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Understanding Sample Rate

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1 hour ago, jabbr said:


Here is what should be an understandable explanation about why there aren’t an infinite number of distinct frequencies between say 1kHz and 2kHz:


When 2 equal amplitude waves are supposed (added together) the resultant wave frequency is the mean of the 2 and the amplitude varies with a frequency which is the difference between the two.


There are many examples on the web which explain and graph this — take a look. 


As two waves of slightly different frequencies are added and as the frequencies move closer together, the amplitude variation lessens to the point where it cannot be resolved within the signal SNR. It is not possible of improve the SNR without limit, At this point the two frequencies are indistinguishable. This is the uncertainty principle applied to frequency. The limit of SNR is the uncertainty principle applied to amplitude — essentially the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. 


In s digital system, the bit depth forms and be bound on the SNR aside from the physical bound in the SNR. This is why a discrete Fourier transform works with a finite number of bins.

all greek to me, but i "believe" it enforces what i said, and like i conceded, that the fact that the theorem is band limited, suggests that nyquist frequency is not able to capture perfectly, but "good enough".  I am able to accept that, knowing that criteria. 

I currently still believe dsd to be supeior to cd and that increasing the sample rate in pcm allows for better sq due to filtering of sorts.

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2 hours ago, mansr said:

The early Sony players multiplexed a single DAC for both channels resulting in one channel being delayed by 11.3 μs. That doesn't mean the format itself is insufficient.

And did they not have an analog bit to fix that delay at least mostly?  Or am I mis-remembering that?

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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1 hour ago, mansr said:

Bone conduction doesn't work for airborne sounds.


This kind of Airborne:

Image result for airborne


Those helmets must be to prevent bone conduction of falling thru the air at 130 mph.  :cool:

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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1 hour ago, Spacehound said:

They don't need them, they can hear  57K easy.


Are they US citizens? Can't have any North Korean ones. Mexican ones are even worse..

You think Mexican dolphins are working with Mexican dogs on infiltration? Or is that Bill Scott's dog?

Image result for chihuahua dolphin

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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1 hour ago, firedog said:


Maybe, but its also known that 4X rates cover what’s found in the vast majority of recordings, that don’t have either extremely low  or high frequencies - they don’t make it past the microphone. 

The other question is one we don’t talk about much, and that is if 4X and above rates cause more distortions and non linearities in the reproduction chain than the positive qualities they might add. 

Which positive qualities are these?

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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1 hour ago, marce said:

I believe yes. My youngest are twins born premature, very. I spent 16 years of speech therapy with my son because he is neurologically deaf between about 3 and 8Khz, how they confirmed this was by doing bone conduction tests (I believe it bypasses the ear canal). But like all hearing its just another way the pressure waves are transmitted to the ear, the same rules of hearing still apply, 20-20. It's the same reason your voice sounds alien when played back from a recording and how you can have totally silent headphone (bonephones).

Was it possibly impulse testing?  They do impulse testing of infants.  They can tell by the way the reflection is shaped if the hearing mechanism is functioning or not. 

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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1 minute ago, mansr said:

The portable D-50 has no such feature. That's the one I have measured.

I was thinking of the first full size Sony CD player. 

And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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Extremely high frequencies causing distortion in the audible band  ?


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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18 minutes ago, beerandmusic said:

my biggest take away from this is that I am going to see if I enjoy multi-channel over stereo for listening pleasure.

Has anyone else gone this direction either to stick with or to go back to stereo?


 Many years ago I had an SQ Logic controlled system to go with SQ encoded LPs, but I eventually went back to Stereo due to the lack of realistic sounding material, plus a nearby lightning strike that vaporised the underground phone cable, fried the logic PCB. Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night"  sounded pretty good in 4 Channel though.


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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4 minutes ago, sandyk said:

 Many years ago I had an SQ Logic controlled system to go with SQ encoded LPs, but I eventually went back to Stereo due to the lack of realistic sounding material, plus a nearby lightning strike that vaporised the underground phone cable, fried the logic PCB. Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night sounded pretty good in 4 Channel though.


Yea, that is my concern...probably lack of good mulit-channel music....but my hope is that there are a few phenomenal pieces.  I have a multi-channel system for video, but maybe i will combine the two, and that way i can have both available for music and video.

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8 minutes ago, sandyk said:


Extremely high frequencies causing distortion in the audible band  ?

In the playback. Because the equipment can’t fully handle it. It’s a known problem. 

Main listening (small home office):

Main setup: Surge protectors +>Isol-8 Mini sub Axis Power Strip/Protection>QuietPC Low Noise Server>Roon (Audiolense DRC)>Stack Audio Link II>Kii Control>Kii Three BXT (on their own electric circuit) >GIK Room Treatments.

Secondary Path: Server with Audiolense RC>RPi4 or analog>Cayin iDAC6 MKII (tube mode) (XLR)>Kii Three BXT

Bedroom: SBTouch to Cambridge Soundworks Desktop Setup.
Living Room/Kitchen: Ropieee (RPi3b+ with touchscreen) + Schiit Modi3E to a pair of Morel Hogtalare. 

All absolute statements about audio are false :)

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29 minutes ago, mansr said:

The portable D-50 has no such feature. That's the one I have measured.


I have a review of the D-50 where Martin Colloms measured the phase shift between channels to be 71 degrees at 20 kHz. I would have thought it would be approaching 180 degrees if there was a full 11.3 us delay between channels.

"People hear what they see." - Doris Day

The forum would be a much better place if everyone were less convinced of how right they were.

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25 minutes ago, firedog said:

In the playback. Because the equipment can’t fully handle it. It’s a known problem. 


Just like many earlier amplifiers couldn't handle SACD artifacts,(even burning out!)  so they dumbed down the upper frequency capability of SACD ? 

After that, I guess they no longer needed those nice Sony 100kHZ tweeters that were released for SACD.


How a Digital Audio file sounds, or a Digital Video file looks, is governed to a large extent by the Power Supply area. All that Identical Checksums gives is the possibility of REGENERATING the file to close to that of the original file.


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21 minutes ago, Don Hills said:

I have a review of the D-50 where Martin Colloms measured the phase shift between channels to be 71 degrees at 20 kHz. I would have thought it would be approaching 180 degrees if there was a full 11.3 us delay between channels.

Martin Colloms isn't exactly trustworthy, but I'll check it again.

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19 hours ago, audiventory said:


Imroving of perceived sound by upsampling/resampling is matter of different audio system distortions at different resolutions.


Sometimes for improving of played back sound need to cut information. I mean ultrasound, that can cause audible distortions due intermodulations. The intermodulation products may be listened as noise. In this case cutting of ultrasound above 20 kHz can remove noise.


Some time ago I described step-by-step how to attempt to found the best audio resolution: https://samplerateconverter.com/content/how-improve-sound-quality


>>> DAC can be able provide lesser distortions for mode 192 kHz/24 bit/PCM than for 96 kHz/24 bit/PCM.
Therefore, conversion of audio file resolution to 192 kHz/24 bit/PCM is recommended for playback at the DAC.


I checked out your site briefly, and it is very interesting to me, but I see your English is not so well.  It may make sense to find a friend that can update your site with better English...just a thought...It may help you gain sales.

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