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Mytek new dac Brooklyn.

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I would like to say "hello" to everybody!

There is new firmware update (2.13) on our support page - no more stuttering playback on El Capitan.

Follow the link below to download the firmware:




Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]


All the best,

Slawomir Rybarczyk

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Thanks for letting us know Slawomir..

Keep up the good work...


Ah no Marc ..He is the UK distributor for the Sbooster the nice Dutch guy at Sbooster put me onto him..


I try when I get a good friendly service to mention the people. Mark bent over backwards to help me.. I am sick of bad services but never helped the people who do. Maybe be my old age is making me more altruistic....

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Ok, I see. I find the service from Mytek very nice, all the way from my pre-order onwards till now. No complaints from my part. Oh, well, I am waiting for the Linux version of the control software, but lacking it I could encounter nice people who wanted to help.

I enjoy the Brooklyn. It's lovely. And I enjoy Mytek.



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There is new firmware update (2.13) on our support page - no more stuttering playback on El Capitan.

Slawomir Rybarczyk


I just installed it and the stuttering is gone.


Wow, that bug was fixed quickly. Thanks for the great service!




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Hi I just this minute opened my Sbooster. .....


Now I know what the girls have said to me for years....


"I never realised it was so big.. I don't know where to put it...."


I hope it makes that difference...


What I should do is burn it in, then try deoxit, mapleshade silver contact grease... But I just can't wait that long...


Will pass on thoughts as I find changes...


Have a nice weekend Mytek threader's



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Hi I just this minute opened my Sbooster. .....


Now I know what the girls have said to me for years....


"I never realised it was so big.. I don't know where to put it...."


I hope it makes that difference...


What I should do is burn it in, then try deoxit, mapleshade silver contact grease... But I just can't wait that long...


Will pass on thoughts as I find changes...


Have a nice weekend Mytek threader's




Hi Dave well done and I too hope you hear a difference and as I have a Brooklyn using the standard mains supply then fascinated to hear if you got results


Best Simon

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My bad jokes aside, I got the Sbooster as an under the radar purchase from the wife... It's massive.....

My supplier Mark Grant pre tested it so it is set @ 13v...

My mini obsession at the moment is ultra clean connections.

One complaint so far (petty +anul) is the.. tips for the Sbooster are placed in a plastic holder...The plastic has release agent silicone all over it...

A big no no in aerospace.... Ignore me with this not a real issue... I scrubbed in cleaner and deoxit...


Wait a few days then clean again then silver paste and deoxit gold...


So far it's not been a night and day huge boost... It is there... But very early days..

Nothing is even 5% burned in yet...


Even though the LPS has been left on constant. . The last few listening sessions have made me turn down my volume after 5 mins as there is a sudden boost ..... S booster. .boost?


Hope i am not confusing or worring anyone.


My posts are a rolling random thought process.

Not a paper from CERN detailing a new sub atomic particle.... us a pinch of Nuclear salt...


So far so good .. early days....Then was it worth the cost verse my ears brain in sound quality...




Feel free to jump in and ask or attack any statements....It's about helping others....In this audio tower of Babel....

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Oh I ordered the IFI DC PURIFIER...

I might even splash out on fuses..


Just a mini history...I cleaned my whole chain of connections.... Power + USB as a experiment to what can be done as I don't believe a lot of audiophile tweaks...is there a difference?...At the cheapest price...

Clean is the last second plating was applied to pins...+ other contaminants.


Out of the box is not clean...... Just new to you...


Personally now... If it is a fancy decrapifier for audio signals a new Dac or some soil in a box as an earth point..... You can only say it's an improvement for you.....I have been lucky here as the advice has been sound... Good sound...


Keep smiling



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It is not totally clear for me reading the manual. Is the Brooklyn auto switching? So, if I start a record on my record player connected to the Mytek, will it automatically switch from USB to Phono?



No.... How do you think this robot will behave when both your computer, your av-player and your turntable are playing simultaneously?


But switching from one input to the other is pretty simple with the remote. Just press the left or right button, until you hear what you want.



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I will check on my headphone speakers

But there was a recent firmware update.

I got the Sbooster now for a few days...

Both the Brooklyn and Booster are not even warm. Freezing compared to my OPPO HA1...

The speaker users should be able to help with popping.

Good luck Doc


PS sounding better every day ..

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Very impressed with our Polish Mytek friends in support. I got the joining Email but not the ticket I put in.

I put another ticket in and they phoned me today from Poland.!!!.

They sent me the adapter pin out so I can make a longer dual version... The wife wants to make a nursery... My headphone cable is now to short.....


Fantastic Service should always be praised..... But they should move to the UK before we leave..... lots of Polish shops..Just a few idiots....




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is there still pop up noise when you turn on off?


I was thinking to sell Nuprime and Buy Brooklyn, but after some reading about pop up noise and PSU heat, am not so sure.


It makes some noise when you turn it on or off. Nothing to worry about. Makes you know that it works, can be handy now you can have dimmed all the lights a010.gif


I have no external PSU, the Brooklyn gets warm, that's true, but not hot.



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