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2 hours ago, beerandmusic said:

the real reason high iq''s are declining is because the really smart people are having less and less kids because they know this world is going to crap and don't want to torture future generation....now the dumb people will keep reproducing....lol...


even dumb people have smart kids...


IQ is based more on survival pressures.  It used to be that the most likely to survive passed on their genes.  Now we let every dumbass survive their stupidity. Because we are not under pressure from anything to survive, we don't need to evolve to be smarter...


edit:  You want to get smarter?  You want your kids to be smarter?  Challenge them, force them to use their brains.


I suppose a long term ongoing generational alien invasion would also do it.



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The problem with our IQ tests is they don't test what is evolutionally important to make humans smarter.  There is something called IQ, but our current understanding and testing of it does not test for it.


For example...


humans are distance runners.  This was evolutionarily necessitated by the need to tire out our food so we could more easily kill it.  If you were unable to kill your food, you died.  There is no physical fitness part of our IQ tests.


maybe we are becoming a more weighty society because we no longer need that specific ability to acquire food.  Things to think about.

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7 minutes ago, mansr said:

That's because physical fitness is by definition not intelligence.


It absolutely is.  It is also proof of how lacking our understanding of intelligence is as well as being proof of a reason we are not under pressures to become any smarter.


Evolutionary pressures are what made us "smart"

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7 minutes ago, mansr said:

So by your definition, Stephen Hawking was really stupid.




Nice try.  If not for our modern medical advances he would have died a long time ago...  Individually, yes.  He owes everything to those who cared for him.


You're stuck in our very basic modern understanding of IQ as only brain smarts.  Great, 1000 years ago Hawking would have been eaten by a tiger.  Not very smart is it.


You should stick to arguing about electronics.

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29 minutes ago, mansr said:

A human can't even outrun a house cat, yet only a few cats are able to open a door. Intelligence is, again, by definition distinct from physical strength. Both are, of course, a factor in survivability.


Sorry, I'm not that fast a runner.


A cheetah may be fast, but not for very long...  It certainly can't run 26.2 miles...


your thinking is entirely too narrow and small.

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2 minutes ago, mansr said:

No, but it will eat you within 100 yards. Not very smart of you, is it?


That's where your other survival abilities kick in...


IQ is more than one thing and it is intelligence gained by enduring severe survivability pressures.


Because there are no more survivability pressures on society of that level, we are in fact, becoming dumber. Pointing out one person that has one measure so far above the mean, has no impact on that.

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1 minute ago, elcorso said:


My comment was just an irony, but if I have to choose ...


You need to be smart to be happy, although it seems a redundancy.


No pain, no gain is cruel  ?





There is recent research that says the opposite.

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8 minutes ago, Ralf11 said:


1st you don't know the terminology - it is selection, and survival is only one aspect of it


2nd, selection is ongoing in humans


3rd as you later said you have no data


etc etc


Sure.  I wish our ancestors had neglected survival and instead focused on testing their IQ on math and reading skills...


2nd, sure.  Selection has  a much wider pool to pull from because...  (see below)


3.  Sure, I have no data, but all those pressures and challenges that made us so smart are no longer a factor in the passing on of genes and survivability of humans as a species.

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5 hours ago, mansr said:

Yes, because we pretty much suck physically, we had to invent various tools and otherwise outsmart other animals.


You seem to be suggesting that Africans are not as smart as others. That's wrong and offensive.


Why?  Did they not also have selection pressures that forced them to become smarter?  Nice try though...


Just because I used one example doesn't meant there aren't also others.

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6 hours ago, Summit said:


If a dumbass president was elected in free and fair election, what does it say about the people that vote for him? After all he mainly does what he promised he would do ? 


I said he was a data point of the dumbing down, ie: lowering IQ, of society as a whole.  I would say it says exactly what I wanted it to.

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