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How much does it cost to be an audiophile?

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9 hours ago, fas42 said:

Cryptic? From where I stand I find it quite loony how many audiophiles address improving their system - akin to the owner of a Ferrari buying very expensive, multi-coloured wheel nuts, or changing the fabric of the seat covers, and how they're stitched - so that "it goes better" ... ummm ...

And you weld the wheels in place.

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7 minutes ago, Audiophile Neuroscience said:

yeh Frank, and the way that works, reducing handicap, is to get the ball in the hole. The more hole-in-ones the lower your handicap and the more transparent and real is your game is, grok it. It is instantly apparent when you hit it right coz the ball goes in the hole. It is so simple that most golfaphiles miss this altogether, they don't grok. I have a golfer friend down the road that didnt use to grok it but now, with my guidance , he groks it. He can hit golf balls into the hole from 100m. Hell he does it with a tennis racquet....and no strings even!! I don't know why you and others don't grok it. maybe because it's just too simple and overlooked. But don't worry, I will repeat here for you endlessly until you submit...err ..grok it!

Like this guy did: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/may/17/93-year-old-golfer-hole-in-one-ben-bender

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2 minutes ago, gmgraves said:

Also, they used to say that if you stop smoking, your body will repair the damage in a few years. Now we know that's not true. The damage done by smoking is is irreparable. I had a friend who smoked when he was younger but gave it up in his 30's. When he died at 69, the autopsy revealed that his lungs were so full of tar and nicotine that the strain that put on his heart was too great and it failed. Anecdotal, yes, but it seems to back up the findings that the body doesn't purge itself of the effects of smoking. 

Some damage might still be repaired, and giving up smoking will certainly end continued damage. Obviously, never taking up the habit in the first place is the best option.

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