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MQA is Vaporware

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8 minutes ago, KeenObserver said:


Two extensive postings promoting MQA with the same old BS MQA talking points, all the while insulting those that counter the BS talking points with logic and facts. This, after stating:

"I am here mostly for the classifieds so if I'm ever in danger of being banned for what I say, please just delete my post give me a warning."

Let's see. New poster hiding behind a VPN.

Do you think any one here would be surprised at the identity of this poster?


I'm always up for a good shill hunt.

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  • 1 month later...
10 hours ago, RichardSF said:

Tidal was acquired by Block Inc in April 2021 for 233M USD. Block have not reported separate financial numbers for Tidal (they are not obligated to), but you can find comments about Tidal in Block's quarterly and annual reports: https://investors.block.xyz/financials



RichardSF I normally like your posts, but you just defined one the biggest problems with audiophiles. The gotcha mentality.  As I’m writing this Companies House expects 2021 financial statements and considers them overdue. Block will need to file financial statements for Tidal until they file paperwork to remove them from the UK system or Tidal is liquidated.


Please read Dear Jim Austin and Hey Jim Austin, Audio Asylum Critics Corner. And note the dates.

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7 hours ago, Vinyl Rules said:

https://www.musicbusinessworldwide....technology company,the US and other countries.

The financials are eye-opening. Annual revenue never exceeded £700,000 while administrative expenses exceeded £4,000,000 for 2020 and 2021!

Does anyone think Bob Stuart took this much money out of the company?

Wow. So MQA has become another Dolby FM technology. But then, many in the industry thought MQA was a scam.image.gif.a63db2ffccd665b90b4570e8fbf780ec.gif😎


I’ve looked at all the MQA LTD and publicly available financials for Meridian. Not a chance Bob Stuart took a large amount of money out of MQA Ltd. Did he spend it wisely is the question.

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12 hours ago, Jud said:


Always costs less to the company to provide the services than the number that gets invoiced, to account for overhead and profit. Let's say around $6 million just spitballing. The last house a label CEO bought was very likely worth more.


Jud what do think the basis of say Warner Music's MQA stock is? Mark up the invoice and report that as income is what you are suggesting. Otherwise the debits and credits don't match. 

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28 minutes ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

The point I’m trying to make is that the labels have a “rounding error” of “money” spent on mqa, in the big picture. Their marketing budgets are much higher in a single year. Back in the good ole days, some of the executive expense accounts were higher. 


And the point I’m making is the services contributed are significant to MQA Ltd. They make up about 20% of the General and Administrative Expenses of the company from inception to 12/21/21.


If it’s a rounding error why was a Warner Music employee still pushing MQA two years ago? See Mark Waldrep’s  April 15, 2021 post on RealHD Audio.

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Archimago said:


Interesting that this is already happening at just 1 month into the announcement. Again, if this is true, looks like it's not "business as usual" for MQA.


If there is money being exchanged - for example, Tidal needing to send $$$ to MQA for use of encoded content - then I can see why they might want to cut off that overhead expenditure as soon as possible. Another sign might be if Roon or Audirvana turn off the ability to decode MQA in software if they too have to send royalties to MQA for decoding streams! Already, Roon turned off default MQA decoding last year I think.


Once all the players accept that there is no future in MQA, maybe it's not unexpected that the amount of content will collapse quite quickly especially if there is still $$$ being exchanged for the use of this dead product.


It is possible the contract between Tidal Music and MQA Ltd. contains a termination for an insolvency event paragraph. This kind of language would be standard.

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On 4/30/2023 at 6:14 PM, Archimago said:


With the gradual dissolution of the directorship and I see the lack of any further social media engagement (no updates on the MQA Twitter and FaceBook feeds) since around April 3rd for example, clearly this is not business as usual which seems to be the euphemistic hopeful outlook being presented by Darko/Lavorgna.


As usual, I think Darko is being coy about much of this because I think he's a lot smarter than what he portrays; can't say the same of Lavorgna who seems to have difficulty expressing himself in speech. I'm sure they've read a lot of what has been written and understand the untenable position of the MQA apologists but have to hold back because their incomes depend on being in the good graces of the audiophile industry as spokesmen. They have to look like the "good guys" and therefore project the idea of "extremists" upon folks like us nay-sayers.


What is at issue here is not "us vs. them" (Darko/Lavorgna are purposely creating an immature split by getting "personal" as if the lines are that easily defined). Rather it's about "honesty vs. hype", "full master quality vs. degradation", and "freedom vs. corporate control"; it's not about the people who take sides but rather why there is opposition among audiophiles.


As far as I can tell, for the most part, audiophiles who know about MQA have mostly rejected it once they understood the implicit dishonesty when we look at the forum posts here and elsewhere. Funny that the duo gave a shout out to Peter Veth though - birds of a feather? 😄


Doubtful John Darko is smarter than he seems. I’ve met him and exchanged a few emails. He made some rude comments about me and challenged me to come to RMAF. When I said here I am John after a seminar, he said I don’t know what you are talking about.


Michael Lavorgna said ugly things about me too, but he apologized to me face to face.


And I doubt either of them read anything about MQA that didn’t mimic the party line.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, Archimago said:


LOL. What a mess.


I wonder why they couldn't concurrently had both "MASTER" (MQA) and "MAX" (hi-res FLAC)? They've already indicated that they prioritize the hi-res FLAC, so in time, the more "MAX", the better and I trust in a year, not many people will notice that "MASTER" albums continue to fade away and everyone's happy that they're getting "MAX" quality.


What kind of execs dream up these schemes?


Then again, maybe the vast majority of subscribers don't care so this is Tidal's way to just sever the MQA limb and have no links to MQA-type talk including the idea of "master" sound quality as they expunge MQA from behind the scenes with zero options to have the consumer choose whether they want to keep listening to MQA or not.


The kind of executives that want to be where the action is in Block Inc. not trying to keep an irrelevant sinking ship afloat.


I think the vast majority in the Max tier don’t care about MQA. If Tidal revenues don’t improve greatly then Block Inc. should shut Tidal Music down.


I’ve emailed Simon Cohn about his misunderstandings about MQA, Meridian and Tidal Music. He is happy this article is the top performing post on Digital Trends today. He is falling back on the old audio press standbys.  After he played the are you sure card about Meridian’s finances? He just played the why do you care and what’s your skin in the game cards?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is Peter Veth's mqa audio - development and reviews on FaceBook still up? Or did I get banned for saying if Block Inc's other revenue wasn't at least $70 million in Q2 2024 they might as well shut Tidal down and stop the earnings drag. It was $50 million so Tidal's growth has been flat since 2020.

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52 minutes ago, Archimago said:

I still see it up on Facebook with 7 messages in the last day. Wonder what kind of 'developments' talking about today! I assume they're still trying to hock SCL6.


Good to know thanks. They can talk all they want but unless somebody steps up with some money time is running out. 

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