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MQA and the Sponsor Wars

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11 hours ago, witchdoctor said:

Thanks everyone for your responses. As far as the posts go kumakuma said that marketing dollars for MQA is a small part of the budget so its inconsequential, miska and nombedes shared that these companies prefer to "check off the boxes" and let the customer decide how they want to listen even though they need to pay another licensing fee. Norton made a claim that if these companies removed MQA they would not lose customers which is the exact opposite of the "check all the boxes so we don't lose customers" approach. The rest of the posters didn't really answer the question and kind of confirmed my opening post about  members not liking MQA.

Anyone else going to weigh in? Do you think the MQA discussion here will be attracting MORE MQA partners to become sponsors as well? If a thread has the initials M-Q-A in it will it still attract the haters who can't help the turds flying from their fingertips into the keyboard before they flush... I mean hit send? The bitchdoctor-  I mean witchdoctor wants to know.



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7 hours ago, witchdoctor said:

Miska you need to change one word in your post.

You don't gain any quality with it,   should be

I don't gain any quality with it,


Many sponsors, vendors, artists, MQA partners, major labels and of course consumers feel they DO gain sound quality with it.
As for the price point both my Tidal subscription and my Blue Sound Node are the same price as they were pre MQA. I think the company took the licensing hit (hooray for Tidal and Bluesound).

In fact I don't know even one company that charged a premium for MQA, do you?

Ah bullshit! They have just been given a slice of the money pie to say positive things about MQA. And, of course the fanboys who have bought MQA capable DACs, and get a boner when they see the MQA led on the front panel of their DAC light up, will say they hear better sound. 

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7 hours ago, witchdoctor said:

I disagree, I LOVE getting good value for money. It disrupts the market place.

You know what Frank Sinatra once said " The best things in life are free"

I think CA has a lot of value and it's free right? 


CA is not free. The cost is reading posts from people like you...

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7 hours ago, witchdoctor said:

Actually this is about reality,- look at these MQA partners, why did they ALL go with MQA if it is only for "unicorns"? Do you see the witchdoctor universe of EVERY major label listed as a partner? Kumakuma, curl up with your Milton Friedman book on economics, you know zippity doo da about SQ.





You do know that, that verse of song is from a politically incorrect racist movie from Disney? 



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11 hours ago, witchdoctor said:

Their is an aspect to branding called the "halo effect". What type of "halo" do you think surrounds the brands of the companies that have chosen to partner with MQA?
My opinion is their common halo is primarily luxury, quality, and consistency. What's your opinion? 



Nice way to generate traffic towards the MQA site... 

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24 minutes ago, witchdoctor said:

What if you saw a lot of negative posts coming from a site (or a thread) would you spend marketing dollars there?
Social listening apps let's you track nearly everything posted today about what ever keywords you want to track.



Well I don't have any social listening apps. But, I have a shill meter and a bullshit meter. They both look like this when I read your posts.





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13 minutes ago, witchdoctor said:

Toilet references don't hurt the witchdoctor brand, they hurt the posters. If you want to post here fine, the topic is about MQA and sponsorship/marketing.


Well actually, toilet references don't hurt this poster, nor Schiit audio. Speaking of Schiit, they also do just fine without MQA. According to Schiit, MQA "isn't the shit":




Good ole PCM. Now that's the shit!  


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1 hour ago, witchdoctor said:

This reviewer did extensive listening and comparison tests watch this first and then do your own listening tests. Note that he mentions the political side that has nothing to do with the SQ side. There is also a Mytek Brooklyn thread here you should check out:




This reviewer is part of the private Facebook group that promotes MQA, as reported by Charles Hansen in the MQA is vapourware thread. Nothing the people in Bob Stuart's group say can be taken at face value. They are active promoters and salesmen of MQA. 

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1 hour ago, GUTB said:


Objectivley false. MQA is bringing albums into hi-res that would otherwise not be — that, literally by itself, makes MQA desirable. Also it seeks to improve audio playback quality and mastering quality, also desirable features.


Having MQA as a feature is all upside with no downside.

Those albums should be released period. MQA does not deserve credit for those albums being released; they would probably have been released anyway. New albums are released in Hi res every week.


Now if new albums are released only on MQA, then it is obvious record labels are happy with the possible DRM capabilities of MQA. That is a downside!


As you say, MQA SEEKS to improve playback and mastering. That doesn't mean it succeeds. 

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