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@Cornan I am thinking of converting a sPS-500 that pumps out 5 amps at 12V into two separate PSUs where each can supply a different voltage with its own LT3045 board. I would need a 2Amp board x2 if there is anything like that.

What are your thoughts on this idea and do you know if the LT3045 board provides some kind of isolation so I can end up with “two separate rails” ?

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3 minutes ago, Cornan said:


This is actually exactly what is in my pipeline right now. I have ordered the LPS-1.2 and a bunch of LT3045 boards to find out if this combo could possibly make a DC Y-split sing music for angels or not. I will report back as soon as I have tried it out. I also have a 5A LT3045 power supply on order that is a digital power supply only (PI filter at the output), but I do not want to reveil too much about this one yet since it is not yet finalized. I promise to let you know more as soon as this thing is official. I will compare it to both my dual Stammhem single ps combo and to LPS-1.2 plus/minus additional inline LT3045 boards.


If I would make a guess the LT3045 will improve a Y-split, but I prefer not to take anything for granted. I have also shunt regs with kelvin output on order, but they are taking like foreeeeever to get finilized. ?

Very interesting, will wait for you to put it all together and do your comparisons. I have a few LT3045 1A boards that I should think of something to make them useful. 


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1 minute ago, Cornan said:


I promise to let you know as soon as I know. Do try the LT3045s in series everywhere. I am pretty amazed by the difference with series to singles when you add them all over the place instead of on single spots. In single spots they can actually make things worse, but everywhere they are anazing! 

You mean in series they are amazing everywhere?

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14 minutes ago, Cornan said:


Yes! With LT3045s in series with 1v drop-down between the boards. In some single spots dual boards could make things worse. Just dont mind that and keep adding more series boards and you will see/hear what I mean! ? 

This is the very reason why I suspect they will improve a DC Y-split.


Got you thanks!

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7 hours ago, Cornan said:


If you mean that you play local SD card saved files on the tablet through BubbleDS Next this is something that I wanted to try for a long time. Unfortunately my Android tabled does’nt have a SD card reader. Local FLAC files saved on Google Drive and played through BubbleDS Next sounds slightly better than TIDAL FLAC.

I am actually researching wireless SD card readers with UPnP/DNLA and found this interesting RAVpower file hub that I might give a try?https://www.amazon.co.uk/RAVPower-Wireless-Portable-Companion-Streamer/dp/B00TI3WQJS



I don’t use a SD card, Bubble DS Next saves Tidal tracks on a saved playlist under virtual folders. I can only play them by streaming to Jplaystreamer

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1 hour ago, Cornan said:


OK. I am more interested to see how a SD card reader than internal/external HDD/SSD will turn out. I have been trying to figure out ways to connect a SD card reader to Aries Mini. I started out searching for 2.5" SD card reader replacements for HDD/SSD but are not that sure if it is a great idea or not just yet?


http://eshop.sintech.cn/dual-sd-card-to-25-inch-sata-adapter-with-case-p-542.html?zenid=30ublceh6d5d9gchtl176293j4 (this is just an example. There is other and probably better out there)




Now the UPnP/DNLA RAVpower file hub (which is also a NAS, powerbank and an network extender) is the most interesting so far, but not optimal. I still want to use OpenHome directly with the Aries Mini if possible. Not going through a PC with BubbleUPnP Server. Until I find the perfect one I will continue to experiment with cloud saved file solutions. It do sounds promising! :) 


Naturally you´ll need JplayStreamer in your setup if you want to use it directly with BubbleDS Next due to the OpenHome platform. LightningDS is a perfect BubbleDS Next replacement IMO though, but so far it works only with Auralic. There have been rumours about that Auralic will release their LightningDS on as a open source, but no actual hard facts that I have seen yet.

My Samsung Tab already has a SD card slot, but I never bothered with it. Regarding Jplaystreamer it sounds slightly better than Jriver as a DLNA renderer with Tidal.

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59 minutes ago, Cornan said:


I have always preferred JplayStreamer to Jriver with Tidal as well. I guess Jriver is closing in since as I remember that difference was’nt subtile back then. Are you using hibernate mode on Jplay?


No I don’t use hibernate mode as I think it will freeze the PC. Isn’t it for dual PC setup?

Jriver 23 is the best so far in terms of SQ

Hopefully we can try MQA with Bubble DS Next and Jplaystreamer one day.

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8 minutes ago, Cornan said:


No, hibernate mode works with single PC as well. I know what you mean though. I used to get freezing moments with hibernate mode in the beginning when I used a certain USB port. When I changed to another USB port on the same PC the freezing moments went away. Hibernate mode sounds noticable better. I am certainly hoping for BubbleDS Next with MQA as well! ?

Thanks I will use an old usb stick to try it out. 

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16 minutes ago, Cornan said:


Just not too old. The quicker USB stick the better! ?

I tried it with a new USB stick and surprisingly I didn’t like it. The music lost some energy and became dull relative to Hibernate off. I guess there are no universal truths in audio ?

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54 minutes ago, Cornan said:

Look what arrived today! ?




Ofcourse I gave it a try even if the LT3045s that I plan to use with it is still on their way.


Replaced my TP Link Vivid powerbank powering the GI Spdif output of my BluWave board using the original SMPS (with JSGT) that came in the package. 




I also got my 15 additional pcs Entreq Cat Foot’s and now have all 18 pcs of then all over the place! ?




Soundwise it sounds great, but not by much compared to the TP Link Vivid. Small differences. Also I am hearing some ticking noises from my active speakers even when no signal is present. It seems to be coming from the supplied SMPS. I was’nt expecting the fireworks that other people have posted on this perticular spot alone though. I do expect it to be a LOT better when the additional LT3045s arrives, Gophert csp-3205II as feeder supply connected and LPS-1.2 is powering Aqvox switch as well. I also suspect that the Gophert will cure the ticking noises I am hearing through the AC mains.

Let’s see! Stay tuned for more soon. This LPS-1.2 experiment is FAR from over yet! ?

I have 3 LPS-1.2s in my system. The one that has the strongest impact is the one that powers the tX-USBultra that connects directly to Dave.

the ticking noise should be cleared with a LPS. I had this issue before with one of my LPS-1s

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3 hours ago, Cornan said:


That´s good to know! :) Actually the distortion that I am getting with LPS-1.2 is more like a constant vinyl (like what you are hearing at the end of a vinyl record when the platter is still running with the tonearm on a emty track) crack sort of noise rather than random clicks. It is present with only active speakers and LPS-1.2 powered on and goes away when LPS-1.2 is turned off or the supplied SMPS disconnected. My guess is that it is some kind of charging noise and will find out if the floating Gophert (7v/5.1A max) will cure that sound from reaching the speakers. I hope so, because it is present with the music playing as well. I will see if I get the time to do so tonight.

Hopefully I will get the additional LT3045s in a couple of days or so so I can start checking out how they turn out in the mix.



BTW, I have never been a fan of SMPS chargers for the LPS-1, they always sound harsh compared to my LPSs even when shunted. The LPS-1.2 is more immune to the SMPS harshness but still not 100% so I am back to my LPSs energizing the LPS-1.2s.

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19 minutes ago, Cornan said:


Interesting! Makes me wonder if a HDD have high impedance leakage  just as a network switch? That would explain a lot of the sensitive nature of HDDs. I wonder how a floating power supply turns out powering a HDD? ?

I have a LPS-1 followed by two LT-3045 in series for best results

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2 hours ago, Cornan said:

I just ordered all of the three finished 5A LT3045 boards Michael had ready for immediate delivery! ? 

They are € 189.-/ board if you are interested. ?

You are taking a deep dive with these boards! Hope they are worth it.

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17 minutes ago, jaaptina said:

Since I've added two LT3045's between LPS-1 and ultraRendu sometimes my system stops working. Not when playing. But when after a pause I select another album it won't start. In bubbleupnp the timer starts blinking. I have to restart both ultraRendu and dac to get it working again. Anyone recognizes this? 

Maybe voltage is too low, so it draws most power when buffering a new song or album. What voltages are you using for the LT3045s?

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3 hours ago, sandyk said:


 On this issue you are at odds with almost all other members, who whenever feasible replace SMPS PSUs with Linear PSUs.

 As it presumably uses a generic SMPS it WILL send fairly high levels of rubbish back into the AC mains.

 By earthing the 0 volts side you will improve the performance with the device to be powered, but RF/EMI from the HF inverter's 50KHZ or so " Square" waves used  to generate the DC voltages from the A.C. mains voltage supply, will STILL be injected back into the A.C. mains via the obligatory low value capacitor(s) between the Primary and Secondary sides of the PSU. These capacitors are necessary in order to meet FCC emission requirements.


An exception  with SMPS PSUs is the specially designed types for professional use, or some high end equipment.




Click on the image for a larger image.

Pioneer DV575A SMPS.jpg


if you put all the SMPS on a separate circuit, do you think the issue of kicking back noise to the AC mains still matters?

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23 minutes ago, sandyk said:


To some extent, but you then run the risk of creating Earth Loops which may cause some degradation, even if you can't actually hear any audible hum etc., assuming that some of your gear in the Audio area uses an SMPS.

I have Dave on its own circuit. I also have two sPS-500 and they are also on a separate circuit shared only with the LPSs that power my LPS-1s. I don’t notice any issues at all. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Cornan said:

I could’nt stop myself. I just had to!




I am so glad I did! The Kemet aluminium polymer caps added to Alexeys LT3045 board output makes music for angels. The sound suddenly turns airy and very emotional. Like suddenly fall in love. Impossible to say why, but the sense is gone and the feelings are overwelming. It is all crispy, delicate, sensitive and emotional. Wow! I really think I will have use for all ten of them. They’re that good! ? Be sure to hear more about these awesome Kemet’s. I love love love them already! ? 

I have   like 5 LT3045 boards collecting dust, maybe I should test what you are doing. Can you pls share a link to the caps and do you install them in the output of the board?

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2 hours ago, Cornan said:

Finally after many hours of looking for a suitable AC>AC power supply for the series HC-HPULN I have found the perfect one with 15VAC balanced output, floating ground and EMI filtered IEC for an acceptable price point. Order placed.


HIFI Audio 50W AC 12V Balanced isolation power supply 50VA EMI AC version PSU https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132363016347


Since I’m in China and cannot Google for pictures so you’ll have to click on the link to see it. Order placed.


This will be my final test for a suitable PSU for my Brooklyn DAC. After this the hunt will be all over and done with. Could this actually concur my beloved Gophert csp-3205II as a feeder supply for the HC-HPULN in series? Could it really? Stay tuned for this ”epic” nail biter! ? 


...and YES I will add a Kemet aluminium polymer cap inbetween the HC-HPULNs but not completely sure that I want to put the HC-HPULNs inside the aluminium case due to heat. ?

What if you get a low noise LPS, with a  regulated 15V DC, wouldn’t this be better since you will have two stages of DC voltage regulation?

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