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John Atkinson: Yes, MQA IS Elegant...

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I find it noteworthy that @John_Atkinson's article frames itself as a response to the criticism that he's called MQA "elegant." Given that "elegance" isn't the description for which Atkinson has gotten the bulk of the criticism directed at him in what he calls the "fracas" over MQA, it appears he's cherry-picking the criticism he wants to defend himself against, which has the ancillary effect of absenting all other criticisms of his pro-MQA statements from the article.


That said, I think his article is a very well-written, informative recitation of the case for minimizing pre-ringing (aka prioritizing time-domain accuracy) in digital filtering. Anyone who's not already well-versed in this issue (either by professional training or from doing a lot of reading) would, I think, benefit from it.


There does seem to be one major logical (or perhaps evidentiary) gap in the piece, though: He cites a listening test that failed to turn up audible evidence that pre-ringing causes problems (except in an intentionally worst-case filter where all the ringing is pre-ringing). Then almost immediately he nevertheless speculates that pre-ringing nevertheless could be an issue (by wondering if higher sample rates are pleasing to folks because they move ringing out of the audible range) - and then quickly moves on from there to strongly imply that pre-ringing is indeed a problem, despite the lack of evidence in the listening test mentioned just a couple of paragraphs above.


Folks can of course read the piece for themselves, so they don't have to blindly accept my characterization of it - the portion I'm referring to is on Page 2 of the web article linked to in the first post of this thread.

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