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Article: Lossless Immersive Audio is a Win-Win

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NativeDSD has announced Atmos deliveries to go along with our starting Auro-3D as well, and we have quite a few MKVs to offer for download (once the internal system can be tweeked to catalog and retail them properly).  Stay tuned. 

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2 hours ago, ted_b said:

NativeDSD has announced Atmos deliveries to go along with our starting Auro-3D as well, and we have quite a few MKVs to offer for download (once the internal system can be tweeked to catalog and retail them properly).  Stay tuned. 


Looking forward to this, but ...


Can someone summarize best practice for playing back these .MKV files?  The last article I read seemed to require a pretty convoluted method (it even made ME, an IT guy, raise my eyebrows).  Do any of the common players - let's say available for Mac - support playing back these files, in full Atmos lossless glory?  


There has been a lot of pressure on Roon, for example, to support playback of Atmos content for some time, with no results I can see - what OTHER players could I use against my Roon server store to playback these files?

John Walker - IT Executive

Headphone - SonicTransporter i9 running Roon Server > Netgear Orbi > Blue Jeans Cable Ethernet > mRendu Roon endpoint > Topping D90 > Topping A90d > Dan Clark Expanse / HiFiMan H6SE v2 / HiFiman Arya Stealth

Home Theater / Music -SonicTransporter i9 running Roon Server > Netgear Orbi > Blue Jeans Cable HDMI > Denon X3700h > Anthem Amp for front channels > Revel F208-based 5.2.4 Atmos speaker system

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3 hours ago, The Computer Audiophile said:

I spent $200 on eight Atmos albums from TRPTK last night alone.  They're so good, I can't stop!


 I assume (hope) we will get a review with your favorites when you get the time?


I find your assessments very helpful for deciding what to buy. For instance, I bought a stack of 2L discs, and even though all are wonderfully recorded and most I enjoy, some of the "music"  is (to my taste) just too painful to sit through. I'm sure others find it glorious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As of 31.0.10, Jriver Media center can now bitstream Atmos audio-only files. Currently they accept .mka and .m4a formats.

You can use DVD Audio Extractor (DVD Audio Extractor -- Full featured DVD audio ripper for your easy use (dvdae.com) )to do the actual work. The software will see the Atmos tracks as 6 channel, initially. When you proceed to step 2 of the rip, choose "Direct Stream Demux" as this will get the correct format without any conversions. The output of the files will all end with .thd (dolby true-hd). Currently Jriver does not know what a .thd file is, so you will need to rename them to .mka. Once finished, Jriver will bitstream them to your processor which should decode them as Atmos. Jriver also shows them as bitstream Atmos when you view the audio path. You will get all channels of output.


I got this from https://www.avsforum.com/threads/atmos-audio-only-how-to-rip-and-play.3275122/


Is this something new? It seems I may ask the same questions repeatedly, but the other solutions I see are not as simple as a player like this that can just stream to my Trinnov, and other ripping solutions took multiple steps if I recall correctly. This seems very simple in comparison to other solutions I've seen 




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