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Euphony OS w/Stylus player setup and issues thread

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32 minutes ago, maxst67 said:

Thanks, I would like to be clearer:

In fact, when I go to see the icon of my dac it tells me that the status is in play and also indicates with which song, but no sound comes out because the cursor does not move, playback does not start even if it indicates that it is in play. I have version 603 downloaded from Euphony home, is there a more updated version? how to download it? Thank you

I tried swapping to Stylus + HQPlayer and back to Stylus to resolve this. Will report this to Zeljko.

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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone else explored using the 5.11 kernel? It is more inline with my listening preferences. It sounds a bit more airy/refined/natural than 5.14 (the default kernel) in my system. 

I have some temporary components in my chain so that preference may change once I swap my permanent amp back in…will revisit 5.14 just to be sure.


Definitely worth listening to the other kernel imho.


Also, the kernels are still named “dev”. 

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13 hours ago, di-fi said:

Any particular reason you have Apacer RAM, or is it there because it’s just …there?

I had it years before the femto nvme existed. It made sense to ramroot with apacer samsung b-die based ram modules back then. Other Samsung B-die ram modules sound good as well.

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10 minutes ago, di-fi said:

Euphony. RAM is not important as long as you use M.2 Femto and no ram-root? That's all you need SSD wise (if it can fit all your music files)

I’m not authorized to approve that train of thought. I dont have ordinary ram to compare with.


Also, the Femto SSD I’m using is for OS only. The impact to SQ is larger than you’d expect. For storing music, I use a fairly standard Intel 670P. There is a 1TB femto SSD that may sound even better than the 670P. I have not tried it.


Worth noting, the Femto NVMe without external power sounded much more natural and resolving than my Intel 900p back when I compared the two running Euphony V3.

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37 minutes ago, di-fi said:

Femto M.2 configured with Euphony OS only , no ramroot, cache enabled* or not?

No music stored on Femto SSD (let's say a selection of favorites) for a sound quality reason?

When you explain you did not try the 1TB TLC, because it could/should be inferior?

Any reason to believe storing music files on a separate 1Gig Femto M.2 and OS on the smaller PSLC drive could improve (ignoring the $$). Or if one would have OS and music on two should they both be the smaller PSLT drives? 


I wouldn't get to hung up on these minor details. Regardless of the answer to the above questions, the Femto NVMe sounds great as an OS drive. Totally worth the cost without external power and even better with external power of high quality (both the mpaudio als-hpuln and DC4 were really good or the Femto NVME, DC4 is a lot better) as an OS drive.


As for the answer to the your questions, YMMV so get the drive first and try these combinations to draw your own conclusion.

  • I have tried enabling cache before, and it is currently not enabled (i've focused on larger more impactful adjustments lately and this didn't really grab my attention as a worthwhile configuration change).
  • I'd like to keep the OS drive as clean as possible so I do not store music on it. I haven't tried storing it on the Femto NVME.
  • I didn't try it because it wasn't available when I purchased the Femto NVME originally. Per the JCAT page (and per Darkforce) the 320gb version is supposed to sound better. Which is the better value proposition? I do not know. I've only used the 320gb version as OS drive so I cannot confirm if the 1tb drive for music storage vs the 320gb for OS has the larger impact.
  • Per my knowledge, the 320gb version sounds better. I would think the space is the sacrifice here. Smaller size and better SQ vs larger size and slight decrease in SQ regardless of the usecase. Thats the tradeoff.
    46 minutes ago, di-fi said:

    * Just to be clear about cache and it's location according to Euphony website: Option 'Use cache' is a convenience option which will make a copy of any song added to the queue from external resources (mounted USB drives or network shares) and put it in a special /data/Music/E_CACHE folder.

  • Yes, I have seen this partition and the music files in this location before.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
20 minutes ago, BCRich said:

Thanks Rob, if you notice it mention’s creating a backup to a different drive and notes what drive Euphony is currently installed on and gives you an option to pick a location to install said backup. Different from when you are finalizing the initial install from the USB Stick. Unless my installation was corrupt; but I had no issues in terms of usage.


Interesting. Where does it mention a backup though?


It's as if it isn't fully installed and is asking you to install again. Very odd. How did you get to this state again?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi All -

Has anyone attempted to use Intel i350 or i210 based fiber NICs with Euphony? Were you successful in this endeavor?


If so, did you need to use a specific kernel?


I can't get either of these NICs to pick up an IP on my network. It's as if the kernel does not properly detect either NIC. Of course, diagnostics are difficult with Euphony being so locked down. Interested in hearing the experiences of others. I figure i'll ask here and also open a ticket with Euphony support.


Worth noting:
1. The SFPs I'm using are indeed compatible with the fiber nic.

2. The NIC was tested and confirmed to be functional prior to sending it to me (and the source is trustworthy).


Cheers and TGIF all.



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