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a vintage Marantz 2230 receiver. I used to have one, was dumb and young and got rid of it. This will go into my office after being refurbished. So far it sounds pretty amazing!




Going to get this connected to a DAC here shortly, and plug one of my turntables into it as well. With some decent bookshelf speakers it will be a sweet little system!


No electron left behind.

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Pretty neat. I lusted after just that model when a student. Alas, I just never had the spare cash. Someone I knew had the largest version in that line up. Excellent feeling controls, and looked nice. Have no idea how the sound would stack up today, but at the time my friend had it driving some BIC speakers with famous or infamous Venturi Port. It would play loud rather effortlessly and sounded good compared to stuff like Bose or JBL that other folks had.


And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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"I don't have any other modern receivers to compare it to, but I do know that I do not like the sound of any modern ones I have heard, which admittedly is not too many."



You need to hear their new ones then. The little NR1402 and NR1602 are terrific little boxes. Listening to Pandora networked through one right now. Surprising sound for the money.



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Quite cool though! Where/how did you score it?


Digital: Schiit Yggy + Gumby, Meridian Explorer2

Headphone: Woo WA22, Audez'e LCD3, Beyerdynamic T1

Amplification: Pass Labs INT30A, Focal 1027be

Analog: VPI Classic, Soundsmith Zephy, EAR 834P

LastFM: WharfRatJustin

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after trying to get ahold of the seller for about a week I had given up, he finally called me back this morning. So I went to look at it. For being built in 1972 this thing is in amazing shape. One lamp is out, and that seems to be about it. Very strong FM reception, all inputs and outputs work. All the dials and knobs work and are smooth, no dust accumulations, etc... It has been very well taken care of. So anyway, I brought it home. I semi-regularly cruise craigslist for audio stuff. All sorts of interesting stuff comes up on there, mostly vintage turntables, but this was a treat to find.


No electron left behind.

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I remember when my father bought all his components at the time: Dual 1229 with Grace F8E, Marantz 2270 (same facing), Sony reel to reel tape, Pioneer cassette deck and a pair of Altec Santana speakers...


We for sure had a lot of parties then !


I would be proud to have such a beauty today...



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I bought the exact receiver and a pair of Klipsch Heresy speakers waaaaay back when I was in my 20's. I really wanted the model with the crazy built-in oscilloscope but I didn't have the scratch. I still remember the silky fine machined feel of the tuning wheel. And the sound. Connected them to a Denon direct drive turntable.


How come when we were young we were also stupid and didn't pack things up and make a promise to ourselves to open them in 30 years?













Mac Mini 2011, 60 gb SSD, 8gb ram; PureMusic & BitPerfect; Wavelength Audio Cosecant V3 DAC; Wireworld Silver Starlight usb interconnect; McIntosh C2200 preamp; pair of McIntosh MC252 SS amps run as monoblocks; vintage MC240 Tube amp and 50th Anniversary MC275 tube amps; Krell LAT-2\'s on Sound Anchors; JL Audio F112 subwoofer; Nirvana SX ltd interconnects and speaker cables and power cords; PS Audio P5

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I have a Denon DP-60 being refurbed right now that will get connected to this thing. I expect good things from the combo.


The reason we were young and stupid is that true wisdom can only come from experience. Something our younger selves did not have.


This whole thing just screams quality, from back when that meant something.


No electron left behind.

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It went for years, until the lamps got too hot and started to melt the meter housings.

That was the dark side :)

It also developed a fault in the output stage, a transistor shot, so it wasn't the same again, plus the humidity killed the Gyroscope Tuning strings.

Mind you it had to go, but that was after 25 years of good service though, good luck with yours Doc!


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I used to sell them back in the seventies and like a dummy I never bought one.


I hope to find one that I can have restored to use in a second system.


Very nice!




Mark B - 70's Audiophile Dinosaur - Mac Mini 2.3 i5 Lion - Dual RAID-1 LaCie 2big Quadra 2TB - - Burson DA160 - Audioquest Forest USB - Stock Burson interconnects - Jolida JD202BRC - 12 gauge zip with banana plugs - Mordaunt-Short Carnival 2s'

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