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MQA is Vaporware

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Even as of a few days ago, the shamless Stereohile editors post this "review":



This piece of rubbish writing stood out:

"I think I am developing a sweet tooth. Something just felt "right," to pick one simplistic word, about the sonic product MQA achieves. Played back via Tidal Connect, the sound on Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster (24/96 MQA, Verve/Tidal) was startlingly fine."

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1 hour ago, JoeWhip said:

I am not a psychiatrist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so here goes. The MQA and the audio press issue is a complicated one. Some may generally prefer the sound. That is OK. Some fell prey to the sales job of Mr. Stuart or the audio show demos where they were first told what they would hear and as most folks do, thought they heard it. Some of those folks will realize they were duped, others will not admit for varied reasons, such as embarrassment. Some for financial reasons. Others will hold on due to their feelings that they know more than the masses. Those folks will never admit they are wrong because their self worth is tied up into their belief structure. By all accounts, MQA is an abject failure, but those true believers will go down with the ship At least the rest of us have options for listening not tied to MQA. For that we should be happy.

Sir, a beautifully crafted analysis. I agree.


But then we still need to ask the question. WHY were this relatively small group of reviewers the virtually the only ones that time after time, were enamored with the sound of MQA, when it  is clearly, very clearly, a distorted version of the master file. The fact that a fool like Fremer was able to get away with saying "IF digital sounded THIS good 30 years ago, I would be all in"...not, to mention the countless absurd observations by others


There comes a point where subjectiveness reaches its end. One can claim they "like" the tasted of grilled cardboard better than fillet mignon, but since the vast majority of sane people don't, it does not make some outlier more valid, just ridiculous, actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure who is a bigger joke, this FX clown, or these reviewers, who still bring it upon themselves to mention MQA in every write up, despite the fact it of vast public knowledge MQA is a dead rotting corpse both from a business aspect and as a "format".





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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, John_Atkinson said:


I am beginning to think that some people lack comprehension skills. I did not say MQA is "not lossy." What I wrote was that "While it is true that the bits in an MQA-encoded file are not the same as those in the original hi-rez file, this does not necessarily mean that the format is 'lossy' in the manner that MP3, AAC, etc are lossy." You omitted the final 9 words in that sentence, thus misrepresenting my statement.


If you look at the measurements I have performed on lossy codecs like MP3 and AAC - see https://www.stereophile.com/features/308mp3cd/index.html - and APT-X and A2DP - see https://www.stereophile.com/content/chord-chordette-gem-da-processor-measurements - you can see that these codecs discard real music information and compromise the analog noisefloor in order to reduce the bitrate. MQA behaves differently from those codecs, and while the unfolded/upsampled bits are not identical to those in the original hi-rez PCM file, in theory no music information is lost and the analog noisefloor is that of the original recording.


All I am saying that MQA is different in principle to codecs like MP3 etc. You are welcome, of course, to regard it as "lossy"


John Atkinson

Technical Editor, Stereophile

You sir, are one of the most disingenuous and dishonest people I have ever encountered in the hifi industry. You led gullible fools down the primrose path. The egg on your face is so thick it would take a hammer and chisel  to scrape it off.


When you don't have the dignity to admit you were wrong about MQA is a question that will be asked for years to come. No one wonder you were put out to pasture. 

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4 hours ago, John_Atkinson said:


I am beginning to think that some people lack comprehension skills. I did not say MQA is "not lossy." What I wrote was that "While it is true that the bits in an MQA-encoded file are not the same as those in the original hi-rez file, this does not necessarily mean that the format is 'lossy' in the manner that MP3, AAC, etc are lossy." You omitted the final 9 words in that sentence, thus misrepresenting my statement.


If you look at the measurements I have performed on lossy codecs like MP3 and AAC - see https://www.stereophile.com/features/308mp3cd/index.html - and APT-X and A2DP - see https://www.stereophile.com/content/chord-chordette-gem-da-processor-measurements - you can see that these codecs discard real music information and compromise the analog noisefloor in order to reduce the bitrate. MQA behaves differently from those codecs, and while the unfolded/upsampled bits are not identical to those in the original hi-rez PCM file, in theory no music information is lost and the analog noisefloor is that of the original recording.


All I am saying that MQA is different in principle to codecs like MP3 etc. You are welcome, of course, to regard it as "lossy"


John Atkinson

Technical Editor, Stereophile

How has this utter rubbish aged? 

"As MQA needs to be applied at the mastering stage in a recording's production, it doesn't improve the sound quality of your existing CD collection. It is really only relevant to downloads.

John Atkinson Editor, Stereophile".


Answer. Not well.

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4 hours ago, John_Atkinson said:


I am beginning to think that some people lack comprehension skills. I did not say MQA is "not lossy." What I wrote was that "While it is true that the bits in an MQA-encoded file are not the same as those in the original hi-rez file, this does not necessarily mean that the format is 'lossy' in the manner that MP3, AAC, etc are lossy." You omitted the final 9 words in that sentence, thus misrepresenting my statement.


If you look at the measurements I have performed on lossy codecs like MP3 and AAC - see https://www.stereophile.com/features/308mp3cd/index.html - and APT-X and A2DP - see https://www.stereophile.com/content/chord-chordette-gem-da-processor-measurements - you can see that these codecs discard real music information and compromise the analog noisefloor in order to reduce the bitrate. MQA behaves differently from those codecs, and while the unfolded/upsampled bits are not identical to those in the original hi-rez PCM file, in theory no music information is lost and the analog noisefloor is that of the original recording.


All I am saying that MQA is different in principle to codecs like MP3 etc. You are welcome, of course, to regard it as "lossy"


John Atkinson

Technical Editor, Stereophile

More utter garbage not based in reality. You can't possibly be that naive.


"1 understand that mastering with MQA uses Meridian's "apodizing filter" but fine-tuned to the actual A/D converter originally used. According to Bob Stuart, this is possible because 1) there is only a small population of professional A/D converters and 2) record companies actually keep good records on what converter was used for the original sessions and/or mastering. Almost all CDs from the early 1980s, for example, were mastered with one of the Sony PCM1600 family."

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, vortecjr said:

I’m simply saying that it’s not as hard as was pointed out to update it because the first stage decoding was taking place on a hand full of servers. Was Audirvana another server decoding. 

If the code was made open source who knows what might come of it. 

Yes, but again, nothing should come of it. MQA serves no purpose what so ever. It was a Get Rich Quick scheme that imploded and is in the scrap heap. Leave it there.

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