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Mytek new dac Brooklyn.

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Yes, MQA works here as well...


I'm not wetting my pants over MQA, it's cool, but the SQ on the 2L DXD files sounds better then the MQA versions to my ears. It be nice to try some tracks with MQA treatment end to end.


Many of us will be interested in these comparisons.

How does MQA compare to the 192 kHz FLAC tracks?



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I must be doing something wrong. I have installed v1.05 for the control panel, updated to firmware version 2.05, enabled MQA on the Brooklyn, downloaded MQA encoded files from the 2L Test Bench, and the MQA light still does not light up. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?


I think that sending files bitperfectly to the Brooklyn is paramount. Any fumbling with the bits in such a file make it false. So check the settings of what you use to send the MQA content to the Brooklyn



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I must be doing something wrong. I have installed v1.05 for the control panel, updated to firmware version 2.05, enabled MQA on the Brooklyn, downloaded MQA encoded files from the 2L Test Bench, and the MQA light still does not light up. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?

Of course I do not really know.

Does the info on the Brooklyn itself indicate version 2.05? Do you have ENBL in the menu for MQA?


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I think that sending files bitperfectly to the Brooklyn is paramount. Any fumbling with the bits in such a file make it false. So check the settings of what you use to send the MQA content to the Brooklyn




I use JRiver Media Player 21 and I have checked the settings. Everything seems to be right. I'm going to open a ticket with Mytek Support to see if they can get me going. Thanks for your help.



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Well MQA works here as well finally the little blue light litup!..


My first crude impressions are that MQA does not add something to the likes of information or dynamics. It does sound more "analog" than anything else -even dsd- to my ears though It did not blow me away by the first listen.


Come to think of It the very fact that It sounded more natural and relaxed than it's 24/352 equivalent with an Improved sound stage as a cherry to the top and all that at a size of a 24/48 file is mind blowing as a concept as well as an experience though It does not strike the listener to the face as a first impression. If It ever does manage to replace MP3 as a streaming medium yes It's potential is tremendous..


For my latter comment also blame the Brooklyn and It's amazing capability to make everything sound very natural and smooth and very dynamic squeezing every last bit of detail as well..


All an all It is the best and most mature firmware update to the Brooklyn so far and It was worth the wait. The Brooklyn is not only more handy with MQA but is also A lot cooler with the new display gimmicks.


As for MQA yep It sounds promising but only time will tell wether It will truly be more than something cool to play with our Dac's for now I am satisfied and contempt with my purchase of the Brooklyn.


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I finally figured out why I couldn't get MQA set up on my Brooklyn. Thanks to those that helped me. I have been listening to some MQA files downloaded from the 2L Test Bench and my initial impressions are that there is a suble difference between DSD and MQA in the pace and rhythm of the music. Maybe a little bit of extra sense of the recording space and air, but if it is there, it is a very tiny difference. I agree with Totsipaki that there is more of an analog sound to MQA, but if I did not have MQA enabled, I would be more than happy listening to the Brooklyn as-is. It is that good.

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I am seeing the light! The blue MQA light. Don't forget that once you update the firmware you need to change the MQA setting on the Brooklyn to 'Enable'. A quick listen to some MQA files confirms others 'analog' impressions. I was very struck at how much a violin sounds like a violin with MQA.

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Many of us will be interested in these comparisons.

How does MQA compare to the 192 kHz FLAC tracks?




The differences are subtle and have to do with quality more than quantity. MQA generally sounds more effortless and musical or "analog" if you like than any other format's version. Also the 3D sound staging sounds more focused and with better impression of depth than any other version of the 2L downloads i have compared.


How evident is that difference? That depends on the recording (It is more evident on more polished recordings) and I guess more obvious the better the system of reproduction used.


To my ears and system it sounded clearly better than anything else. Not "I am throwing everything else to the trash bin" better by any means" But "I would surely prefer the MQA version of an Album from now on" better especially if one takes the storage economy into account.


Yep and sonically it is the direction to the future (I do not dare say the future yet).

As a previous vinyl addict and being familiar with good analog as well as just how good "regular" digital has become yep MQA could be that little step remaining to cover the distance from digital to analog quality merging the best of both worlds flawlessly and in a uniform format of a logical and usable size (and hopefully cost..)


My final comment is that though evident MQA's potential and qualities mostly needs to be realized more than experienced..

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Yes. It's official! Firmware V2 with official compliant MQA Decoder has been released!


Press release is available here:




We are very excited to hear what will you hear with Brooklyn DAC at the 2L "MQA test bench"


Thank you for all support!


Regards, Michal


Well done Michal and Mytek!

I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.-

Groucho Marx

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So Chris I guess we can now expect that formal review sooner than later!..




You bet!


I am curious how native dsd on the mytek compares to upsampled pcm on the yggy.

Not trying to start anything, just how one sounds in comparison, not is one better than the other. The music i listen to the most is 64DSD (SACD rips).

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Seems clearer now why Mytek had to wait with MQA certification. Several companies (Mytek, Pioneer, Onkyo, Bluesound) have all announced MQA support for their products and released the MQA enabling firmware at the same time, just in time for AXPONA. I guess the fact that MQA is now supported on multiple platforms makes it more probable that new MQA content (TIDAL?) will become available soon enough

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