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Synergistic Research: SCAM

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Maybe its the cheap class D amps and the price point needing to be met that causes you to chase tail so much. A manufacturer can only go so far with a $400.00 set-up. 

3 hours ago, fas42 said:

this is why the SR devices do help

How exactly do they work again. This reminds me of the final question on Jeopardy with the music and time limit for an answer. Bump, Babump bump bump bump bump. And you fail.... 

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8 minutes ago, DrT said:

Racernetx: Thanks for the sage advice; but as a guy who has been into this hobby for 50+ years, and has owned many Many MANY excellent pieces of audio gear over those years (20+ amps, 30+ speakers, too many cables to recall, easily $1 million total, etc (including $98,000 Magico speakers & $28,000 Audio Note amps)); your veiled insult only demonstrates your ignorance & closed mindedness. You may trust your "COMMON sense" but me, I trust only one thing - my ears. BTW, you keep the rock.



After spending a million on components, it would seem you are the fool who can't learn what works or not. Maybe you should take the sage advice. If you are in the Huntsville AL area, come on over and I'll entertain you. Golf Cherokee Ridge, listen to my Genesis system, or walk to the water fall from the back cart path. What ever floats your boat is OK with me, and continue to chase the Holy Grail. Some got it together audio wise, and some never will. They like the chase more than the sum of the components and room.


Have a great day all. 

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Hey DrT,


Reminds me of MrT!!


Leave the vaccines at home and the weapons. The fastest way to beat an enemy is to make him a friend. It's all good at the end of the day. Natural immunity to all this stuff is far more effective. 😁 You may have seen my posts at WBF in the Genesis sub forum on repairs for the older stuff. We have all been around the block from different perspectives. Keep on truckin...

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17 minutes ago, fas42 said:


It is. If you're listening for a defect in something, a very short time is all that's necessary, to confirm substandard behaviour. A good car mechanic can listen to an engine for 2 seconds, and know that it has an issue - any misbehaviour adds a noise that shouldn't be there, and his work can start ...

I'll bet you a thousand to one you couldn't determine what specific lifter is bad on a V8 in 2 seconds. Is it a solid, hydraulic, or roller lifter to boot. If you cannot hear any noise in a audio system, is it misbehaving??

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3 minutes ago, fas42 said:


Which is not the point. All that's needed, is to identify that there is a problem. What you then do about it, to locate the area that's giving you grief, and resolving it, is a completely different exercise - if someone asks you, what do you think of my system, and you can hear it being sub-par, you then have the choice of being honest - or, to save his ego, tell porkies ... :).


An audio setup is misbehaving, if you can hear that it's inaccurate - the term "synergy" is usually thrown around to mean good things, which actually means, "more accurate". "Interesting signature" is a polite way of saying, very inaccurate :D. These days lack of "analogue goodness" is the usual culprit - which is the digital noise floor thing; a couple of decades ago, power amplifiers were pretty terrible, and the SQ disintegrated as soon as the volume went up - the first test I used to do was lift the level until you could hear the amp starting to make a mess of the treble.

Lol, You turn up the volume until the amp clips and then claim there is a problem. 

Digital noise thing??? Inaccurate??  If we swap out the speakers on a system, and they sound "different" which one is more or less "accurate". Or do all speakers sound the same?? 


Frank, I think you are on to something regarding porkies!  🙃

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2 hours ago, fas42 said:

recently in the Edifier thread that I had an issue with the Edifiers, where the optical cable had squirmed out of position just enough to touch a hard object - with loss of SQ.


37 minutes ago, kumakuma said:

Why are your cables moving on their own? Stopping this from occurring would seem to be the better solution here.

I'd have to suggest that the "optical cable casing touching a hard object" is dubious at best. How are the light pulses being sent to the receiver being impacted and causing sound degradation?? Did you measure this in any way, or is it pure speculation with your Frankenears? 😁

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4 minutes ago, Blackmorec said:

Hi Botrytis, 

Actually no I don't get your point at all. A UV/Vis spectrophotometer is usually employed to do absorbtion measurements based on shining monochromatic light from a source through a sample and a reference cell, one with and one without the solution to be measured and the differential is the absorption spectrum.  What does that have to do with the eye’s sensitivity to blue? 

I think that Botrytis is saying that test instruments are much more sensitive to changes than the human eyes and ears. He gave an example which is being taken out of context, or people are disingenuous with statements by others.

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2 hours ago, fas42 said:


Vibration control is key in many areas of audio. Speaker cabinets, component shelves are some obvious examples. In regard to digital links it's well accepted that jitter management is important - so at least one explanation is that the plastic material reacts to outside vibration by then resonating at some natural frequency mode; just enough to add extra jitter to the signal.


In audio you can either hear a change in the SQ, or you can't. If you can't then you might as well buy the cheapest possible, or if bling is your thing buy the most impressive, and hang the the relevance to SQ, :D. For me, the difference here was whether there was a 'digital' edginess to the sound, as compared to being able to relax fully into the music.



Just as suspected, pure speculation without verification.


Happy Fathers day all!!!

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15 minutes ago, DrT said:

Frankly don't care about impressing anyone except myself but are you sure it's a knockoff?

I'd bet 1000 to 1 it's not in the cobra registry as an original. Maybe a factory 5  knock off. Besides that, nobody is interested in your dick swinging contest.



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