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New Amarra 4

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On 6 juillet 2017 at 4:28 PM, tipunch said:


I finally managed to copy the famous sound of Amarra 4 with 2 plugins:

PSP PreQursor 2: just preamp on +12

and Wave TubeSaturator2: just saturation on 0


Put the settings as on the image:



I had tried min 30 plugins...;)


Those settings with Equalisation on with bass +1db (on TubeSaturator2) is the exactely same sound of Amarra4...

Please try it!!!

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On 30/06/2017 at 9:52 PM, DancingSea said:

Interesting.  They released a quick beta last night and said release was very soon.  The beta was 25% larger than the many previous betas.


As for the suggested "launch browser" mode that's sounds better than app mode: As mentioned, make Chrome your default browser.


When Amarra 4 Luxe is initially launched upon install, I find the "launch browser" option is not listed in the "window" drop down menu.  Just quit A4L, and relaunch.  Then the "launch browser" option appears. Select it.  Quit again.  And relaunch.  Then it will launch into Chrome.


I suggest testing the browser option with a small batch of test tracks.  I've not been able to get it to save the library, even though its supposed to, but the "save" option was greyed out for me.  Hopefully they've solved that on the official release!  Just don't want someone to take hours to load in their entire library into browser mode only to have A4 not save it.


Very interested to hear what our esteemed panel thinks of the browser based SQ!

I had tried to launch the browser with Chrome.

The result is impressive, it sounds much better, more spacial, more realistic and accurate.

For middle and to of the spectrum, it's even better than HQPlayer, wich for me was the reference 

I adopted it

No problem with library size.


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53 minutes ago, quark said:


does anyone know how to setup Amarra SQ+ with Audirvana?

can you use it as a plugin?


want to use irc with SQ and Audirvana


Yes, but first and foremost I've only done this with A+ 2.6.8. Second, I've always had to launch sQ+ first and set output device, then A+. Once A+ is launched go to your prefs and select "SonicStream" from the "Preferred Audio Device" options and uncheck "Exclusive access mode" if checked. Play music. Here's a screenshot:



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5 hours ago, tipunch said:


Those settings with Equalisation on with bass +1db (on TubeSaturator2) is the exactely same sound of Amarra4...

Please try it!!!


Yes, very excited to try.  Need Wave Arts to send me another trial license, hopefully they will soon.  I'll call them on Monday....

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1 hour ago, emuzaman said:

those plug ins recipes not for purists... don’t wannabe, wannabes ?

What a joke!:P

The proof which Amarra modify the sound: Audirvana with (professionals) plugins, we obtain the same sound!

Who's the wannabe?;)


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2 minutes ago, copy_of_a said:



are you applying the bass boost pre or post saturation?

Too, are you using "Direct Mode 1" in A+?


Post saturation. (pre is PSP PreQursor2)

And yes "Direct Mode 1" in A+ v.2.6.3 (Bass in v.2.6 are more precises for me which v.3.0)

And no upsampling in A+

Best regards

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40 minutes ago, copy_of_a said:

If "purity" (whatever...) is what you are aiming at you are clearly in the wrong thread. Amarra sound is phantastic - but it is far from pure. It's a colored (slightly "saturated") sound many of us love because it reminds us of "analog" sound that we are so familar with. Digital audio, especially computer audio get's often described as harsh, non-cohesive and more in the face. Today's systems (amps, speakers, DACs, softwares...) are more and more revealing and while this is a great progress with regard to "HiFi" it may also lead to a listening experience that is more "analytical" but not necessarily more "enjoyably".


Amarra sound - in my opinion - is a clear and deliberate desin-decision by Sonic Studio to provide analog-like sound without sacrifying details ... and we should applaud them because this is why Amarra is a clear alternative to any other player.
On the other hand...: as far as "purity" goes I think Audirvana Plus and HQPlayer provide better seperation... especially in high mids and high frequencies. "Full" mixes sound more detailed in A+ and HQP.

Now, playing around with plugins in A+ is simply a way tune the sound into the direction of Amarra... to make it more "enjoyable" (especially modern sharp mixes). I would say I get a pretty similar "color"/"saturation" ("richness") with my setup while still preserving the better seperation of A+... and with a single mouse click I can switch from a more "colored" sound to a more "pure" sound. Amarra sound is what it is...
That being said I would love to have a bug-free version of Amarra 4 since playing around with plugins is time consuming and not exactly what I would call fun (while the final result is fun)...


Yes, exactely!!!

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1 hour ago, copy_of_a said:

If "purity" (whatever...) is what you are aiming at you are clearly in the wrong thread. Amarra sound is phantastic - but it is far from pure. It's a colored (slightly "saturated") sound many of us love because it reminds us of "analog" sound that we are so familar with. Digital audio, especially computer audio get's often described as harsh, non-cohesive and more in the face. Today's systems (amps, speakers, DACs, softwares...) are more and more revealing and while this is a great progress with regard to "HiFi" it may also lead to a listening experience that is more "analytical" but not necessarily more "enjoyably".


Amarra sound - in my opinion - is a clear and deliberate desin-decision by Sonic Studio to provide analog-like sound without sacrifying details ... and we should applaud them because this is why Amarra is a clear alternative to any other player.
On the other hand...: as far as "purity" goes I think Audirvana Plus and HQPlayer provide better seperation... especially in high mids and high frequencies. "Full" mixes sound more detailed in A+ and HQP.

Now, playing around with plugins in A+ is simply a way tune the sound into the direction of Amarra... to make it more "enjoyable" (especially modern sharp mixes). I would say I get a pretty similar "color"/"saturation" ("richness") with my setup while still preserving the better seperation of A+... and with a single mouse click I can switch from a more "colored" sound to a more "pure" sound. Amarra sound is what it is...
That being said I would love to have a bug-free version of Amarra 4 since playing around with plugins is time consuming and not exactly what I would call fun (while the final result is fun)...


No, I’m not in the wrong thread...Thank you for your transparency. And your texts describe that you are not purist too coz you are openly trying to color/manipulate audio signal.


it is not proved that Sonic Studio using plugins (or whatever coloring methods) to manipulate the sound in their backend. Some of users trying to copy or obtain the Amarra sound with some analog sounding plugins and it’s their choice. 

For me, not to involve in those experiments and in the mean time, enjoy the music with pure joy.


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22 hours ago, Melvin said:

BTW, I forgot to mention I use iRC with this also. Sounds quite good.



 Hi Melvin,

Thank you very much for your help :-)

Got it working fine thanks to your instructions and to be honest it's quite a simple process, I really should've just worked it out for myself.

 I was hoping to use it as a plug-in in the audio units section of Audirvana Preferences, but I didn't get my hopes up as I knew deep down it probably wouldn't. 

Sonic Studio could do with updating SQ to be honest, it's quite good but a little bit outdated.

Anyway, thanks Melvin 

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35 minutes ago, quark said:

I was hoping to use it as a plug-in in the audio units section of Audirvana Preferences, but I didn't get my hopes up as I knew deep down it probably wouldn't. 


I probably should have mentioned exploring the possibility of using sQ+ as a plug-in a while back and found it to be a no-go. This is a simple work-around for A+ and JRMC (not sure about other players). It's not nearly as elegant as a plug-in would be. 

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On 07/07/2017 at 0:39 AM, Amarra_Support said:

Thanks for all of your comments, we do read them and appreciate all of your feedback.  We weigh that feedback with other business drivers that may arise and make decisions accordingly.  Sometimes that puts a suggestion out to a new release, very sorry for any inconvenience.


We are continuing to work on Library Management,  MQA integration, DSD via DoP, artwork issues and overall ease of use.   More to be available shortly.


In addition, we are continuing to work on improving overall performance on large scale libraries.




I've been messing about with Luxe since the last time when it kept crashing on me, I'm so desperate for it to work nicely for me. It kept crashing everytime I tried to select songs.

I had to delete all the preferences, re-loading my library and start again. Took ages to load everything back in, but got it working again.

Using it in browser mode with Google Chrome does sound awfully nice. In fact using the iOS APP also is quite nice. It's so close to being what I need, if Sonic Studio can just sort out a few things it would be excellent.


I'm going to make a few suggestions here because Ralph stated recently that they monitor this thread and decide which updates to prioritise according to popularity.

So here it is:


  1. On the iOS APP creating playlist does nothing????


  1. On the iOS APWhen selecting the three dots on the right side of a track name selecting "add to my playlist" doesn't seem to do anything? It really should give you the option to add to a specific playlist that has already been created, or a brand-new one.


  1. In fact on the iOS APP the three dots on the right side of the track name is very difficult for me to tap with the corner of my hand because it's a little too small, can you make it a bit bigger so it's easier for me to tap without accidentally playing the track?


  1. When in a playlist it should give you the option to easily drag tracks into different positions so you can change the playing order of a playlist to whatever you desire. When using a trackpad I can't control my fingers which means dragging on a Mac is very difficult for me anyway, so please make this possible on both the Mac and on the iOS APP.


I haven't had time to check for library listing meta data issues yet. But I had prior to the release of Amarra 4 relabelled lots of my music using an excellent meta data editor called Yate. So I didn't have too many problems in that area that others have reported.

However I did notice previously Amarra 4 couldn't list multiple disc albums correctly and just jumbled them up?

There was also a problem displaying compilation albums properly?


Anyway, thanks Ralph for informing us that you are monitoring this forum. As I said it's pretty close to being excellent, just a few basic function issues that would make Amarra Luxe much more user friendly and brilliant, pleeeeease!!!

On a personal note also it's quite close to being really good for my disability restrictions, just the 4 things I listed above and i'll be able to use the iOS APP the way I desperately want and need to, that would make me so happy, pleeeeease Ralph!!!



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Hi copy of a ....i always completely agree with you....purity has to be forgotten in this audio field! and almost in all the other audio fields but your own ears, the only true instruments of audio reproduction to our brain...al the other is evanescently subjective ! and this said it is not so sure that everyone's perception is equal to that so somebody else!!! so let's do the enjoyment and not cerebral masturbations

ciao ciao


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5 hours ago, emuzaman said:

is not proved that Sonic Studio using plugins (or whatever coloring methods) to manipulate the sound in their backend.

no, it's not proved. However, here's my guess about the sound:

5 minutes ago, quark said:

Can Anyone enlighten me what "DSD/Dop" and "DSP Bypass" means with regards to setting up Luxe?

 They seem to have left this bit out of the online user manual

DSD/DoP = "DSD over PCM" ... a way to play DSD files natively ... see for instance here: https://www.dcsltd.co.uk/support/what-is-dop-dsd-over-pcm/

Unfortunately it's not supported yet.


DSP Bypass = all the settings you may have applied in the EQ and iRC section get bypassed.




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