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The best audio system in the world regardless of price (according to A.I.)

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7 hours ago, sphinxsix said:

BTW Plato:

"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything."





I don't believe these are Plato's words. Not his style, etc. I've read him quite a lot before, and now I open his texts occasionally. It's just not him.

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10 minutes ago, AnotherSpin said:


I don't believe these are Plato's words. Not his style, etc. I've read him quite a lot before, and now I open his texts occasionally. It's just not him.

I agree, but more importantly this fellow agrees (after some decent research):  https://voices.no/community/index.html?q=colgrocke061106


Scroll down about half way.   

Grimm Audio MU2 > Mola Mola Makua > Mola Mola Kaluga > B&W 803 D3    

Cables: Kubala-Sosna    Power management: Shunyata    Room: Vicoustics    Ethernet: Network Acoustics Muon Pro


“Nature is pleased with simplicity.”  Isaac Newton

"As neither the enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes are faculties of the least use to man...they must be ranked among the most mysterious with which he is endowed."  Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man

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19 hours ago, sphinxsix said:


BTW Plato:

"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything."



11 hours ago, AnotherSpin said:


I don't believe these are Plato's words. Not his style, etc. I've read him quite a lot before, and now I open his texts occasionally. It's just not him.


11 hours ago, PYP said:

I agree, but more importantly this fellow agrees (after some decent research):  https://voices.no/community/index.html?q=colgrocke061106


Scroll down about half way.   


Source of quotation


I was able to trace this to the likely late 19th century source, who was no authority by any stretch. Where he found it might be more interesting but quite tedious to research. But this kind of thing in meme culture is not uncommon, and it is or has been a very contagious meme in social media. AI may very well compound problems like this. Too much human trust?

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14 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:




Source of quotation


I was able to trace this to the likely late 19th century source, who was no authority by any stretch. Where he found it might be more interesting but quite tedious to research. But this kind of thing in meme culture is not uncommon, and it is or has been a very contagious meme in social media. AI may very well compound problems like this. Too much human trust?


I was shaped by Plato, read him avidly decades ago. There must be a feeling for his style, hence the certainty that the quote is not from him, though I haven't checked. 


Plato's writings don't seem true now, but are interesting for understanding how the West is used to think.

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On 5/17/2023 at 4:03 PM, NOMBEDES said:

Paul McGowan (PS Audio) posted this quote a few days ago:


2,450 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote:

"“If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks. What you have discovered is a recipe not for memory, but for reminder. And it is no true wisdom that you offer your disciples, but only its semblance, for by telling them of many things without teaching them you will make them seem to know much, while for the most part they know nothing, and as men filled, not with wisdom, but with the conceit of wisdom, they will be a burden to their fellows.”


This is brilliant, and relevant to this discussion, I think. It is from Plato's Phaedrus and it's a good translation. Unfortunately, what Paul McGowan extrapolates from this (Hands on) doesn't work as a reading of the text. Paul would have to show how he gets here and he would find that it is not where Plato is going. This also is all too typical of the instant social media culture.


Plato is pointing out a potential danger of some approaches to reading that short-circuit the kind of internal and external dialogue and dialectic in thinking through something thoroughly enough to make it your own and really get it and retain it.


The best thing I've read about how an analogous scenario arises in a digital culture is in this book:




For a more accessible interview with the author:  Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Maryanne Wolf


Postscript apropos of nothing:


PS Audio Merch Store:




My present hat:


No Bad Trips Black Trucker Hat - Hats - killeracid.com


reminds me of a recent forum exchange in album of eve, that would go like this:


Snickering Guy with Audiophile Hat to me: "Do you really own that hat? Do you actually wear it? Honestly, do you genuinely like it? Lol, do you think it's cool or that it is actually tasteful? Do you think it's appropriate for this occasion?"


Me: "WTF, dude, are you the fucking fashion police? Take a hit off this and look again. Or not, whatever. BTW, I'm not actually a member of your club. I love, love, love me some musiks, but the canonical  tribalism is so booooooring!"  🙃

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26 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:


This is brilliant, and relevant to this discussion, I think. It is from Plato's Phaedrus and it's a good translation. Unfortunately, what Paul McGowan extrapolates from this (Hands on) doesn't work as a reading of the text. Paul would have to show how he gets here and he would find that it is not where Plato is going. This also is all too typical of the instant social media culture.


Plato is pointing out a potential danger of some approaches to reading that short-circuit the kind of internal and external dialogue and dialectic in thinking through something thoroughly enough to make it your own and really get it and retain it.


The best thing I've read about how an analogous scenario arises in a digital culture is in this book:



For a more accessible interview with the author:  Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Maryanne Wolf


How will AI affect this dilemma? I don't know.


It may be of interest for intellectual discussion, but it does nothing to explain or understand what is happening in the world. This world is fucked. Reflection is no help, so we can resort to listening Beethoven's quartets or Sibelius' symphonies while there is electricity. 

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7 minutes ago, AnotherSpin said:


It may be of interest for intellectual discussion, but it does nothing to explain or understand what is happening in the world. This world is fucked. Reflection is no help, so we can resort to listening Beethoven's quartets or Sibelius' symphonies while there is electricity. 

I respect that this is an honest, heartfelt expression of your situation, and that you love classical music and find perhaps deep solace in it.


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5 minutes ago, christopher3393 said:

I respect that this is an honest, heartfelt expression of your situation, and that you love classical music and find perhaps deep solace in it.



Thank you. Do you believe someone's situation is different? Not counting the people of the Kingdom of Bhutan, of course.


I find solace in buying vegetables on the food market mostly. 


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1 hour ago, christopher3393 said:

I was able to trace this to the likely late 19th century source

What about "Thoughts and Apophthegms" from 1876.?  


1 hour ago, AnotherSpin said:

This world is fucked. Reflection is no help

It is IMO. Someone has shown in a serious study that awareness itself is a powerful tool and if only 25% of the society is deeply convinced of the righteousness of a given change, the change comes. This is probably the only reason to be optimistic.. At the same time it can't solve all the problems obviously.



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13 minutes ago, sphinxsix said:

What about "Thoughts and Apophthegms" from 1876.?  


It is IMO. Someone has shown in a serious study that awareness itself is a powerful tool and if only 25% of the society is deeply convinced of the righteousness of a given change, the change comes. This is probably the only reason to be optimistic.. At the same time it can't solve all the problems obviously.




99,99999...% of the society is deeply convinced in various types of nonsense. What change in particular you expect from this?


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7 minutes ago, AnotherSpin said:


Cockroaches don't invent religions, start wars, invent pandemics, or change genders, so what's the harm? None.


Invent pandemics or change genders..? They don't, true.. 


I will stop here, will only add that..

24 minutes ago, sphinxsix said:

Maybe survival of something more than cockroaches on this planet, only maybe..  🙃



..maybe the end of some human cockroaches.. eg the masters of war, to go back to the music.. 😎


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8 minutes ago, sphinxsix said:


Invent pandemics or change genders..? They don't, true.. 


I will stop here, will only add that..


..maybe the end of some human cockroaches.. eg the masters of war, to go back to the music.. 😎



Hey, all humans are good by design. They just don't know how to control their thoughts. They invent vaccines for diseases that don't exist, even though the only vaccine they need is against other people's thoughts. And all thoughts are other people's thoughts. All minds are clean and beautiful, as long as they don't get stuff in them.

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46 minutes ago, AnotherSpin said:

Hey, all humans are good by design.

I really dunno..


On 5/18/2023 at 6:02 AM, AnotherSpin said:

AI is wrong. We can not control our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.


48 minutes ago, AnotherSpin said:

They just don't know how to control their thoughts.




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7 hours ago, sphinxsix said:

I really dunno..







Agree, it looks inconsistent, I'll clarify. People can not remove a single thought out of the mind, they can only witness how one thought substitutes the other thought without their volition and even participation. However, no need to get excited about. Thoughts come, thoughts go, we stay. We stay, things go. Nothing to control in reality.


When people start trying to control, thoughts or things, whatever, problems arise. When problems reach a critical level, everything goes to hell.

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On 5/19/2023 at 1:36 AM, PYP said:

creepy.  period.  


how are these robots ever going to place an album on the turntable and handle the rest of the task reliably?  

Like this:


Windows 11 PC, Roon, HQPlayer, Focus Fidelity convolutions, iFi Zen Stream, Paul Hynes SR4, Mutec REF10, Mutec MC3+USB, Devialet 1000Pro, KEF Blade.  Plus Pro-Ject Signature 12 TT for playing my 'legacy' vinyl collection. Desktop system; RME ADI-2 DAC fs, Meze Empyrean headphones.

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6 hours ago, Confused said:

Like this:


I remember that TT.  Well, no, I was thinking more like:  Sir, what would you like to listen to today.  May I suggest ....  Here, let me clean that for you and put it on the table.  There.  A little brandy perhaps?  A kind of AI valet that takes the boredom out of handling physical media (wouldn't say that outside this little thread 😝 )

Grimm Audio MU2 > Mola Mola Makua > Mola Mola Kaluga > B&W 803 D3    

Cables: Kubala-Sosna    Power management: Shunyata    Room: Vicoustics    Ethernet: Network Acoustics Muon Pro


“Nature is pleased with simplicity.”  Isaac Newton

"As neither the enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes are faculties of the least use to man...they must be ranked among the most mysterious with which he is endowed."  Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man

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Five articles on AI on today's Reuters site..

Welcome to the future!

Among others Bill Gates says that top AI agent will replace search, shopping sites.

He's also highly impressed with Inflection AI  - a personal AI developed among others by Mustafa Suleyman of Deep Mind.


"Suleyman positions Inflection as the challenger who, compared to Big Tech AI rivals like Google, might keep users more top of mind. “They have their own objectives,” he argued, from higher user engagement to advertising and online sales. “What we're trying to do is provide a personal AI that is singularly aligned to your interests, that's really yours. It’s on your team, it’s in your corner.”


Who wouldn't like to have a powerful AI assistant in his corner, even if it'd 'hallucinate' every now and then..



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