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I've been looking for a high value Roon endpoint for my Dynaudio Focus XD 200 active speakers.   Decided to give the Allo a try and ordered one last Thursday 3/1.  It shipped from Bangalore IN and arrived at my doorstep today.   From opening the box to listening to music took me about 15 minutes.   Easy setup with the Allo/Dietpi GUI interface.  All you need is a modicum of networking knowledge and a web browser,  voila.   


The Dynaudio's are configured for direct two cable playback master/slave.   The Digione is connected to the Dynaudio with a Blue Jeans Coax SPDIF RCA/BNC cable.   Playing a bit perfect FLAC 192/24 file sounds pretty darn fine.  I'm impressed,  particularly for such a  high value component,  it won't win any beauty contests but sounds very good.  


I was previously feeding the Dynaudio's wirelessly using the Dynaudio connect USB port fed by the SOTM SMS200.  Direct connect wasn't possible with the SOTM because of the USB only output.  


I'm very, very pleased so far.  


Prior to the Dynaudio's my configuration was  SOTM SMS200 > Ayre QB9 DSD DAC > Ayre AX7E amp > Focal 1007BE.   I'm liking the current config significantly better,  less audiophile hardware in my media room and a highly flexible great sounding system.   Current config  is Allo Digione > Dynaudio Focus XD 200.  Two boxes,  love it.  



Allo JPEG.jpg

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11 hours ago, Boomboy said:

Nice one .. how does it sound compared to the sms 200 ? What power supply are you using on the digione ?


I use a pi with a hifiberry digi plus pro as my mid week system .. 


Impossible to do a direct comparison as the Allo is Coax SPDIF and the SOTM is USB only.   With that said and the many variables my ears tell me that the Allo/Dynaudio combination is at least as good perhaps a bit better than the SOTM/Ayre combo.   With such a low cost of entry for the Allo and streaming tech changing quickly I didn't want to spend lots more for Bricasti,  Lumin or similiar.   I'm very happy with the Allo Digione player. 

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  • 3 months later...

The Digione does not support USB,  Coax is what I'm using to the Dynaudio's.   I use a Macbook Pro as the Roon core and my library is on a NAS.  


Need to understand your system config better to attempt a suggestion.  Where is Roon core,  Where is music library?  etc.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for sharing.

As a fresh and proud :) owner of  Xeo 2, 6 and Connect I would really appreciate  some further insights.


Is your Roon core on multi purpose Macbook Pro? Wired of WiFI? I was reading about suggestions to have dedicated Roon core wired to same switch as endpoint (Digione). Is that necessary? I would like to avoid another computer :) and all of my PC's are on WiFi.


At the moment, besides CD transport, I use DLNA on Connect and Android BubbleUPnP app to access FLAC files on Lacie 2BIG NAS . It is not bad but it is buggy from time to time and I think Xeo's deserve something better :)


I was also thinking of Microrendu or SMS200 as I would like to keed SPDIF for my CD transport and use USB on Connect (Xeo 6 does not have any inputs). Did you by any chance compared Digione vs SMS via Connect?


Any suggestion would be much appreciated!


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On 6/26/2018 at 10:28 AM, Makiman said:

Is your Roon core on multi purpose Macbook Pro? Wired of WiFI?


Roon Core is on a dedicated Macbook Pro all connections are wired and my experience is that unless you have exceptionally robust wifi signal to your equipment wireless can be a challenge.  

On 6/26/2018 at 10:28 AM, Makiman said:

Did you by any chance compared Digione vs SMS via Connect?


Not in an exhaustive,  objective way.  The SMS sounds great to my ears and the Digione hard wired to the Dyanudio's is at least as good and probably better sounding.  


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