resonance induced alterations of intracellular biophysical properties) again it would be heat build up within the cell that causes the destruction... 

Resonance induced alterations of intracellular biophysical properties.

And then this...


And the previously mentioned ultrasound stuff.

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Plenty more...

Me I am still very sceptical of this... Too many debatable cures etc. for cancer, to many offering miracle cures to an often desperate audience....

Me I'd rather trust the doctors and nurses that have been treating it for years rather than a composer.... with no medical training.

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10 hours ago, Axial said:

Before saying this why don't you use some respect. You come up as a total loonie who has nothing better to do in life than being a nasty sunnabaggun. 


How's that for a reply to your nasty remark. 

Do you have some education. 


If you are going to post in that style, I suggest you go play somewhere else. Don't come in my thread with that type of attitude, I got no time for people like you, zero. 

Your insults are rude and will be reported, I gave my view regarding your initial post... I did not think it was the right place to post that sort of content and a brief look around would have rung alarm bells.

Instead of taking what you have posted at face value do some research, its all a bit dodgy. No real data, the same video clip from 2013, nothing on their website, same with the facebook page. I go do some research instead of taking things at face value.

For the record I have a vested interest in this, having had 6 operations one a radical cystectomy (https://www.cuh.nhs.uk/book/export/html/681), chemotherapy, BCG and all the other fun that's having cancer brings to your life. I'm luck, I' still here and hope to be for a while.

So stuff your attitude, I have every right to comment on your post on a public forum, your pathetic name calling is noted.

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14 minutes ago, Blackmorec said:

Frankly Marce, in a way that makes your response all the more surprising. I guess you’re just tired of being misled by all the hoopla and bs around pseudo cancer cures. I get that, I really do. But what I find appealing about this research isn’t the video, the website or the promises. What i really like is the logic and simplicity.  There has been a lot of genuine scientific work done on Millimeter Waves that showed tremendous promise.  That work was done in Russia, which funds huge amounts of fundamental research while doing very little (in fact nothing) to commercialise the results. You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff I’ve seen in labs that never see the light of day. 

The US is entirely different. A lot of funding is done in the expectation of a return, while research that may negatively impact the established encumbants is often very hard to find. The people with the money have lots of vested interests. This guy is trying to raise money to carry on his research and the only thing he has to sell is hope that eventually it will lead to a cure. I think that’s absolutely OK. 

This research is done by a music professor with a huge interest in science and particularly physics. Its a strange combination. A music professor with access to a research lab and friends in other scientific branches. This whole research has the smell or serendipity, and some of the World’s greatest discoveries came about through unusual combinations of accident, observation, curiosity and opportunity. 

Look at where we are today and where we were 100 years ago. That progress will continue. And the basis for all that progress is discovery....some of it by methodical, targeted research and some by the mechanisms I mentioned  above. A hundred years from here its not impossible to believe that cancer will have been conquered and cures will be altogether more gentle and less invasive. We’ve got to be open to any discovery that looks promising because otherwise we may miss the answer. 


I have my own medical story. I was a marathon runner who within a short while became chronically fatigued to the point crossing the road or drying my hair became a challenge. After exhaustive testing (s’cuse the pun) revealed nothing Doctors diagnosed the condition as ME, or Chronic Fatigue, for which there was no known cause and no known cure. I refused to accept that I could go from running ultra-marathons to needing a rest after picking up the soap in the shower without a reason, so i set about looking for it. Being in the industry I have friends with labs and access to labs full of analytical equipment.  I tested everything....all my furniture, carpets, the dust in my house, my blood, stool, urine etc. What did I find? Firstly every test paid for by medical insurance came back normal...the only way I found abnormalities was to fund my own testing. Testing that some would label pseudo science because its not mainstream. Ultimately I found chronic disbiosis....gut flora with huge yeast overgrowth and massive mercury poisoning caused by a surgical procedure gone wrong that was treated with mercurochrome. I also found a large carpet that had been treated with high concentration of Permethrin and woodwork that had been treated with PCP, both pesticides now banned. When I got rid of the xenobiotics and remediate the gut flora the chronic fatigue and all its symptoms disappeared.  The only reason I found all that and recovered was because I had access to all the testing I needed and a certainty that there had to be a cause.  

In conclusion what may look like rubbish to you looks like a very interesting and logical line of enquiry to me. And let’s face it, life for the whole human race will improve when the Sword of  Damocles that is cancer and its treatment is removed.  

Look at the facts instead of trying to justify what he's doing. Its a bit like the support way out audiophile devices get, such as ground boxes...

Lets look at wavelengths for a start, around 1km of 300,000kHz even a 3MHz carrier is 100m, this is not mm waves.

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Sorry but I disagree regarding this miracle cure, like many more so called cures out their suppressed by big pharma, they are at best misplaced facts. In this case as I posted earlier we are talking about radiowaves (a plasma antenna is used) the frequencies referenced have wavelengths that are 100 of meters long...  Not ultrasound where the wavelength would be far shorter for the same frequencies and where there is a lot of work going on as there is in radio therapy, this looks like a mish mash between the two. 

There are plenty of examples "The truth about cancer" site is full of alternative cures such as the one based on misinterpretation of Dr Otto Warburg work in the 30's.

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