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Audio Blind Testing

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3 hours ago, gmgraves said:

He only writes in vague generalities, never with anything specific. What equipment does he use in order to get this "perfect" recreation of the sound field? How does he manage to get this great imaging, even from multi-track, multi-miked recordings that don't have any real image, just a bunch of pan-potted instruments artificially lined up from right-to-left? What is this perfect amplifier he has that's so much better than the ones everyone else here is using? He never says. What are we to glean from this lack of disclosure? 


I glean that he is like GUTB

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9 hours ago, Fokus said:

Who pushed Alex' REPEAT button?






The crazy seems to come on at certain times of day - not sure why 



Anyone who claims that double blind testing is a "silly game" is extremely ignorant and not an audiophile.  Maybe an audiofool; maybe an anti-VAXer...

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Buying or making good equipment is a blind numbing waste of time for Audiophiles who just want to listen to music for their enjoyment.


Most idiots don't give a damn for the continuing demands by scientists to validate every medicine  they take.


 If you feel the need to avoid valid testing, science and engineering all the time, then perhaps you are a member of the wrong forum ?  Or your drugs are not working well.

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1 minute ago, sandyk said:


 Unless you have anything better than insults and sarcastic remarks to make, why don't you leave replies to others who are able to make On Topic replies ? 

It would appear that you get a kick out of deliberately trying to disrupt all threads where you don't agree with those who have opposing views to your own.  



I do indeed 'disrupt' idiocy by pointing out or making some fun of it.  That applies to audio (where consumers can be damaged by such idiotic remarks) as well as things with worse outcomes.


You really need to calm down and behave yourself.

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1 hour ago, kumakuma said:



Who died and left you in charge?



Don't forget that the Audio Ayatollah has issued a Fatwah against the use of science


He did, however, make one point that is good to the extent it is relevant:

- some audio gear has gotten better since some tests were done

- but this is only relevant for specific gear compared, and it seems he did not read the several studies showing the importance of confirmation bias in general

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38 minutes ago, sandyk said:


It's even sadder when arguably the most powerful nation on earth ,which is committed to Freedom and quality of life,  is virtually the only country not to commit to reducing the effects of man made emissions, and excesses, including deforestation.

Even if the main problem eventually turns out to be due to a natural cycle, doing so may help to reduce the harm to mankind, and other species a little . 

Recently in Sydney , and elsewhere in N.S.W. we saw several colonies of Bats lose hundreds of mainly younger bats who had their brains fried by the excessive heat, and Wild Life people trying to save others by wrapping the distressed bats in wet towels, and spraying water on them.


Perhaps it's time we tried to get away from the "Greed is Good" philosophy of major corporations, including the Banking sector ?


all true, but don't blame me for the Groper in Chief


my rxn was to your incorrect claim that scientists differ on whether climate change and global warming is a natural cycle - it isn't; they don't


What we are seeing today is warming with about a decade lag from CO2 emissions - the lag times are asymmetric, and if CO2 emissions went to zero tomorrow at 8 am, atmospheric levels (and consequent warming) would last centuries to millennia


Drumfk's minions have not removed this web site yet:




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name the climate scientists, please



the Kochs hired a physicist to "investigate" global warming a few years ago - he was a bit out of the area but skeptical of the claims - after he looked into it he changed his mind


the forest fires are human caused (nearly all ignition events in the US are from humans) and exacerbated by climate change

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Yes, I know - mine was damaged at about age 12 - lightning struck a tree next to me on a Boy Scoot camping trip, creating a notch hearing loss at 4 kHz.


Unfortunately, it did NOT prevent me from hearing the differences between expensive and very expensive components...


You are right about the teens.  maybe hearing loss will make them into visual artists...

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